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I am needing advice and instructions on how to get Scyther's egg move Razor Wind

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1 Answer

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No Pokemon can really learn razor wind in GSC. If you want a razor wind Scyther without hacking, then you need to use the TM02 on Butterfree or Venomoth in Generation 1, transfer it to GSC, and hope it comes out male. If it's male, then you can breed it with a female Scyther or Scizor to get a razor wind Scyther.

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Yes I've seen a few ways about it just not sure how to go about it. So I need to teach a male butterfree or venomoth TM02 in say pokemon blue an transfer it to Crystal an put it in the day care with a female syther?
Yes, but gen 1 didnt have genders so butterfree's gender will onlybe determined once you transfer it meaning it could come out female which means you'll have to start over.
Could you trade a male from crystal to gen 1 and back to crystal after teaching it razor wind to ensure that it is the correct sex?  That way you just need the female scyther/scizor?
> a Pokémon maintains its gender when transferred between the Generation I and II games
So yes that should work.