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11 votes

Like, moves the Pokemon can't learn, or abilities the mon doesn't have, or evolved before the evolution level.

Wondering because in my Oak Platinum, the father&daughter duo above the town with the day care, the dude has a level 24 Rapidash.

How many other examples of this are there, and where?

(Thinks of Lance.)
Does this also count the in-game facilities such as the Battle Frontier? Because if so, in Pokémon Emerald, there's this Gligar set that has Guillotine in the Level 50 Battle Factory Challenge, despite Gligar being able to learn Guillotine at Level 52.
https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Game_move_errors There might be another article about underleveled Pokemon, but I can't find it right now.
Like lvl 9 Pidgeotto (Faulkner) in gen 2 games and lvl 24 Manectric (Wattson) in gen 3 games?
Ghetsis uses lvl. 52 Hydreigon in B2/W2 games. Infact, it evolves from Zweilous at lvl. 64!
The answer to this will probably be very long
all Npc's with version exclusives also Lance has a hacked dragonite
Version exclusives cannot be termed as hacked because, they can be legitimately obtained!

1 Answer

7 votes
Best answer

All Pokémons evolved before evolution level:

(Excuse me! I wouldn't include Rocket grunts or scientists because they tons of underlevelled 'mons)

Red & Blue:

  • Route 11 - Engineer (Bernie) - has a lvl 18 Magneton (evolves at lvl 30)
  • Rock Tunnel - Hiker (Lucas) - has a lvl 21 Graveler (evolves at lvl 25)
  • Route 8 - Super Nerd (Glenn) - has a lvl 22 Muk (evolves at lvl 38)
  • Route 8 - Gambler - has a lvl 22 Poliwhirl (evolves at lvl 25)
  • Pokemon Tower 5F - 2 Channelers - have lvl 22 and 23 Haunters (evolves at lvl 25)
  • Saffron Gym - Psychic (Cameron) - has a lvl 33 Slowbro (evolves at lvl 37)
  • Route 16 - Biker (Hideo) - has a lvl 33 Weezing (evolves at lvl 35)
  • Route 17 - Biker (Ruben) - has two lvl 28 Weezings
  • Route 17 - Biker (Billy) - has a lvl 33 Muk
  • Route 17 - Cue Ball (Jamal)- has a lvl 26 Machoke (evolves at lvl 28)
  • Route 17 - Biker (Jaxon) - has lvl 29 Weezing and Muk
  • Route 17 - Biker (Williams) has 2 lvl 29 Weezings (25 in FrLg)
  • Route 14 - Biker (Gerald) - has a lvl 29 Muk
  • Route 15 - Biker (Ernest)- has a lvl 29 Weezing (25 in FR, LG)
  • Route 15 - Bird Keeper (Chester)- has a lvl 28 Dodrio (It evolves at lvl 31)

Note: The names in bracket are in FrLg


  • Route 6 - Jr. Trainer - has a lvl 16 Raticate.
    The rest same as Red and Blue.

Gold & Silver:

  • Violet Gym - Faulkner - has a lvl 9 Pidgeotto (evolves at lvl 18)
  • Union Cave - Hiker Phillip - has a lvl 23 Graveller
  • Ecruteak Gym - Medium Grace, Medium Martha - have lvl 20 Haunters + Other Haunters
  • Route 38 - Beauty Valerie - has lvl 17 Skiploom (It evolves at lvl 18) (not in HGSS)
  • Route 39 - Sailer Eugene - has lvl 17 Poliwhirl and Raticate
  • Glitter Lighthouse - Sailor Huey - has a lvl 18 Poliwhirl + Other Poliwhirls
  • Route 41 - Sailor Charlie - has a lvl 19 Tentacruel (evolves at lvl 30)
  • Route 41 - Swimer Kailee - has a lvl 20 Seaking (evolves at lvl 33)
  • Route 43 - Camper Spencer - has a lvl 17 Sandslash (evolves at lvl 22)
  • Route 43 - Fisher Marvin - has lvl 10 and 15 Gyarados (evolves at lvl 20) (Not in HGSS)
  • Route 43 - PokéManiac Ben - has lvl 19 Slowbro (Not in HGSS)
  • Mahogany Gym - Boarder Ronald - has a lvl 25 Dewgong (evolves at lvl 34)
    (Other Dewgongs in Mahogany Gym)
  • Mahogany Gym - Pryce - has a lvl 31 Piloswine (evolves at lvl 33)
  • Route 26 - Cooltrainer Beth - has a lvl 36 Rapidash (evolves at lvl 40) (not in HGSS)
  • Indigo Plateau - Lance - has 3 Dragonites, 2 of lvl 47, 1 of lvl 50 (evolves at lvl 55)
  • Saffron Gym - Medium Doris - has a lvl 36 Slowbro
  • Route 8 - Super Nerd Sam - has a lvl 34 Muk

