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Calyrex and his steed seem like very intresting Pokemon and I would like to know their origin story and also why Calyrex's steed has two forms.

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This should have the crown tundra tag cause it would be like a huge spoiler otherwise
Oh, i thought i put that tag on it.......

2 Answers

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Best answer

Calyrex's steed doesn't have two forms -- it's two different Pokemon. The Ghost type is Spectrier, the Ice type is Glastrier.

Calyrex is said to have ruled Galar in ancient times. Calyrex was referred to as the King of Bountiful Harvests, for the lush bounties of vegetation it brought upon Galar's land. Over time, the traditions of the people that worshipped Calyrex faded, and Calyrex was all but forgotten.

Glastrier serves as one of Calyrex's steeds. Before Calyrex tamed it in ancient times, it attacked the citizens of Galar in an effort to steal their resources and generally cause havoc. Once Calyrex grew weak from loss of faith, it abandoned its master, and ran free once more. Over the course of the Crown Tundra's story, it comes back to serve Calyrex once more.

Spectrier is much the same as Glastrier. It, however, has the ability to steal the life forces of people, but it too enjoyed terrorizing people before Calyrex brought it under control.

Hope I helped!

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Like Omega-Blade X said, Calyrex is said to have ruled Galar in ancient times. Calyrex was referred to as the King of Bountiful Harvests, for the lush bounties of vegetation it brought upon Galar's land. Over time, the traditions of the people that worshipped Calyrex faded, and Calyrex was all but forgotten.

Calyrex only has 1 steed.
The game is hinting you by npc's that they saw Calyrex riding it's steed Spectrier or Glastrier respectively but not sure what they saw, and you as the player will determine what kind of steed is that.

Source: Experience by playing the game 3x...
