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I know that because of Foul Play Special Attackers should have 0 Attack IV's, but I've never seen the move used in doubles teams. I have a shiny Venusaur (Bulbasaur now) with a decent Attack IV's. Is this fine to use as it is a neutral hit and a Max Attack Tyranitar (Highest Attack with Foul Play) at +2 can't do 50% non maxed perfect Attack IV 0 EV Venusaur. I get it on Psychic and Ghost Types, but on anything else does it matter. You rarely see the move as it is very situational and only deals lots of damage to physical attackers.

If you aren't weak to it, it's not a huge priority, but if you can then yes, give 0 attack ivs for special attackers

2 Answers

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Best answer

How important 0 ATK IVs is up to you. It only makes a small difference to take less damage from Foul Play and confusion

getting 0 attack iv's is for such situational circumstances that the difference is minuscule at best. with no physical moves and no hidden power, the only time your attack IVs matter in the slightest is with confusion and foul play. it's not worth it.


So it seems to be moderately important, but not something that's absolutely necessary.

Hope I helped!

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1 vote

Well, if you're confident that it won't matter to much, then it's fine.

People usually want to take the least amount of damage from Foul Play and confusion on Special Attackers, but it seems you already figured that out lol.

It seems like your Venusaur can tank Foul Play, so that doesn't seem to be a problem. I assume Confusion won't do that much either.

While it is usually important in competitive play to have 0 IVs on a Special Attacker/walls without a physical move, it's really your decision. Like I said, Foul Play and Confusion don't seem to be that dangerous for your Venusaur, so I wouldn't stress it.

Hope this helps! :)

Btw, congrats on the shiny! :)))

It was coin case glitch, I tried for a crazy long time and had no luck, so I gave up. (was traumatized I would never get it or I'd get Overgrow.
Lol oof.
It was coin case glitch, I tried for a crazy long time and had no luck, so I gave up. (was traumatized I would never get it or I'd get Overgrow.

EDIT: Rn I wish I could give 2 Best Answers.