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1 vote

I'm curious as to which Types are represented more than others with Gyms.

Are you including trials?
Does this include gyms that are the same as previous games? Like in Red and Fire Red?
I doubt it as they are the same gym wit in different generations
Well, Im not. You're welcome to do so.
I'm talking about separate Gyms. For example, Brock's Gym counts as one Gym with the Rock-type, even though it's in multiple games. I'm not including trials. Just Gyms.

3 Answers

6 votes
Best answer



  • Cinnabar Gym (Volcano Badge) with Blaine
  • Lavaridge Gym (Heat Badge) with Flannery
  • Striaton Gym (Trio Badge) with Cilian, Chill, and Cress
  • Motostoke Gym (Fire Badge) with Kabu

4 total


  • Cerulean Gym (Cascade Badge) with Misty
  • Sootopolis Gym (Rain Badge) with Wallace or Juan
  • Pastoria Gym (Fen Badge) with Crasher Wake
  • Striaton Gym (Trio Badge) with Cilian, Chill, and Cress
  • Humilau Gym (Wave Badge) with Marlon
  • Hulbury Gym (Water Badge) with Nessa
  • Cascarrafa Gym (Water Badge) with Kofu

7 total


  • Celadon Gym (Rainbow Badge) with Erika
  • Eterna Gym (Forest Badge) with Gardenia
  • Striaton Gym (Trio Badge) with Cilian, Chill, and Cress
  • Coumarine Gym (Plant Badge) with Ramos
  • Turffield Stadium (Grass Badge) with Milo
  • Artazon Gym (Grass Badge) with Brassius

6 total


  • Pewter Gym (Boulder Badge) with Brock
  • Rustboro Gym (Stone Badge) with Roxanne
  • Oreburgh Gym (Coal Badge) with Roark
  • Cyllage Gym (Cliff Badge) with Grant
  • Circhester Gym (Sw) (Rock Badge) with Gordie

5 total


  • Vermillion Gym (Thunder Badge) with Lt. Surge
  • Mauville Gym (Dynamo Badge) with Wattson
  • Sunyshore Gym (Beacon Badge) with Volkner
  • Nimbasa Gym (Bolt Badge) with Elesa
  • Lumiose Gym (Voltage Badge) with Clemont
  • Levincia Gym (Electric Badge) with Iono

6 total


  • Fuschia Gym (Soul Badge) with Koga (RBYFRLGPE) or Janine (GSCHGSS)
  • Virbank Gym (Toxic Badge) with Roxie

2 total


  • Saffron Gym (Marsh Badge) with Sabrina
  • Mossdeep Gym (Mind Badge) with Tate and Liza
  • Anistar Gym (Psychic Badge) with Olympia
  • Alfornada Gym (Psychic Badge) with Tulip

4 total


  • Viridian Gym (Earth Badge) with Giovanni
  • Driftveil Gym (Quake Badge) with Clay

2 total


  • Violet Gym (Zepher Badge) with Falkner
  • Fortree Gym (Feather Badge) with Winona
  • Mistralton Gym (Jet Badge) with Skyla

3 total


  • Azalea Gym (Hive Badge) with Bugsy
  • Castelia Gym (Insect Badge) with Burgh
  • Santalune Gym (Bug Badge) with Viola
  • Cortondo Gym (Bug Badge) with Katy

4 total


  • Goldenrod Gym (Plain Badge) with Whitney
  • Petalburg Gym (Balance Badge) with Norman
  • Nacrene Gym (Basic Badge) with Lenora
  • Aspertia Gym (Basic badge) with Cheren
  • Medali Gym (Normal Badge) with Larry

5 total


  • Ecruteak Gym (Fog Badge) with Morty
  • Hearthome Gym (Relic Badge) with Fantina
  • Stow-on-Side Gym (Sh) (Ghost Badge) with Allister
  • Montenevera Gym (Ghost Badge) with Ryme

4 total


  • Cianwood Gym (Storm Badge) with Chuck
  • Dewford Gym (Knuckle Badge) with Brawly
  • Veilstone Gym (Cobble Badge) with Maylene
  • Shalour Gym (Rumble Badge) with Korrina
  • Stow-on-Side Gym (Fighting Badge) with Bea

5 total


  • Olivine Gym (Mineral Badge) with Jasmine
  • Canalave Gym (Mine Badge) with Byron

2 total


  • Mahogany Gym (Glacier badge) with Pryce
  • Snowpoint gym (Icicle Badge) with Candice
  • Iccirus Gym (Freeze Badge) with Brycen
  • Snowbelle Gym (Iceberg Badge) with Wulfric
  • Circhester Stadium (Sh) (Ice Badge) with Melony
  • Glaseado Gym (Ice Badge) with Grusha

