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0 votes

This can be looked up here easily!!
clearing flags because that page is outdated
No, that page is updated! What is the difference while comparing it with this answer?
It currently doesn't mention Magnezone, but the answer does.

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

Fire Stone Fire Stone I
Causes Vulpix to evolve into Ninetales
Causes Growlithe to evolve into Arcanine
Causes Eevee to evolve into Flareon
Causes Pansear to evolve into Simisear
Water Stone Water Stone I
Causes Poliwhirl to evolve into Poliwrath
Causes Shellder to evolve into Cloyster
Causes Staryu to evolve into Starmie
Causes Eevee to evolve into Vaporeon
Causes Lombre to evolve into Ludicolo
Causes Panpour to evolve into Simipour
Thunder Stone Thunder Stone I
Causes Pikachu to evolve into Raichu (outside of Alola) or Alolan Raichu (in Alola)
Causes Magneton to evolve into MagnezoneSwSh
Causes Eevee to evolve into Jolteon
Causes Eelektrik to evolve into Eelektross
Causes Charjabug to evolve into VikavoltSwSh
Leaf Stone Leaf Stone I
Causes Gloom to evolve into Vileplume
Causes Weepinbell to evolve into Victreebel
Causes Exeggcute to evolve into Exeggutor (outside of Alola) or Alolan Exeggutor (in Alola)
Causes Eevee to evolve into LeafeonSwSh
Causes Nuzleaf to evolve into Shiftry
Causes Pansage to evolve into Simisage
Moon Stone Moon Stone I
Causes Nidorina to evolve into Nidoqueen
Causes Nidorino to evolve into Nidoking
Causes Clefairy to evolve into Clefable
Causes Jigglypuff to evolve into Wigglytuff
Causes Skitty to evolve into Delcatty
Causes Munna to evolve into Musharna
Sun Stone Sun Stone II
Causes Gloom to evolve into Bellossom
Causes Sunkern to evolve into Sunflora
Causes Cottonee to evolve into Whimsicott
Causes Petilil to evolve into Lilligant
Causes Helioptile to evolve into Heliolisk
Shiny Stone Shiny Stone IV
Causes Togetic to evolve into Togekiss
Causes Roselia to evolve into Roserade
Causes Minccino to evolve into Cinccino
Causes Floette to evolve into Florges
Dusk Stone Dusk Stone IV
Causes Murkrow to evolve into Honchkrow
Causes Misdreavus to evolve into Mismagius
Causes Lampent to evolve into Chandelure
Causes Doublade to evolve into Aegislash
Dawn Stone Dawn Stone IV
Causes male Kirlia to evolve into Gallade
Causes female Snorunt to evolve into Froslass
Ice Stone Ice Stone VII
Causes Alolan Sandshrew to evolve into Alolan Sandslash
Causes Alolan Vulpix to evolve into Alolan Ninetales
Causes Eevee to evolve into GlaceonSwSh
Causes Galarian Darumaka to evolve into Galarian Darmanitan


I hate copying and pasting tables.

Hope this helps! :)

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I think you quoted that entire thing towards here!!
What do you mean?