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E.g the eevee evolutions all have 130 110 95 65 65 60 but rearranged.Another example would be the swords of justice and many other legendaries.

also solrock and lunatone

2 Answers

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Best answer

This does not include Megas or Primals, and generally most alternate forms.

Magikarp and Feebas: 20, 10, 15, 20, 55, 80; BST 200

Silcoon and Cascoon: Same stat numbers, in the same order (50, 35, 55, 25, 25, 15; BST 205)

Lotad and Seedot: 40, 40, 30, 30, 30, 50; BST 220

Zigzagoon and Galarian Zigzagoon have the same BST and same stats (38, 30, 41, 30, 41, 60; BST 240)

Noibat and Zubat: 40, 30, 35, 45, 40, 55; BST 245

Fomantis and Hoppip: 40, 55, 35, 50, 35, 35; BST 250

Ratatta and Alolan Ratatta have the same BST and same stats (30, 56, 35, 25, 35, 72)

Taillow and Wingull: 30, 30, 30, 40, 55, 85; BST 270

Vulpix and Alolan Vulpix have the same BST and same stats (38, 41, 40, 50, 65, 65; BST 299)

Geodude and Alolan Geodude have the same BST and same stats (40, 80, 100, 30, 30, 20; BST 300)

Snivy and Oshawott: 45, 45, 55, 45, 55, 63; BST 308

Charmander and Cyndaquil: Same stat numbers, in the same order (39, 52, 43, 60, 50, 65; BST 309)

Squirtle and Totodile: 44, 48, 65, 50, 64, 43; BST 314

Slowpoke and Galarian Slowpoke have the same BST and same stats (90, 65, 65, 40, 40, 15; BST 315)

Darumaka and Galarian Darumaka have the same BST and same stats (70, 90, 45, 15, 45, 50; BST 315)

Pansage, Pansear, and Panpour: Same stat numbers, in the same order (50, 53, 48, 53, 48, 64; BST 316)

Bulbasaur and Chikorita: 45, 49, 49, 65, 65, 45; BST 318

Grimer and Alolan Grimer have the same BST and same stats (80, 80, 50, 40, 50, 25; BST 325)

Vullaby and Morgrem: 70, 55, 75, 45, 65, 60; BST 370

Graveler and Alolan Graveler have the same BST and same stats (55, 95, 115, 45, 45, 35; BST 390)

Gloom and Porygon: 60, 65, 70, 85, 75, 40; BST 395)

Plusle and Minun: 60, 50, 40, 85, 75, 95; BST 405

Ivysaur and Bayleef: 60, 62, 63, 80, 80, 60; BST 405

Charmeleon and Quilava: Same stat numbers, in the same order (58, 64, 58, 80, 65, 80; BST 405)

Wartortle and Croconaw: 59, 63, 80, 65, 80, 58; BST 405

Ponyta and Galarian Ponyta have the same BST and same stats (50, 85, 55, 65, 65, 90; BST 410)

Servine and Dewott: 60, 60, 75, 60, 75, 83; BST 413

Wormadam Plant and Sandy: 60, 59, 85, 79, 105, 36; BST 424

Marowak and Alolan Marowak have the same BST and same stats (60, 80, 110, 50, 80, 45; BST 425)

Volbeat and Illumise: 65, 73, 75, 47, 85, 85; BST 430

Lunatone and Solrock: 90, 55, 65, 95, 85, 70; BST 460

Phione and Glalie: Same stat numbers, in the same order (80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80; BST 480)

Darmanitan and Galarian Darmanitan have the same BST and same stats (105, 140, 55, 30, 55, 95; BST 480)

Cofagrigus and Runerigus: 58, 50, 145, 95, 105, 30; BST 483

Turtonator and Drampa: 60, 78, 135, 91, 85, 36; BST 485

Slowbro and Slowking: 95, 75, 100, 110, 80, 30; BST 490

Golem and Alolan Golem have the same BST and same stats (80, 120, 130, 55, 65, 45; BST 495)