6 total


  • Blackthorn Gym (Rising Badge) with Clair
  • Opeucid Gym (Legend Badge) with Drayden (BB2W2) or Iris (W)
  • Hammerlocke Stadium (Dragon Badge) with Raihan

3 total


  • Spikemuth Gym (Dark Badge) with Piers or Marnie (postgame)

1 total


  • Laverre Gym (Fairy Badge) with Valerie
  • Ballonlea Stadium (Fairy Badge) with Opal or Bede (postgame)

2 total

No specific type

  • Viridian Gym (Earth Badge) with Blue

1 total



  • Illima's Trial (Normalium Z)

1 total


  • Lana's Trial (Waterium Z)

1 total


  • Mallow's Trial (Grassium Z)

1 total


  • Kiawe's trial (Firium Z)

1 total


  • Sophocles's Trial (Electrium Z)

1 total


  • Acerola's Trial (Ghostium Z)

1 total


  • Kommo-o's Trial (Dragonium Z)

1 total


  • Mina's Trial (USUM) (Fairium Z)

1 total

Grand Trials


  • Hala's Grand Trial (Fightinium Z)

1 total


  • Olivia's Grand Trial (Rockinium Z)

1 total


  • Nanu's Grand Trial (Darkinium Z)

1 total


  • Hapu's Grand Trial (Groundinium Z)

1 total

Demo Trials

No specific Type

  • Kukui's Trial (Z-Ring + Electrium Z)

1 total

edited by
Flareon, it's not necessary to include trials btw
Oh ok, I kinda want to anyway though as they are similar enough to Gyms.
Okay. Thanks.
Lol your answer is nearly the same as mine because my screen was stuck on the incomplete version while I did mine. Yours is better though ;)
2 votes

I’ll add trials too. :P

Gyms (+Kahunas and Trial Pokemon):
Normal- 5
Fire- 5
Water- 8
Electric- 6
Grass- 6
Ice- 5
Fighting- 6
Poison- 3
Ground- 4
Flying- 3
Psychic- 4
Bug- 3
Rock- 6
Ghost- 5
Dragon- 5
Dark- 2
Steel- 2
Fairy- 3

So, as you can see, the least used type by gym leaders is a tie between Steel/Dark. If you don’t count trials, than the least represented type would be Dark. For most represented, it would be water, with 7 gyms + Lana’s trial representing it.

Source for gym leaders (press the type on the type matchup chart for the gym leaders. The trial captains I just remembered, though. Excuse me if I forgot some trials): https://pokemondb.net/type/normal

edited by
RIP answer
1 vote

Normal: 4

Whitney (GSC HGSS) Goldenrod Gym, Plain Badge awarded
Norman (RSE ORAS) Petalburg Gym, Balance Badge awarded
Lenora (BW) Nacrene Gym, Basic Badge awarded
Cheren (B2W2) Aspertia gym, Basic Badge awarded

Fire: 4

Blaine (RBY FRLG LGPLGE) Cinnabar Gym, Volcano Badge awarded
Flannery (RSE ORAS) Lavaridge Gym, Heat Badge awarded
Chili (BW) Striaton Gym, Trio Badge awarded
Kabu (SWSH) Motostoke Stadium, Fire Badge awarded

Fighting: 5

Chuck (GSC HGSS) Cianwood Gym, Storm badge awarded
Brawly (RSE ORAS) Dewford Gym, Knuckle Badge
Maylene (DPPt) Veilstone Gym, Cobble Badge awarded
Korrina (XY) Shalour Gym, Rumble Badge awarded
Bea (SW) Stow-on-Side Stadium, Fighting Badge awarded

Water: 6

Misty (RBY FRLG LGPLGE) Cerulean Gym, Cascade Badge awarded
Wallace/Juan (RS ORAS)/(E) Sootopolis Gym, Rain Badge awarded
Crasher Wake (DPPt) Pastoria Gym, Fen Badge awarded
Cress (BW) Striaton Gym, Trio Badge awarded
Marlon (B2W2) Humilau Gym, Wave Badge awarded
Nessa (SWSH) Hulbury Stadium, Water Badge awarded

Flying: 3

Falkner (GSC HGSS) Violet Gym, Zephyr Badge awarded
Winona (RSE ORAS) Fortree Gym, Feather Badge awarded
Skyla (BWB2W2) Mistralton Gym, Jet Badge awarded

Grass: 5

Erika (RBY FRLG LGPLGE) Celadon Gym, Rainbow Badge awarded
Gardenia (DPPt) Eterna Gym, Forest Badge awarded
Cilan (BW) Striaton Gym, Trio Badge awarded
Ramos (XY) Coumarine Gym, Plant badge awarded
Milo (SWSH) Turffield Stadium, Grass Badge awarded

Poison: 2

Koga/Janine (RBY FRLG LGPLGE)/(GSC HGSS) Fuschia Gym, Soul Badge awarded
Roxy (B2W2) Virbank Gym, Toxic Badge awarded