Ruby & Sapphire:

  • Mauville Gym - Wattson - has a lvl 23 Magneton
  • Route 114 - Sr. and Jr. Tyra & Ivy - have a lvl 21 Graveler
  • Mt. Chimney - Maxie (Ruby) - has a lvl 25 Camerupt (evolves at lvl 33)
  • Mt. Chimney - Archie (Sapphire) - has a lvl 25 Sharpedo (evolves at lvl 30)
  • Petalburg Gym - Norman - has two Slakings of lvl 28 and 31 (evolves at lvl 36)
  • Fortree Gym - Winona - has a lvl 33 Altaria (evolves at lvl 35)
  • Route 121 - Sr. and Jr. Kate & Joy - have a lvl 32 Slaking
  • Route 123 - Cool Trainer Clyde - has a lvl 29 Magneton
  • Magma Hideout (Ruby) - Magma Admin Tabitha - has a lvl 32 Camerupt

Note: Included Magma Hideout because it would be too less without them. And I would add the Villian's Pokemons further.


  • Mauville Gym - Wattson - has a lvl 24 Manectric (evolves at lvl 26)
  • Lavaridge Gym - Flannery - has a lvl 26 Camerupt
  • Desert - Ruin Maniac Byran - has a lvl 22 Sandslash
  • Route 115 - Triathlete Kyra - has a lvl 26 Dodrio
  • Route 108 - Cool Trainer Carolina - has two lvl 24 Manectrics
  • Route 108 - Swimmer Jerome - has a lvl 25 Tentacruel (evolves at lvl 30)
  • Route 109 - Fisherman Carter - has a lvl 25 Tentacruel
  • Route 123 - Cooltrainer Braxton - has a lvl 28 Magneton

The rest are the same from RS except Clyde and Norman (has lvl 31 slaking only).

FireRed & LeafGreen:

  • Route 11 - Engineer Braxton - has a lvl 21 Magneton
  • Route 11 - Youngster Yasu - has a lvl 17 Raticate
  • Rock Tunnel (B1F) - Hiker Dudley - has a lvl 21 Graveler
  • Route 10 - HikerTrent - has a lvl 19 Graveler.
  • Route 8 - Biker Ricardo - has a lvl 23 Grimer
  • Route 8 - Gamer Stan - has a lvl 22 Polihirl
  • Pokemon Tower 5F - Channeler Tammy - has a lvl 22 Haunter
  • Young Couple Lea & Jed - has a lvl 29 Rapidash
  • Route 14 - Biker Lukas - has a lvl 26 Grimer
  • Route 15 - Biker Alex - has a lvl 28 Weezing
  • Route 19/20 - Swimmer Axle - has a lvl 27 Tentacruel
  • Route 19/20 - Swimmer Alice & Anya - have two Seakings of lvl 30 and 27

Diamond & Pearl:

  • Valley Windworks - Commander Mars - has a lvl 16 Purugly (evolves at lvl 38)
  • Team Galatic Eterna Building - Commander Jupiter - has a lvl 20 Skuntank (evolves at lvl 34)
  • Veilstone Gym - Black Belt Darren - has two lvl 25 Machokes
    (Other Machokes in the gym)
  • Route 214 - Psychic Mitchell - has a lvl 23 Haunter.
  • Fuego Ironworks - Worker Conrad - has a lvl 33 Rapidash