Simisage, Simisear, Simipour: Same stat numbers, in the same order (75, 98, 63, 98, 63, 101; BST 498)

Rapidash and Galarian Rapidash have the same BST and same stats (65, 100, 70, 80, 80, 105; BST 500)

Muk and Alolan Muk have the same BST and same stats (105, 105, 75, 65, 100, 50; BST 500)

Dracozolt and Dracovish: 90, 100, 90, 80, 70, 75; BST 505

Arctozolt and Arctovish: 90, 100, 90, 90, 80, 55; BST 505

Gardevoir and Gallade: 68, 65, 65, 125, 115, 80; BST 518

All Rotom forms: 50, 65, 107, 105, 107, 86; BST 520

Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Sylveon: 130, 65, 60, 110, 95, 65; BST 525

Venusaur and Meganium: 80, 82, 83, 100, 100, 80; BST 525

Blastoise and Feraligatr: 79, 83, 100, 85, 105, 78; BST 530

Charizard and Typhlosion: Same stat numbers, in the same order (78, 84, 78, 109, 85, 100; BST 534)

Gyarados and Milotic: 95, 125, 79, 60, 100, 81; BST 540

Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini: 70, 115, 85, 95, 75, 130; BST: 570

Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres: 90, 90, 85, 125, 90, 100; BST: 580

Raikou, Entei, Suicune: 90, 85, 75, 115, 100, 115; BST: 580

Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Keldeo: 91, 72, 90, 129, 90, 108; BST: 580

Tornadus Incarnate and Thundurus Incarnate: 79, 115, 70, 125, 80, 111; BST: 580

Regirock and Regice: 80, 100, 20050, 1000, 50; BST 580

Latias and Latios: 80, 80, 90, 110, 130, 110; BST: 600

Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Manaphy, Shaymin, Victini: 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100; BST: 600

Zacian and Zamazenta: 92, 130, 115, 80, 115, 138; BST: 670

Kyogre and Groudon: 100, 100, 90, 150, 140, 90; BST: 670

Dialga, Palkia, Reshiram, and Zekrom: 100, 120, 120, 150, 100, 90; BST: 680

Solgaleo and Lunala: 137, 137, 107, 113, 89, 87; BST: 680

Xerneas and Yveltal: 126, 131, 95, 131, 98, 99; BST: 680

Lugia and Ho-oh: 106, 90, 130, 90, 154, 110; BST: 680

Source: Check Bulbapedia articles of each pair if you don't believe me.
Wow! That took a really long time! Hope I helped!

edited by
Better answer than mine :)
Now that ive seen it i have realized dialga palkia zekrom and reshiram all have the same rearranged stats so you could edit that. Also add regirock and regice. That was one that came up in my mind when i wrpte the question
Edited. My bad; Regirock and Regice must've completely slipped my mind.
Mewtwo should be with ho ho and luigi
0 votes

These Pokemon obviously don't have the exact same BST, so they're being grouped by line

All Eeveelutions(except Eevee)
Dustox/Beautifly(before Gen 7)
Wormadam(Leaf Cloak and Sand Cloak, not trash)
Gardevoir/Gallade(not their Mega forms, however)
Stunfisk(both forms)
Aegislash(both forms)

All the mythical Pokemon with base 100 in each stat, being

Some Legendaries, being
Kyogre/Groudon(including their primal forms)
Legendary Birds(Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres)
Legendary Beasts(Raikou, Suicune and Entei)
Regirock/Regice(not Registeel)
Giratina(both forms have the same BST but
Altered Form is more defensive while Origin is more offensive)
Swords of Justice(including Keldeo)
Meloetta(both forms)
All 4 Tapus
Necrozma(Dusk Mane/Dawn Wings)
Zacian/Zamazenta(Hero Of Many Battles)

And for some reason, Glalie and Phone have the exact same stats as well

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