PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
2 votes

I'm trying to make a game, but I am struggling to put the camera somewhere. Then I remembered Pokemon Platinum. Can anyone here tell me what angle the camera is to the floor or the horizon?

It might be different for different places. I think the angle is more horizontal in Oreburgh Gym.
I would guess roughly 60°  but I have no idea as to the actual number.
If you look at cubes in the game, the cubes are about on the ratio of 4:5, so the angle from the ground up is about the 50 degrees looking down mark

2 Answers

2 votes

I am also working on a game, I am recreating the platinum game for pc.

I wrote a program that can pick textures and 3d models from the .nds file and after looking at the models the angle is around 45 degree.

Image of gym showing the angle

Entities are drawn with a bildboard effect, fences and flowers are baked into the model with no angle at all.

But only using the angle will not give you the same look and feel.
You have to calculate the correct projection matrix.
Take a look at the result.

result in my own game

0 votes

The angle from the floor is usually around 120 degrees but at times it is different.