Electric: 5

Lt. Surge (RBY FRLG LGPLGE) Vermillion Gym, Thunder Badge awarded
Wattson (RSE ORAS) Mauville Gym, Dynamo Badge awarded
Volkner (DPPt) Sunyshore Gym, Beacon Badge awarded
Elesa (BWB2W2) Nimbasa Gym, Bolt Badge awarded
Clemont (XY) Lumiose Gym, Voltage Badge awarded

Ground: 2

Giovanni (RBY FRLG LGPLGE) Veridian Gym, Earth Badge awarded
Clay (BWB2W2) Driftveil Gym, Quake Badge awarded

Psychic: 3

Sabrina (RBY FRLG LGPLGE) Saffron Gym, Marsh Badge awarded
Tate & Liza (RSE ORAS) Mossdeep Gym, MInd Badge awarded
Olympia (XY) Anistar Gym, Psychic Badge awarded

Rock: 5

Brock (RBY FRLG LGPLGE) Pewter Gym, Boulder Badge awarded
Roxanne (RSE ORAS) Rustboro Gym, Stone Badge awarded
Roark (DPPt) Oreburgh Gym, Coal Badge awarded
Grant (XY) Cyllage Gym, Cliff Badge awarded
Gordie (SW) Circhester Stadium, Rock Badge awarded

Ice: 5

Pryce (GSC HGSS) Mahogany Gym, Glacier Badge awarded
Candice (DPPt) Snowpoint Gym, Icicle Badge awarded
Brycen (BW) Icirrus Gym, Freeze Badge awarded
Wulfric (XY) Snowbelle Gym, Iceberg Badge awarded
Melanie (SH) Circhester Stadium, Ice Badge awarded

Bug: 3

Bugsy (GSC HGSS) Azalea Gym, Hive Badge awarded
Burgh (BWB2W2) Castelia Gym, Insect Badge awarded
Viola (XY) Santalune Gym, Bug Badge awarded

Dragon: 3

Clair (GSC HGSS) Blackthorn Gym, Rising Badge awarded
Drayden/Iris (BWB2W2)/(BW) Opelucid Gym, Legend Badge awarded
Raihan (SWSH) Hammerlocke Stadium, Dragon Badge awarded

Ghost: 3

Morty (GSC HGSS) Ecruteak Gym, Fog Badge awarded
Fantina (DPPt) Hearthome Gym, Relic Badge awarded
Allister (SH) Stow-on-Side Stadium, Ghost Badge awarded

Dark: 1

Piers (SWSH) Spikemuth Stadium, Dark badge awarded

Steel: 2

Jasmine (GSC HGSS) Olivine Gym, Mineral Badge awarded
Byron (DPPt) Canalave Gym, Mine Badge awarded

Fairy: 2

Valerie (XY) Laverre Gym, Fairy Badge awarded
Opal/Bede (SWSH) Ballonlea Stadium, Fairy Badge awarded


I won't go into as much detail on these but these changes the values to be:

Normal: 5
Water: 7
Fire: 5
Grass: 6
Electric: 6
Ghost: 4
Dragon: 4
Fairy: 3

Hope I helped!

bruh this is almost the exact same as what i did

it also doesn't add anything useful
Mixed with what I did.

And nope, it doesnt
But I finished mine before you had finished yours
How? Mine was done before yours, I just edited some parts because I realized I had made a mistake while counting them.
I think he was talking to me, and my answer to that is that since I already had most of the answer done, and have now completed it, there was no need for you to answer.
Ohhhh ok that makes so much more sense :P
You had half the types when I looked before answering, so I named the rest in a comment, then upgraded it into an answer. :)
but i was going to finish it. mine was almost finished and Y'x was completely finished. there (and im saying this again) was no need for you to answer.
What I'm saying is that I thought you had just done the types with the most gyms, and you were only going to add the trials. And I only listed the types that you hadn't done as a comment, then I was asked to upgrade it to an answer, so I did, then I finished it. I couldn't see Y's because I was stuck on the 'your answer:' page.
but...once you saw mine, why upgrade it to an answer? also, how does one get "stuck" on the your answer page? just check the normal page in a new tab. it's not difficult.
I can’t open new tabs, and I was asked to upgrade it, I didn’t do it out of my own choice.
upgrade what? how can you not open new tabs? what browser are you using?
ok i understand the upgrading now. but... who asked you to? if you had finished the comment you'd have seen that my answer was finished. also, in no browser that i can think of (not even the 3ds browser) are you UNABLE to have multiple tabs open at once.
I don't know because I deleted their request in my wall. I commented when your answer was half finished and my computer is just flat-out bad. I can't have multiple programs open at the same time, nor multiple tabs or downloads.
That sucks, but my points still stand.