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I've been stuck on the Ice type gym mission for about a month now, and I just thought, "Will you have to restart the gym mission or will the path just become open for you to walk through to get to the gym leader?" Don't worry about the maps, they're the same in both games.

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I am confused on what you are asking, bu I think what you are saying is "If you fall through every pitfall in the gym challenge, will the path open up, or do you have to restart?"

Also the rock gym should only take you like 5-30 minutes to complete, so maybe try watching this video: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DW26pRnJb6f4&psig=AOvVaw36eftl5P4cng8laLfrRivG&ust=1583099888644000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAMQjB1qFwoTCPDi2evg9-cCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD
This question is too vague to answer. Please tell us which game you're in as well as the gym. Also, it would be easier to answer the question if you could describe the pitfalls as accurately as possible.
@Delphox, look at the tags. 'Sword-shield' and it's said in the first sentence 'I've been stuck on the Ice type gym mission for about a month now'

'Also, it would be easier to answer the question if you could describe the pitfalls as accurately as possible.'
Me not understandong
YouTube won't work on my phone. :(

1 Answer

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Best answer

You will be able to continue

SOURCE: I did this

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OMG YES my friend told me when i asked her and she said yes but i thought she was lying