  • Valley Windworks - Commander Mars - has a lvl 17 Purugly (evolves at lvl 38)
  • Team Galatic Eterna Building - Commander Jupiter - has a lvl 23 Skuntank (evolves at lvl 34)
  • Hearthome Gym - Ace Trainer Allen - has a lvl 24 Haunter
    (other Haunters in the Gym)
  • Route 210 - Belle & Pa Ava & Matt - have a lvl 24 Rapidash
  • Route 215 - Ace Trainer Dennis - has a lvl 24 Drifblim (evolves at lvl 28)
  • Pastoria Gym - Fisherman Erick - has a lvl 31 Seaking
  • Sevenstars Restaurant - Socialite Rebecca - has a lvl 27 Purugly
  • Route 216 - Ace Trainer Maria - has a lvl 39 Rapidash

HeartGold & SoulSilver:

  • Route 35 - Bird Keeper Byran - has a lvl 14 Pidgeotto
  • Olivine City - Beauty Charlotte - has a lvl 16 Bellossom (Gloom evolves at lvl 21)
  • Cianwood City - Eusine - has a lvl 27 Electrode (evolves at lvl 30)
  • Route 42 - Hiker Benjamin - has a lvl 17 Dugtrio
  • Route 43 - PokéManiac Beckettt - has lvl 20 Slowbro
  • **Mahogany Town (Rocket HQ) - Lance (ally) - has a lvl 40 Dragonite
  • Route 26 - Ace Trainer Jamie - has a lvl 36 Rapidash

Black & White:

  • Castelia Gym - Burgh - has a lvl 21 Whirlipede (evolves at lvl 22) (not in B2W2)
  • Route 7 - Youngster Parker - has a lvl 29 Scolipede (evolves at lvl 30)
  • P2 Laboratory - Scientist Nathan - has a lvl 35 Garbodor (evolves at 36)
  • Opelucid Gym - Drayden / Iris - have lvl 43 Haxorus (evolves at lvl 48)
  • Team Plasma Ghetsis - has a lvl 54 Hydreigon (evolves at 64)

Black 2 & White 2:

  • Virbank Gym - Roxie - has a lvl 17-19 Whirlipede
  • Driftveil Gym - Clay - has a lvl 28 Krokorok (evolves at lvl 29)
  • Team Plasma Ghetsis - has a lvl 52 Hydreigon
  • Pokémon League - Champion Iris - has a lvl 56 Hydreigon

X & Y:

  • Route 5 - Rising Star Hamish - has a lvl 13 Kadabra (evolves at lvl 16)
  • Battle Chateau - Countess Adele - has a lvl 25 Shelgon (evolves at lvl 30)
  • Battle Chateau - Countess Eliane - has a lvl 25 Lairon (evolves at lvl 32)
  • Battle Chateau - Countess Patricia - has a lvl 25 Doublade (evolves at lvl 35)
  • Battle Chateau - Earl Sancy - has a lvl 25 Dragonair (evolves at lvl 30)
  • Battle Chateau - Earl Lesotho - has a lvl 25 Fraxure (evolves at lvl 38)
  • Battle Chateau - Marchioness Amandine - has a lvl 35 Avalugg (evolves at lvl 37)
  • Battle Chateau - Marchioness Amelie - has a lvl 35 Wailord (evolves at lvl 40)
  • Pokéball Factory - Two Team Flare Grunts - have Scraggy of lvl 36-37 (evolves at lvl 39)

OmegaRuby & AlphaSapphire:

  • Route 109 - Ace Trainer Portia - has a lvl 28 Magcargo (evolves at lvl 38)
  • Mauville Gym - Wattson - has a lvl 21 Magneton
  • Mt. Chimney - Maxie (OR) - has a lvl 27 Camerupt + other Camerupts
  • Mt. Chimney - Archie (AS) - has a lvl 27 Sharpedo + other Sharpedos
  • Petalburg Gym - Norman - has two Slakings of lvl 28 and 30
  • Secrat Base Guild - Aarune - has a lvl 23 Flygon (evolves at lvl 45)

Sun & Moon:

