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I have perceived that in the console online battles people is less prone to switch or something, which makes the play style quite different to Showdown battles.

That's pretty confusing when it's time to predict the next move... So I would like to know what exactly makes the difference.

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When you play on Wifi, what Pokemon, moves, or abilites are you not allowed to use?
Also, on DS formats, it is less geared towards experienced play than Showdown!: the person who you fight may have no experience at all, and may be less predictable due to having 'weird' competitive sets and not switching as much, whereas in Showdown!, you always have ladder matches where you are (generally) pitted against a player of a similar skill level, as well as people being more competitively aware and having perfect sets on Showdown!. :P
@Staka, I think that would be a fine answer.
When you play on Wifi, what Pokemon, moves, or abilities are you not allowed to use?

1 Answer

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In showdown, there is a ladder where you battle people of similar competive skill and general knowledge of the game, so they will make smarter moves.

I have a feeling that the console games battles online are more about using the Pokémon you can get (you’ll probably see less legendaries, or Garchomp
, Salamence or Volcarona and more starter). The console ones are more about using your favourite Pokémon and better graphics.

It also may just be due to the format you’re playing.

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EDIT: Oh crap I just realized that wifi battles are battles you have with friends, not the battle spot.

Wifi battles are not just do whatever you want. There are certain rules you must follow, and not single battle have I played where someone just used a team of unviable favortie pokemon. Also there is a ranking system in wifi battles, but you are right when you say showdwon players are more bettter at comp than cartridge players

> I have a feeling that the console games battles online are more about using the Pokémon you can get (you’ll probably see less legendaries, or Garchomp
, Salamence or Volcarona and more starter). The console ones are more about using your favourite Pokémon and better graphics.

Your feeling is not fact, play a few rating battles and see who you face. They probably wont be as good as showdown playrs  but they are not always trash.
They are usually, 8/10 times, worse than showdown players, unless of course, they are showdown players.

The Cartrgide games also require you to be able to get your hands on strong Pokémon, so you may have a hard time getting the same IVs and EV spread as you would on Showdown.
They are bad at link  battles but just as good as showdown players in battle spot