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3 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Regidrago, post an answer below and upvote the best ones.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Regidrago Pokédex and learnset for reference.

Regidrago sprite

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18 Answers

4 votes

In b4 this thing becomes NUBL
Gen 8 NU

Regidrago @ Choice Specs
Ability: Dragon's Maw
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest / Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dragon Energy
- Draco Meteor
- Dragon Pulse
- Ancient Power / Hyper Beam

This Pokemon is ridiculous. Having a strong move STAB in Dragon Energy when at full HP. Here is a Choice Specs set. Dragon Energy is incredibly powerful STAB at full HP, and when paired with Dragon's Maw coupled with Choice Specs, steel types are worn down by this move. Draco Meteor is also strong STAB and is used when Dragon Energy's power is less than the power of Draco Meteor. Dragon Pulse is used for well, more STAB since Regidraco doesn't have good special coverage. The last slot, honestly, is just there because Regidraco's special movepool is so bad(You literally don't get anything to deal super effective damage to fairy types. Not even its physical movepool has super effective fairy coverage for the fairy types in NU.). Ancientpower / Hyper Beam is just there to do some damage on fairy types I guess. Make sure to pair this with something that beats fairy types.

Calcs with Dragon Energy at full HP against the steel types in NU:

252+ SpA Choice Specs Dragon's Maw Regidrago Dragon Energy (150 BP) vs. 252 HP / 168 SpD Bronzong: 191-225 (56.5 - 66.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Possible damage amounts: (191, 193, 195, 198, 200, 202, 204, 207, 209, 211, 213, 216, 218, 220, 222, 225)

252+ SpA Choice Specs Dragon's Maw Regidrago Dragon Energy (150 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Escavalier: 175-207 (50.8 - 60.1%) -- 87.5% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Possible damage amounts: (175, 177, 180, 181, 183, 186, 188, 189, 192, 194, 196, 198, 200, 202, 204, 207)

252+ SpA Choice Specs Dragon's Maw Regidrago Dragon Energy (150 BP) vs. 0 HP / 92 SpD Assault Vest Copperajah: 201-237 (52.2 - 61.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Possible damage amounts: (201, 204, 206, 208, 211, 213, 216, 218, 220, 222, 225, 228, 230, 232, 234, 237)

252+ SpA Choice Specs Dragon's Maw Regidrago Dragon Energy (150 BP) vs. 212 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Doublade: 295-348 (94.5 - 111.5%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO
Possible damage amounts: (295, 299, 302, 306, 309, 312, 316, 319, 323, 327, 330, 333, 337, 340, 344, 348)

So, while Regidraco can't touch fairy types in NU, it can wear down steel types on its own.

Great set. I say, go for Hyper Beam for fun! :)
Lmao Regidrago is actually NUBL now.
3 votes

Regidrago @ Life Orb
Ability: Dragon’s Maw
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Crunch
- Fire Fang

Dragon Dance boosts attack and speed, Dragon Claw is STAB, Crunch and Fire Fang are coverage.

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swap crunch for explosion because then your walled by fairies. plus because of stab and dragons maw. every move is super effective
fire fang is there, and explosion sucks
@Microwave? That doesn’t make any sense. Dragons Maw is not an -ate ability if that’s what you mean?
I might add Outrage as an alternative option to Dragon Claw considering its greater power, as well as Regidrago's limited lifespan expectation that mitigates the the downside of becoming confused after 2 turns.
3 votes

Gen 8 RU

Regidrago @ Choice Band
Ability: Dragon's Maw
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Outrage
- Fire Fang
- Hammer Arm
- Thunder Fang / Crunch / Scale Shot / Explosion

Nobody noticed how decent this thing's physical movepool is. Outrage is STAB and boosted by Dragon's Maw too. Fire Fang covers Steel types and Ice types. Hammer Arm does more damage than Fire Fang and hits Steel types and Ice types as well. However, you almost always have to switch right after using it, you don't want to have your Speed dropped. Thunder Fang is coverage, Crunch is coverage, Scale Shot is multi-hit STAB that boosts Speed, Explosion to get rid of a roadblock like a Fairy type.

