Alrighty, let's see what we can fix up, here. You have a few holes in your team, so I'll provide some brief advice on each Pokemon:
Get rid of that ChestoRest gimmick. Raichu is nowhere near bulky enough to bother pullling that off, since one potent attack will put you back where you started. Give'em some kind of boost item (Wise glasses, Life Orb, etc.), and go to town with different attacking moves! Magnet rise is fine, but dump Thunderpunch and Rest for two other moves. Brick Break and Iron Tail would really help it out.
Dear God, don't put Surf on that poor Rampardos. It has less than 150 Special Attack...
Get one of the elemental punches on that beast and punch holes into opponents. I like the Muscle Band on it; good job.
To be honest, I'd recommend completely removing Altaria from your team. It really is a terrible Pokemon in battle. If you really wanna use it, though, then make sure it has Dragon Dance. From there, get STAB and a counter for ice-types on it. Dragon Claw or Outrage work great, and Fly/Pluck are good, too. You have Heat Wave already, so keep that to hit back at Ice-types.
It's almost perfect, but you need to get rid of Crunch, seeing as Crunch is just repetitive coverage on Psychic and Ghost-types that Garchomp can probably KO anyway. Just get rid of Crunch and get Earthquake on it; you NEED that STAB Earthquake.
It's cheap, ratty, and broken. I love it.
Evoite. Get rid of Hydro Pump for Electric-type coverage. Dig works well for in-game, since opponents rarely have Earthquake unless it's STAB.
Well, you made a huge mistake on keeping Wartortle a Wartortle, and if this is Gen 4, then it was a HUGE mistake (No Evolite). However, the rest of your team is strong. Watch out, though: A well-augmented Water-type will destroy half of your team. Fossil Pokemon that are Water/Rock, like Kabutops, would also have fun KO'ing most of them.