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Seen similar posts but my team is a bit different.


Gyarados and aggron both have thunderbolt. Whats stopping me is his kingdra and it can sweep my whole team. I can get past 2 or 3 with just my Gardevoir and Breloom. Any tips or members I should have on my team? Thanks

Use a grass type move. Breloom should take out at least three of his pokemon. Use Flygon to deal with Kingdra by hitting it with a dragon type move. This shouldn't be an issue as Flygon is naturally faster than Kingdra
You can always try level grinding if you don't care about time.
Breloom's special attack is really bad, and Juan has 2 ice attacks. Don't make Breloom use grass attacks. My best advice is going to the move reminder to teach Gardevoir calm mind and psychic, and then teaching it some other special move that can hit Crawdaunt (preferably thunderbolt). When Juan uses Luvdisc, you can just max your special stats and sweep.
Why are you using 2 fighting Pokemon? I recommend putting one of them in the PC so your other 5 Pokemon can get more experience. You should probably also put Aggron in the PC because it has bad physical moves, special attack, and speed.
This question has a Gardevoir, which isn't weak to water (or ice, unlike Breloom) and learns an attack raising move. Juan is significantly easier when you have a Pokemon like Gardevoir.

2 Answers

1 vote

My best advice is going to the move reminder to teach Gardevoir calm mind and psychic, and then teaching it some other special move that can hit Crawdaunt (preferably thunderbolt, but shock wave and thief can also work). When Juan uses Luvdisc, you can just use 6 calm minds and then sweep.

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  1. Try to teach your Pokemon some status moves like thunder wave or will-o-wisp so that Juan's Pokemon can't outspeed or sweep.

  2. Your Flygon can relearn dragon breath so maybe try to use that against Kingdra.

  3. Teach thunderbolt to Gardevoir instead of Aggron or Gyarados because they are both physical attackers, while Gardevoir is a special attacker.

  4. Try to level up your Gyarados to 50 so it can learn dragon dance. If you can set up once or twice you may be able to sweep his team by using Thunderbolt on 3 of his Pokemon and Twister on Kingdra.

Hope I helped out in anyway! Good Luck!

Kingdra knows both rest and ice beam, so status moves and Flygon are both pretty useless against it.