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thanks this was really good i was really trying to find a good regidrago set but i feel like sacrificing a strong pokemon like regidrago just to kill one pokemon i feel isnt worth
Physical regidrago should be d-dance
2 votes

Regidrago @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Dragon’s Maw
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest / Timid Nature
- Dragon Energy
- Ancient Power
- Dragon Pulse
- Hyper Beam

It has a crappy movepool, just spam Dragon Energy. 150 power STAB with Dragon’s Maw boost is very powerful.

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2 votes

Regidrago @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Dragon's Maw
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Dragon Energy
- Explosion
- Hammer Arm
- Outrage
A mixed set with scarf dragon energy. It's ability makes up for its lower sp attack, and more are put into attack. Explosion is for a last ditch attempt, outrage for when your low on hp, and hammer arm for steel.

2 votes

Physical Regidrago

Regidrago @ Life Orb
Ability: Dragon's Maw
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Scale Shot
- Crunch
- Fire Fang
- Facade / Dragon Claw

Scale Shot to improve speed and go through sashes/substitutes. Crunch is misc coverage. Fire Fang is for ice and steels. Facade is to punish status, but Dragon Claw can be used for a more reliable dragon move.

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I might add Outrage as an alternative option to Dragon Claw considering its greater power, as well as usefulness as a nuke when nearing the end of Regidrago's expected lifespan (since the downside of becoming confused after 2 turns won't matter).
2 votes

Regieleki @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Dragon's Maw
EVs: 6 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty / Timid Nature
- Dragon Energy
- Draco Meteor
- Ancient Power
- Explosion / Dragon Pulse / Hyper Beam

Regidrago's signature Ability, Dragon's Maw, is the sole redeeming quality to a Pokemon that would otherwise be rather weak given its average 100 base offenses and terrible coverage options. At full HP, Dragon Energy is a 150 BP STAB move launched further to an incredible 225 BP before STAB, making it extremely powerful to the point where it can one-shot an assortment of Pokemon. This Choice Scarf set is meant to allow it to outspeed the numerous Pokemon it can OHKO, and makes it very fast overall. Regidrago can easily wreck an opposing team once the Steel-Types and Fairy types are removed. Because Dragon Energy's power is HP dependent, Draco Meteor is used alongside Dragon Energy to ensure that it can still keep OHKOing all in its way even if its health goes down. 130 BP is still very solid compared to 150. After that though, Regidrago's movepool is so pitifully small that, more often than not, you might as well not run anything. Ancient Power is kind-of usable... not really, but if you absolutely have to use something other than Dragon STAB, I guess it's better than nothing? Other than that, an All-Out attack in Explosion is probably going to be the best thing it can really offer. You could use Dragon Pulse, but really, nothing in the 4th slot is going to be used very often at all at this point, not even a third STAB. The only real reason to use Hyper Beam is if you're using Regidrago in a format that lets him Dynamax (In which it should definitely be used) or you somehow think it'll live after that to get off another attack.

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2 votes

Doubles UU

Regidrago @ Iron Ball
Ability: Dragon's Maw
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Protect
- Dragon Energy
- Dragon Pulse
- Ancient Power

This is intended for Trick Room teams. Iron Ball is to lower Regidrago's speed, making it more suited for Trick Room. Protect gives Regidrago a turn of safety while its ally can still attack or set up Trick Room. Dragon Energy is absurdly strong STAB while Regidrago is at full or high health, and causes spread damage. Dragon Pulse is for when your HP drops low enough to the point where it does more than Dragon Energy, or your opponent is spamming Wide Guard. Ancient Power is filler because someone at Game Freak thought it'd be funny to give Regidrago and the other Crown Tundra legendaries all garbage movepools.

I might redistribute that 252 HP into Def and/or SpD considering that Regidrago already has sky-high HP but abysmal Def and SpD. Besides, this set isn't running Reversal or Leftovers.
1 vote

Regidrago @ Life Orb / Leftovers
Ability: Dragon's Maw
EV: 252 Atk/ 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly nature
- Dragon Dance
- Explosion
- Dragon Claw / Outrage
- Crunch

Dragon Dance makes it insanely fast, and should be able to outspeed zeraora. Explosion if you know you gonna die.
Dragon Claw or Outrage is powerful STAB or though as it probably won't last long, I would choose Outrage.
Crunch to hit Ghost-types which are immune to Explosion.

