so if I'm unsure about witch nature I should get for a Pokemon, I usually go for a nuetral one....... is that a mistake or a reasonable assumtion?
In game team: Yes Special Sweeper: No. Use Timid/Modest Physical Sweeper No. Use Jolly/Adamant Mixed Sweeper: No. Use Hasty/Naive/Mild/Rash/Lonely/Naughty Special Wall: No. Use Calm/Sassy/Careful Physical Wall: No. Use Bold/Relaxed/Impish General Wall: No. Use Calm/Sassy/Careful/Bold/Relaxed/Impish Special Trick Room Sweeper: No. Use Quiet Physical Trick Room Sweeper: No. Use Brave Mixed Trick Room Sweeper: No. Use Quiet/Brave Tanky Physical Sweeper: Adamant Tanky Special Sweeper: Modest
As you can see their is always a better choice than a neutral nature. Please comment if you think I messed up somewhere on my list.
Source: Trying stuff out on Showdown! and this article.