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I think in Generation 4, there are Poke balls in the top right corner of the touchscreen, and one of them changes color whenever an opponent gets a status condition. When natural cure activates, the Poke ball goes back to its regular color. I don't think these Poke balls exist in every game where natural cure exists, so how do you see natural cure in those games? Please don't question my curiosity.

Couldn't you tell when it activates when the Pokemon switches out?
I don't know about every game, but I have never seen natural cure play a different switching animation or display text when it activates.
Then that means there isn't any text saying it activates like with Chlorophyll or Swarm
I believe it works like Regenerator, where your opponent isn't informed. :P
To my knowledge, I don't believe Natural Cure has any activation text
I know it never displays text when activating, but I'm pretty sure there's some other way it informs the opponent in every game where it exists. That's why I'm asking this question.
From what I've seen, there's no indicator for it since the status is cured after you switch. The status Pokeballs would be one, I'd imagine, but they don't exist in every game.

It should also be mentioned that a Pokemon with Trace that copies Natural Cure will cure its condition, but a Pokemon that had its ability suppressed with something like Gastro Acid will not be cured. And yet, from what I've seen it just appears the same as switching normally.
In which games are there no Poke balls?
The only way it's informed is when it's activated
He means that the Pokeballs that change color when there's a status condition don't exist in every game.
Late about responding. Don't know why I didn't earlier.
I didn't mean that you could tell by text that was there when a Pokemon switched out, but wouldn't you know that it activates when it switches out, because that's when it activates?
No, because some Pokemon can have one of multiple abilities.
I know. In which games do those Poke balls not exist?
I think Gen 6 onwards didn't display them in online battles? Don't quote me on that.
Are you sure that's true? If it is, why does Showdown! display messages of natural cure activating?
Does it matter? Showdown! isn't an official game, afterall.
Some people take Showdown! seriously. They complain about extremely minor mechanics like whether a Tapu Lele's electric seed would activate before psychic surge changes the terrain. When Showdown! does something that's so obvious and so obviously not a bug, there's almost certainly a good reason.

1 Answer

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All gens.
Gen 3 has the opposing party lineup appear for a few seconds just before a Pokemon is sent out for you to keep track of: http://i.imgur.com/lECVyeS.png
Gen 4 has the same thing, but it's also on the bottom screen while you select an action between turns: http://i.imgur.com/mA6qNIO.png
Gen 5 only has it on the bottom screen between turns: http://i.imgur.com/RPvIv0T.jpg
Gen 6 only has it on the top screen between turns: http://i.imgur.com/iZEHUgh.png


Huh, I was wrong. Apologies~