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1 vote

Role: Fast N’ Strong Sweeper

Regidrago @ Focus Sash/ Leftovers
Ability: Dragon's Maw
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Fire Fang / Hammer Arm
- Explosion / Substitute

Dragon’s Maw is powerful, multiplying Regidrago’s Dragon-type attacks by 1.5x, although Regidrago’s movepool is not that great for much coverage either. Focus Sash is for guaranteeing you get a Dragon Dance off, although Icicle Spear Kyurem and priority users such as Aegislash, which needs to be immediately eliminated. Dragon Claw is STAB and gets boosted by Dragon’s Maw, which makes knocking out Dragon types and other types that are neutral to Dragon type moves easy peasy.
Fire Fang is for coverage against Steel types such as Skarmory and Aegislash, and don’t forget our little buddy Excadrill. Hammer Arm is another choice, as it hits Steel types harder, but doesn’t affect Aegislash at all, so Fire Fang > Hammer Arm. Explosion is a very tricky choice, as it is very powerful and physical, making a great suicide choice for when facing Fairy types, except Magearna, which gets countered by Fire Fang.
Although Magearna will be 2HKOed by a Regidrago’s Fire Fang that Dragon Danced twice, Teleport Clefable gets OHKOed by Regidrago with 2 times Dragon Dance and with the cost of Regidrago itself, so hope that Clefable or Magearna uses Stealth Rock first or predicts mistakenly and switches, so you can still save that Focus Sash and Dragon Dance twice, or even, luckily, thrice, if Ferrothorn sets up the rocks and spikes. Substitute is mandatory with Leftovers, as it immediately renders Focus Sash useless.
Substitute also covers Regidrago from Ferrothorn’s annoying Thunder Wave or Toxic, as it makes Regidrago not a reliable source of recovery. Its all really just about predicting.

Hope you like this moveset.

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1 vote

Gen 8 RU

Regidrago @ Leftovers
Ability: Dragon's Maw
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Dragon Energy
- Fire Fang / Hammer Arm / Crunch
- Scale Shot
- Explosion

Mixed set. Yes, I know it's similar to the other one, but this is a little different in terms of moves. Dragon Energy is STAB that gets a Dragon Maw's boost. Fire Fang deals with steel types. Hammer Arm can be used instead for more power to deal with steel types. Crunch can be used to deal with Doublade. Scale Shot is STAB that hits 2-5 times to break Sashes, Sturdy, and Substitute. Explosion is for a last ditch attempt to take out a Pokemon.

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Life Orb + Dragon Energy isn't a good combination, since every time you use it/another move, Dragon Energy's power decreases.
Oops, I read the description for Dragon Energy wrong lol.
0 votes

Why are these new Regis so bad in terms of movepools?

Regidrago @ Assault Vest
Ability: Dragon's Maw
EVs: 252 Def / 252 Atk / 4 SpA
Lonely Nature
- Dragon Energy
- Ancient Power
- Crunch
- Fire Fang

Dragon Energy is a nice STAB move. Fire Fang covers Ice types, and Regidrago's movepool is just awful, there's not many choices. Ancient Power and Crunch are both coverage. The Assault Vest attempts to patch up this Regi's measly Special Defense a bit.

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investing in hp is an extreme waste of evs. especially with assault vest. you should be putting all of those evs into special defense or literally anything other than hp
0 votes

Regidrago @ Razor Claw
Ability: Dragon's Maw
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest/Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Focus Energy
- Dragon Energy
- Rest

First use focus energy to guarantee critical hits. Since crits avoid attack drops you can use draco meteor really nicely. It also avoids screens and defense boosts. Last use rest if you have a Pokémon with aromatherapy or heal bell.

Why Draco Meteor AND Dragon Energy? What happens if this is your last Pokemon against a Fairy type?
It's actually fine lol. This Pokemon's coverage is terrible, it can't even hit Fairies with a good move.
Im not worried about not very effective, i'm just saying that this guy has NO way at all to counter them. a bad attack is better than none at all imo
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Physical Trick Room sweeper

Regidrago @ Leftovers
Ability: Dragon's Maw
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Dragon Claw
- Hammer Arm
- Crunch
- Substitute

To be used with Trick Room support. Leftovers heals substitute damage. Hammer Arm slows speed, making you faster in Trick Room. Other moves are STAB and coverage.

