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If you're talking about the Halloween event, here's what I found:

Best Darkrai Counters
Conkeldurr - Counter Dynamic Punch

Lucario - Counter Aura Sphere

Beedrill (Mega) - Bug Bite X Scissor

Machamp - Counter Dynamic Punch

Togekiss - Charm Dazzling Gleam

Hariyama - Counter Dynamic Punch

Heracross - Counter Megahorn

Toxicroak - Counter Dynamic Punch

Volcarona - Bug Bite Bug Buzz

Breloom - Counter Dynamic Punch


As for what to do once you've found a raid, Darkrai is a dark-type, so its weaknesses are fighting, fairy, and bug-type Pokemon. Machamp is a strong choice if going with a fighting-type, especially if it knows counter and dynamic punch. Lucario and Terrakion are also good choices should you have those Pokemon at your disposal.

Trainers with strong bug-types will want to bring Heracross and Scizor into the mix if they can, especially if Scizor knows X-Scissor. As for fairy-types, Granbull and Togekiss are strong options providing they know dazzling beam. Gardevoir is good too, but something of a double-edged sword. Although its fairy half will do damage to Darkrai, whereas its psychic half will be weak against the dark-type Pokemon.


Best Darkrai counters are strong Fighting and Fairy types, such as Machamp, Togekiss, Hariyama, Heracross, Toxicroak, Breloom and Gardevoir. Darkrai is weak to Fighting, Fairy, and Bug type moves. Darkrai is boosted by Fog weather.

  1. Pokemon GO Conkeldurr
    Counter Dynamic Punch 686.5s 30

  2. Pokemon GO Lucario
    Counter Aura Sphere 628.5s 38

  3. Pokemon GO Beedrill (Mega)
    Beedrill (Mega)
    Bug Bite X Scissor 665.6s 39

  4. Pokemon GO Machamp
    Counter Dynamic Punch 706.3s 34

  5. Pokemon GO Togekiss
    Charm Dazzling Gleam 799.6s 26

  6. Pokemon GO Hariyama
    Counter Dynamic Punch 757.1s 34

  7. Pokemon GO Heracross
    Counter Megahorn 781.2s 33

  8. Pokemon GO Toxicroak
    Counter Dynamic Punch 773.6s 37

  9. Pokemon GO Volcarona
    Bug Bite Bug Buzz 784.9s 38

  10. Pokemon GO Breloom
    Counter Dynamic Punch 724.2s 45

  11. Pokemon GO Meloetta (Pirouette)
    Meloetta (Pirouette)
    Low Kick Close Combat 792.3s 29

  12. Pokemon GO Keldeo (Ordinary)
    Keldeo (Ordinary)
    Low Kick Close Combat 825.5s 34

  13. Pokemon GO Keldeo (Resolute)
    Keldeo (Resolute)
    Low Kick Close Combat 828.3s 34

  14. Pokemon GO Blaziken
    Counter Focus Blast 782.1s 43

  15. Pokemon GO Granbull
    Charm Play Rough 828.9s 39

  16. Pokemon GO Kyurem (White)
    Kyurem (White)
    Dragon Breath Focus Blast 815.1s 40

  17. Pokemon GO Gardevoir
    Charm Dazzling Gleam 804.8s 44

  18. Pokemon GO Charizard (Mega Y)
    Charizard (Mega Y)
    Fire Spin Blast Burn 850.3s 39

  19. Pokemon GO Darmanitan (Galarian Zen)
    Darmanitan (Galarian Zen)
    Tackle Super Power 779.2s 48

  20. Pokemon GO Emboar
    Low Kick Focus Blast 829.4s 42

  21. Pokemon GO Yanmega
    Bug Bite Bug Buzz 840.5s 42

  22. Pokemon GO Genesect (Shock)
    Genesect (Shock)
    Fury Cutter X Scissor 809.4s 46

  23. Pokemon GO Pinsir
    Fury Cutter X Scissor 828.5s 45

  24. Pokemon GO Genesect (Burn)
    Genesect (Burn)
    Fury Cutter X Scissor 810.7s 46

  25. Pokemon GO Genesect (Chill)
    Genesect (Chill)
    Fury Cutter X Scissor 812.2s 46

  26. Pokemon GO Genesect
    Fury Cutter X Scissor 813.1s 47

  27. Pokemon GO Genesect (Douse)
    Genesect (Douse)
    Fury Cutter X Scissor 813.6s 48

  28. Pokemon GO Sawk
    Low Kick Focus Blast 840.1s 44

  29. Pokemon GO Meloetta (Aria)
    Meloetta (Aria)
    Quick Attack Dazzling Gleam 890.9s 39

  30. Pokemon GO Cobalion
    Metal Claw Sacred Sword 900.6s 37

Important note: Prioritize Gardevoir and Togekiss versus Focus Blast. Fairy types take reduced damage from Fighting and they perform better than Machamp and Hariyama.

As we’ll go in-depth in the next section (moves breakdown), 60% of Darkrai’s move pool consists of DARK moves, which means that 60% of time Darkrai deals reduced damage to Fighting and Fairy types.

Taking reduced damage converts into more opportunities to activate charge moves, and in turn, into more damage. Hence why Machamp, Togekiss and Hariyama rule the top 3 spots. Once Conkledurr gets released, it will be an amazing Darkrai counter as well, but for now this is the list.

Charge moves
Darkrai’s move pool is consistently easy to counter, provided that you have appropriate Pokemon at your disposal:

If Darkrai has Dark Pulse, you should prioritize Fighting types. They take reduced damage and easily land charge moves regardless of dodging. In order not to waste Revives, be careful with squishy ones like Breloom.
Versus Focus Blast you should always prioritize Gardevoir and Togekiss. Due to their dual typing, they take 2x reduced damage from Focus Blast. Gardevoir and Togekiss are best counters to Darkrai when it has Focus Blast.
Treat Shadow Ball in the same way like Dark Pulse and use Fighting types. Do not use Gardevoir as it takes increased damage from Ghost moves and will melt easily.


Hope this helps! :)

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