PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Since Pokemon Showdown's servers are having trouble right now, I decided I'd try out Pokemon Online instead. In the process of rebuilding my team for gen 7 play, the teambuilder says that magearna can't learn Heal Bell even though I am quite sure that it can, as the team builder for showdown allows this, and it is stated on Pokemonpets. Is this a glitch? Or is that not allowed in Pokemon Online?

A complete tangent but how active is Pokémon Online still? Some days I forget it even exists lol
You can try asking on their bug reporting forum. http://pokemon-online.eu/forums/9/

1 Answer

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Actually also not a bug, just us being outdated.
Defog [and heal bell] is a Move Tutor move in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. PO has not been fully updated with Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon mechanics, and probably won't be.