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Why do you have 252 Special Attack EVs if you don't have any special moves?
ah oops i meant Atk
I put in quiet nature as well, so that condraticts the SpA EVs...
what a mess XD
Also change the description, it says Special sweeper.
done :)
I might redistribute that 252 HP into Def and/or SpD considering that Regidrago's base HP is already sky-high, but its base Def and SpD are abysmal. This is even more important considering that this set relies on the self-slow from Hammer Arm  to fix Regidrago's middling speed tier within Trick Room, and so being able to survive a single hit up front (until you attain the speed advantage after doing Hammer Arm) is a more urgent need than surviving perhaps another round in the back with Leftovers recovery. Besides, this set doesn't have Dragon Energy, so your exact HP doesn't matter as much (with respect to Leftovers recovery) as long as you're still alive.
After thinking about it, I think this set may benefit even more by swapping Substitute for Protect. Substitute is difficult for Regidrago to use effectively considering its middling speed tier both in and out of Trick Room, as well as its abysmal defenses. You are liable to get hit before you can do Substitute, and then KO yourself doing Substitute itself. As such, it doesn't make sense to take a hit and sacrifice ¼ health just to "setup" with Hammer Arm (which *only* gives you a speed advantage), when you could just do Hammer Arm directly without sacrificing ¼ health on Substitute. Protect is at least guaranteed to buy you a free turn in doubles while Regidrago's partner sets/resets Trick Room or clears a lethal threat.

If Substitute is replaced with Protect, then it would make sense to also replace Leftovers with Iron Ball. Doing so means you don't have to risk tanking a hit while setting up your speed advantage with Hammer Arm; you can just starting attacking immediately once Trick Room is up. That being said, I do think that Hammer Arm still provides useful coverage to this set even if you do hold Iron Ball instead of Leftovers, but the fact that Hammer Arm lowers your speed should be considered a happy coincidence / tertiary benefit rather than the main purpose of the move. Regidrago simply doesn't have the defenses necessary to enable/justify setting up from an initial speed disadvantage for *only* a speed advantage. (the situation might be different if there were some additional benefit from setting up, such as the Atk boost from Dragon Dance for non- Trick Room builds)
0 votes

Drake (Regidrago) @ Silk Scarf / Rock Incense
Ability: Dragon's Maw
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Dragon Energy
- Ancient Power
- Rest
- Snore


  • Dragon Energy (ability and high hp make power go way up)
  • Ancient power (coverage against ice) (also possible omni boost)
  • Rest (keep health high)
  • Snore (attack while asleep) (can hit fairies for neutral)

Kinda weird set that takes advantage of Dragon Energy

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I do agree that it is a weird set. Why Silk Scarf or Rock Incense? Ancient Power is too weak So is Snore.
You're not wrong
The items are just for a little more power since those are mainly the only special moves it gets (aside from dragon breath / pulse [weak], hyper beam [recharge], round [higher power but can't use while asleep], and twister [weak]
I like it honestly
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Gen 8 VGC (doubles), with Trick Room support
Regidrago @ Iron Ball
Ability: Dragon's Maw
EVs: 252 Atk / 128 Def / 128 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Brave Nature (+Atk/-Spe)
- Dragon Claw
- Hammer Arm
- Fire Fang
- Protect

This is a physically offensive build for doubles with Trick Room support. It appreciates screens.

Iron Ball is necessary to fix Regidrago's middling speed tier within Trick Room. It cannot be removed in favor of setting up with Hammer Arm, since Iron Ball reduces speed by a half whereas Hammer Arm reduces speed by only a third. Moreover, Iron Ball requires no setup, whereas Hammer Arm requires one or more setup turns before it can confer a speed advantage, during which time Regidrago can be KO'd due to its abysmal base defenses.

Def and SpD are given EVs instead of HP since Regidrago's base HP is already sky-high whereas its base Def and SpD are abysmal. Besides, this build does not include any moves that are HP-sensitive (e.g. Dragon Energy, Reversal, Substitute), and so overall survivability is prioritized over HP maximization. The EVs remaining after maximizing Atk are split evenly between Def and SpD because this is a doubles build, and so you are liable to face a mixed set of opponents at the same time. If you have more specific information to the contrary for your league/series, feel free to refine this distribution!

