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Well the probably easiest way to get Raichu with lightning rod is to transfer it from Virtual Consol. But than it cant have dischage because of thunder stone evolution. and if you transfet pikachu than it evolves to aloan pikachu which doesnt have lightning rod.

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1 Answer

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If you have USUM, then evolving Pikachu in the Ultra Space Wilds (or one of the UB worlds) will give you Kantonian Raichu. If you only have regular SM, then you can go to a trading forum like Reddit and ask someone with USUM to evolve it for you and then trade it back.

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Oh realy? I dont have S,M,US,UM yet. But I am planing to buy them. So I gues I will go strait for US or UM.  thanks, that helped me a lot!