PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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See how many wings your Pokemon can eat, and then soft-reset.
You can count EVs by reading the answers in this question: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/43756/is-there-a-way-to-check-what-your-pokemons-evs-are

1 Answer

2 votes

To check a Pokemon's IVs in Black and White 2, you have to beat the Elite 4 first. Once you've beaten the game, he'll be in the Battle Subway and will check your Pokemon's IVs; just select the one you want to check.

For EVs, you must also beat the Elite 4. Again, once you've beaten the game, you can call Bianca on the Xtransceiver and select the "Check Effort" and then select the Pokemon you want to check. If it says the Pokemon has worked particularly hard on it's -- stat, it has 252 EVs.

Source: Lots of EV training in Black 2 for the PWT

EDIT: Here is what the IV judge can say depending on the IVs of the Pokemon https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Stats_judge

As for EVs, it's pretty simple;
If she says that the Pokemon can still work a little harder, none of it's EVs are at 252
If she says that the Pokemon can still work a little harder but it has worked particularly hard on it's ---- stat, then the mentioned stat has 252 EVs, but the Pokemon doesn't have 252 in another stat.
If she says that the Pokemon can still work a little harder but it has worked particularly hard on it's ---- and ---- stats, then the 2 mentioned stats have 252 EVs, but it still has room for 1-6 EVs in another stat.
If she says that the Pokemon has worked really hard on it's ---- and ---- stats, then the 2 mentioned stats have 252 EVs and another stat has 6 EVs.

If I missed one, let me know ;)

edited by
What phrases = what EV/IV value range?
She can also say that the Pokemon has worked really hard and nothing else. That means complete 510(508) EV's but none at 252. Lot's of Pokemon have non 252 EV spreads. And your starter should get this message as well