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Like the question says, how do I play 6v6 in Omega Ruby? And is it still possible to play 6v6 against random people? I figured out how to play the free battle and it is only 3v3 and I wanna try my luck at 6v6

Showdown! still offers ORAS 6v6.
oh i didn't know that, i don't use Showdown! much
@sumwun can you please provide instructions on how do I play that on the 3ds as well as how to use my team in OR?
What is your team in OR?
For now its Mega Gyarados, Garchomp, Rotom Wash, Lucario, Ferrothorn and Gengar
What items, abilities, EVs, natures, and moves?
Jolly Mega Gyarados - Intimidate -> Mold Breaker, 252 speed, 252 attack, 4 hp
Waterfall, Crunch, Ice Fang, Dragon Dance

Jolly Garchomp - Life Orb, Rough Skin, 252 speed, 252 attack, 4 hp
Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Fire Blast

Quirky Gengar - Choice Specs, Levitate, 252 speed, 252 special attack, 4 hp
Thunderbolt, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb

Bold Rotom - Leftovers, Levitate, 252 hp, 136 defense, 122 special defense
Will o Wisp, Volt Switch, Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt/Thunderwave

Docile Lucario - Choice Band/Scarf, Steadfast, 252 speed, 124 special attack, 131 attack
Extremespeed, Close Combat, Dark Pulse, Ice Punch

Bold Ferrothorn - Occa Berry, Iron Barbs, 252 hp, 130 defense, 125 special defense
Toxic, Leech Seed, Stealth Rock, Protect

EVs are not exact but just a rough estimate I did and I know my team probably sucks but I just wanna have fun with it. So how do I play it online exactly?
go to pokemonshowdown.com
click "play online"
click "teambuilder"
click "new team"
click "select a format" and then "{Gen 6] OU"
to build the team, you can click "add Pokemon" and follow all of their instructions
or you can click "import/export", go to https://pokepast.es/7201cb5f1d77aa2c in another tab, and copy-paste the text from pokepastes to Showdown! (I didn't put EVs on this paste, so you have to add whatever EVs you want)
click "home"
click the box under "Format:"
click "[Gen 6] OU"
click "Battle! find a random opponent"
Thanks. I'll give it a try. But this is on a computer browser and not on the 3ds right?
It has to be a web browser, but it has a small chance of working on a 3DS's web browser.

1 Answer

1 vote

Sadly, there is no way other than Quick Link or whatever it's called to battle 6v6.