Dragon Claw is the primary move of this set. It gains both STAB as well as the boost from Dragon's Maw. It is chosen instead of the more powerful Outrage not only because Outrage confuses its user after 2-3 turns, but more importantly because this is a doubles build. In doubles, Outrage randomly selects its target from among your opponents; it is rare that both opponents are weak to Dragon; it is common that at least one opponent resists Dragon; and it is eminently possible that one opponent is entirely immune to Dragon. Similarly, this expected type distribution of your opponents is the same reason why the spread move Breaking Swipe is not considered even though this is a doubles build. (Also, Breaking Swipe's side effect of lowering the targets' Attack is not useful enough to justify it since there is a good alternative in the ability Intimidate, and since the most common attacks among the types that Regidrago is weak to are all special: Draco Meteor, Ice Beam, Moonblast/Dazzling Gleam.)

Hammer Arm is a coverage move that is unusually strong (100 Power). Its main benefit is that it is super effective against Steel types that would otherwise resist Dragon attacks. It also decreases the user's speed, which would normally render Hammer Arm unviable for a Pokémon with as poor defenses as Regidrago, but is instead beneficial within Trick Room. However, as explained above, the self-slow from Hammer Arm does not obviate the need for Regidrago to hold an Iron Ball; rather, Hammer Arm's side effect should be considered as only a supplementary source of speed reduction. Finally, if you are in Gen 8, Hammer Arm does manifest during dynamax as Max Knuckle, which confers the benefit of boosting physical Attack (which this Regidrago build actually uses).

Fire Fang is another coverage move. Its main benefit is also that it is super effective against Steel types that would otherwise resist Dragon attacks. Secondarily, it is unresisted by all the types that resist (or are immune to) Fighting. Thus, the combination of Hammer Arm and Fire Fang provides unresisted coverage against all Steel dual types. Moreover, this Regidrago's combination of the attack types Dragon, Fighting, and Fire is super effective against more Pokémon and resisted by fewer Pokémon than if either Hammer Arm or Fire Fang were swapped out for the next most popular physical coverage move: Crunch.

Protect is included because this is a doubles build. Its main benefit is that it shields Regidrago (who has poor defenses) while your doubles ally sets/resets Trick Room. Its secondary benefit is that it can be used in the face of a lethal threat to buy Regidrago a turn, during which time your doubles ally can eliminate the threat (or at least weaken it enough for Regidrago to KO it the following turn).

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0 votes

Gen 8 BSS (singles)
Regidrago @ Assault Vest
Ability: Dragon's Maw
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Outrage
- Crunch
- Fire Fang
- Hammer Arm

This is a physically offensive and specially defensive build for singles, optionally with Trick Room support.

The unique things about this Regidrago build are that it is physically offensive, specially defensive, and has Hammer Arm. Builds for Regidrago are more commonly specially offensive and speed enhanced (i.e. non-defensive), so this build carries the element of surprise. Hammer Arm is an unusually strong (100 Power) coverage move that hits Steel/Dragon dual types super effectively, and its self-slow side effect is useful within Trick Room against middling speed tier opponents (e.g. Dialga, Necrozma-Dusk-Mane, etc.).

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0 votes

Gen 9 NU Dragon Dance

Regidrago @ Loaded Dice
Ability: Dragon's Maw
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Scale Shot
- Earthquake
- Tera Blast

Regidrago was one of the many Pokemon who dropped from RU to NU, so here is a Dragon Dance set Regidrago can use there. The set is the Dragon Dance set Regidrago used in RU. Unlike last gen when Regidrago was NU, this Pokemon actually has useful coverage to make it harder to wall. Dragon Dance allows Regidrago to boost its Attack and Speed stats to make it a scary breaker. Scale Shot is used for the Dragon STAB since Loaded Dice is used for the item, making Scale Shot hit 4 or 5 times, making it consistent. Scale Shot also allows Regidrago to boost its speed even further to outspeed faster Choice Scarf Pokemon such as Flygon and Mienshao. Earthquake allows Regidrago to hit Steel-types such as Registeel, Magnezone, Lucario, Copperajah, Klefki, and Duraludon super effectively. Tera Blast Steel is used to hit Fairy-types such as Diancie, Sylveon, and Florges. Jolly Nature is used to give Regidrago as much speed as possible.
