PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
2 votes
Which game are you asking about? Whose stats do you want to lower? Are you battling against other people, in-game trainers, or something else?
In-game trainers.
And black and white 2.
Why do you want to lower their stats? Why don't you just attack them?
Which stats? You mean stats that get lowered by itself from the user e.g. Close Combat or those that lower of enemies?
In-gamely, lowering stats are unnecessary. Battles in-game are only about 1-10 mins, just attack, lowering stats will drag out the battle.

3 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Snarl - commonly used in doubles formats, Snarl is a great way to lower the Special Attack of multiple opponents. It works well on Incineroar and Arcanine due to them also having Intimidate, lowering the Attack of the opponent's.

Haze - while Haze technically doesn't lower stats, it resets your opponent's stat changes, meaning it can prevent set up sweepers like Bisharp, D-Dance Dragapult, and Moxie + D-Dance Gyarados from taking out your team. A lot of Toxapex run Haze, since it's quite bulky and can survive attacks from boosted opponents.

Clear Smog - basically the same as Haze, but it also deals damage. You can find it on some Amoonguss sets (such as my own).

Sticky Web - indirectly lowers the Speed of your opponents, as long as they're not holding Heavy-Duty Boots or a Flying type. You'll want to watch out for Bisharp (Defiant), Rapid Spin users, and Defoggers, however, Sticky Web is still a great move.

Parting Shot - a form of pivoting, Parting Shot lowers the opponent's Attack and Special Attack while switching you out. It's most commonly seen on Silvally and Incineroar (since it's an Intimidate pivot).

Fire Lash - pretty good on the Pokemon that learn it, such as Centiskorch. It's probably not as good as the rest of the moves on this list, but the Defense drop is nice.

Close Combat - you didn't really say whose stats you wanted to lower :P. Close Combat is an excellent move, though it lowers both the Defense and Special Defense of the user.

Thunder Wave - a great, annoying move. It can leave the target fully paralyzed, plus it cuts the opponent's Speed in half.

Will-O-Wisp - similar to Thunder Wave, but it cuts the Attack of the target in half. Additionally, the burn deals damage every turn.

That's all I can think of right now, I'll see if I can think of any more.

Hope this helps! :)

selected by
Sorry, I didn't see your comment saying it was in-game in BW2. :P
Oaf got sniped by two minutes.
+1 vote
3 votes

By best ways, I am considering that lower by two or more stages all together.
Moves lowering user stat:
Close Combat, Superpower, Draco Meteor, Leaf Storm, Overheat, Psycho Boost, Shell Smash, V-Create
Moves lowering target stat:
Charm, Cotton Spore, Fake Tears, Feather Dance, Memento, Metal Sound, Scary Face
Source for moves lowering target stat: Here
Indirect stat drops:
Glare, Will-o-wisp, Thunder-Wave, Inferno, Zap Cannon
Moves that have a high chance of lowering, >20%

Body Slam
30% chance to paralyze target (quartering Speed stat)
Bolt Strike
20% chance to paralyze target (quartering Speed stat)
30% chance to paralyze target (quartering Speed stat)
100% chance to lower target's Speed stat by one stage
20% chance to lower target's Def stat by one stage
Crush Claw
50% chance to lower target's Def by one stage
Iron Tail
30% chance to lower target's Def stat by one stage
Low Sweep
100% chance to lower target's Speed stat by one stage
100% chance to paralyze target (thus quartering Speed stat)
Razor Shell
50% chance to lower target's Def by one stage
Rock Smash
50% chance to lower target's Def by one stage
Rock Tomb
100% chance to lower target's Speed stat by one stage
Sacred Fire
50% chance to burn target (thus halving Atk stat)
30% chance to paralyze target (thus quartering Speed stat)
Acid Spray
100% chance to lower target's Sp. Def by two stages
Blue Flare
20% to burn target (thus halving Atk stat)
30% chance to paralyze target (thus quartering Speed stat)
Dragon Breath
30% chance to paralyze target (thus quartering Speed stat)
100% chance to lower target's speed by one stage
100% chance to lower target's Speed stat by one stage
Lava Plume
30% chance to burn the target (thus halving the Atk stat)
Leaf Tornado
50% chance to lower target's accuracy stat by one stage
Luster Purge
50% chance to lower target's Sp. Def stat by one stage
Mist Ball
50% chance to lower target's Sp. Atk stat by one stage
Mud Bomb
30% chance to lower target's accuracy stat by one stage
Mud Shot
100% chance to lower target's Speed stat by one stage
Mud Slap
100% chance to lower target's accuracy by one stage
Muddy Water
30% chance to lower target's accuracy stat by one stage
Mystical Fire
100% chance to lower target's Sp. Atk stat by one stage
30% chance to burn target (thus halving Atk stat)
Searing Shot
30% chance to burn target (thus halving Atk stat)
Shadow Ball
20% chacne to lower target's Sp. Def by one stage
100% chance to lower target's Sp. Atk by one stage
Steam Eruption
30% chance to burn target (thus halving Atk stat)
30% chance to paralyze target (thus quartering Speed stat)
Zap Cannon
100% chance to paralyze target (thus quartering Speed stat)

You forgot Dragon Ascent, but that's not in B2 W2.
I know I don't have permission to say this is the best answer, as I am not the owner of this question, but I was, I'd choose this one, cuz this one totally provides more information than the other ones :)
1 vote

First, if you don't care about your time, then you can grind any Pokemon to level 100 and win any battle using any move that lowers your stats.

If you do care about your time, then you should try to damage your opponents as much as possible. The best stat-lowering moves are the ones that also deal damage, such as acid spray, bulldoze, electroweb, icy wind, low sweep, mud shot, rock tomb, snarl, and struggle bug.
The best Pokemon at using these moves are probably Sandile (bulldoze and rock tomb), Scraggy (rock tomb), and Zorua (snarl). You can also use a Stoutland, which lowers physical attack with intimidate instead of using a move.