  • Almost all Totems
  • Ten Carat Hill - Captain Illima - has a lvl 15 Gumshoos (evolves at lvl 20)
  • Diglett's Tunnel - Black Belt Greg - has a lvl 23 Hariyama (evolves at lvl 24)
  • Malie City (outer cape) - Janitor Shawn - has a lvl 27 Muk
  • Route 12 - Scientist Jayson - has a lvl 29 Magneton
  • Secluded Shore - Swimmer Robert - has a lvl 29 Whiscash (evolves at lvl 30)
  • Route 16 - Scientist Reid - has a lvl 33 Muk
  • Aether Paradise - Employee in Hallway - has a lvl 37 Muk

Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon:

  • Almost all Totems
  • Tapu Village - Veteran Angus - has a lvl 36 Sliggoo (evolves at lvl 40)
  • Route 16 - Scientist Reid - has a lvl 33 Muk
  • Poni Breaker Coast - Swimmer Derek has a lvl 44 Dragalge (evolves at lvl 44)

Sword & Shield:

  • Motostoke Stadium - Kabu - has a lvl 27 Centiskorch (evolves at lvl 28)
  • Stow on Side Stadium - (Shield) Allister - has a lvl 35 Cursola (evolves at lvl 38)
  • Route 10 - Interviewers Gillian and Cam - have a lvl 46 Klinklang (evolves at lvl 49)

(I may have missed some, since I didn't use Bulbapedia source for SM/USUM/SWSH)

Game Move Errors

  • RB - Lance - Dragonite - Barrier

Lance's Dragonite knows Barrier in Red & Blue, Dragonite couldn't know this move until Gen-6.

  • GSC - Lance - Aerodactyl - Rock Slide

Lance's Aerodactyl knows Rock Slide in the Gen-2 games, Aerodactyl couldn't know this move until Gen-3.

  • Emerald - Cooltrainer Dianne - Lanturn - Earthquake

In Pokémon Emerald's Victory Road, Cooltrainer Dianne's Lanturn knows Earthquake, Lanturn can't know this move.

  • BW - School Kid Ann - Wormadam - Leaf Storm

On Unova Route 12, School Kid Ann's Sandy Cloak Wormadam knows the move Leaf Storm, Sandy Cloak cannot know this move, only Plant Cloak can.

  • SM - Totem Wishiwashi - Ally Alomomola - Water Gun

In the battle against Totem Wishiwashi at Brooklet Hill, the Totem Pokémon can summon an ally Alomomola which knows Water Gun, Alomomola cannot know this move.

  • LPGE - Hiker Jim - Onix - Wrap

In the Underground Path (Kanto Routes 7-8), Onix Master Jim has an Onix that knows Wrap, Onix cannot know this move.

Moves that are learnt at early level:

(In this list, we will look on to those moves learnt at early level, and the previous evolution/s can't learn this move at all, so it cannot be obtained by Breeding, thus it is illegal.)

  • GSC - Pryce - Piloswine - Fury Attack (level 31, it should learn at level 33).
  • RSE - Sidney - Shiftry - Extrasensory (level 48, although Shiftry doesn't learn this move until level 49 as a Nuzleaf).
  • RSE - Winona - Altaria - Dragon Dance (level 33, it should learn at lvl 40).
  • Emerald - Norman - Linoone - Slash (level 29, it should learn at lvl 41).
  • Platinum - Bertha - Rhyperior - Rock Wrecker (level 55, it should learn at lvl 61).
  • B2W2 - Bianca - Purrloin - Growl (level 2, it should learn at lvl 3).
  • SwSh - Corvin - Dracozolt - Bolt Beak (level 58, it should learn at level 63)
  • SwSh - Terry - Dracovish - Fishious Rend (Fishious Rend at level 57, it should learn at level 63).

Not included Battle Frontier since it is Post-Game.

Bulbapedia -> Game move errors

edited by
Blaze, feel free to post another answer. I think this one is good enough as it is, but if you want to add more, you can post a second answer to bypass the character limit and ill give another upvote for the effort :)
Just being picky, but Mars’s Purugly is level 17 in Platinum and Jupiter’s Skuntank is level 23.
Thanks, I didn't observe!
Everyone always forgets about that poor level 11 magmar that evolved 20 levels early in crystal
In the post-game Iono fight she has a Luxray with Wild Charge that's below level 80.