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So I brought a female togedemaru with the egg move wish and put it with my male eevee, and all eggs are togedemaru, I wanted eevee tho.
What’s wrong?

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2 Answers

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Best answer

The egg is always dictated by the mother's species (or non-Ditto parent, if Ditto is being used). This means that in order to get an Eevee egg, the Eevee or its evolution must be the female, or else a male Eevee can be used with Ditto but Ditto won't be able to pass down any egg moves. Given Eevee's skewed gender ratio, this is a deliberate design decision that has always been in place to make it more difficult to get Eevee eggs, along with other species such as starters, Snorlax, and Lucario.

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Oooohhhh ok, thanks!
Also, the male eevee has its HA, can I pass that down if I bred it with the female?
Only the mother's ability (again, or non-Ditto parent's) is relevant. What you would have to do is leave the male Eevee and a Ditto in the daycare until you end up with a female that keeps the HA, then you can use that. If you try to catch another Eevee instead, and it happens to be a female without HA, putting both Eevees in the day care together will give you eggs that have exactly 0% chance to get Anticipation despite the father having it.
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The baby will always be the same species as the female. If you don't understand breeding mechanics I'd recommend this site's page on it.
