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PokémonGames Name in Chinese (at least what I can use these to search up on TaoBao).

Pokémon SoulSilver
Pokémon HeartGold
Pokémon White2 白二?probably not?

I know that there are Pokémon games translated into two variants of Chinese; Cantonese Chinese (referred to as Chinese Traditional by the games) and Mandarin Chinese (referred to as Chinese Simplified by the games). Here’s a Bulbapedia article on it: https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pokémon_in_Greater_China
I still can’t find the name of the Pokémon games I need to find in Chinese.
Wait, didn’t sumwun make an answer for this yesterday? Where did it go?
It was incorrect. I needed the Chinese names of Gen 4 and 5 games. However there are no official names for these games there are still names that they go under when bought online via TaoBao or Amazon.CN. Those are the names of the games I’m looking for.
Oh, okay.
Why was my comment removed?
Can't you answer that question yourself?
There is no need to rubbish entire cultures of people and invalidate their language unprovoked on a Pokemon fansite. Chill out a bit.

1 Answer

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Best answer

Commented this, but thought it might as well be an answer.

Couple things in regards to your questions and comments on Sumwun's hidden post (am chinese, but not born mainland, so could be wrong);
IIRC we do express translations pretty literally, 心金 is indeed the translation for HeartGold and SoulSilver is 魂银 (at least this is a common enough that we do refer to these like this colloquially). Same with Black/White 2, its literal, and I think 黑白2 is used, not even the character 二.

As to whether you can purchase these on TaoBao I have no clue, I just looked at it and couldn't find any apart from USUM/SM but maybe I'm dumb. I think its pretty common to just run emulators or R4s. The only cartridges I've ever got from China were dodgy bootleg ones from some chinese stall years ago tbh. As I said, I didn't actually live in China so my experiences are from travelling/being dragged by family/cousin's childhood, som y understanding and grasp of chinese isn't perfect.

In regards to your "SM/USUM" aren't as literal as you'd expect, they're pretty literal
精靈寶可夢 究極之/究極之月
精靈 is the only weird part, and it refers to to some mystical-elf-fairy-thing (it translates directly translates elf in english but it really isn't lol).
寶可夢 is Pokemon
究極之 is Ultimate but doesn't typically mean anything in Mandarin. Phrase dedicated to Pokemon essentially.
日/月 are Sun/Moon
You could easily just search for 究極之日/月 and you'd get the same results as the full name.

In regards to why this is different to our expression for Sun/Moon, which use 太陽/月亮 as opposed to 日/月 , which I think historically, mean pretty similar things, but 太陽/月亮 is the one that you would probably use/learn by default for Sun/Moon now. 日/月 are bounded by other meanings/chinese grammar I think, I'm not too sure.

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黑白2 works. I think you are right. The names are literal. However for the word for Ultimate in Chinese, I was expecting something else in simpler wording. If those are the correct translations my agent should be able to find them on Taobao.
Yes it is rather counterintuitive. Im pretty sure the phrase doesn’t actually any meaning in Chinese (it doesn’t really make sense if you translate it), so it’s pretty much just grounded to the Pokémon title as a phrase.
Yep. It took my agent a few hours to find the name of Sun and moon.
Sun and Moon have released titles in Chinese as I mentioned above (tai yang, yue liang as the suffixes)