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In asking this because Heracross can't really learn any real Fighting type moves besides Rock Smash and we all know that sucks. So even though it does have really good Attack, does it have a good reason to be on my team which needs a Fighting type?

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I'd say it's not worth it. Heracross is usually only good at spamming normal attacks, and there are plenty of better normal attack spammers in the game, like Fearow.
Also why are you using Onix when you could use Graveler instead?
I was using onix because in the gba I'm using I can trade with myself to get steelix witch I really like but thanks for the feedback
But Golem is still better than Steelix...
Who told you that like buddy the steel typing is better than the 4 times weaknesses golem got to water and grass types water being a very common type steelix only being 2x weak to it so your wrong  plus I don't need the rock stab honestly.
Typing isn't everything, though. Golem has a much stronger physical attack stat and doesn't have to wait until Victory Road to get a good ground attack.
hitmonlee is more worth it, but you have to get tyrouge out of odd egg and make it meet certain requirements then evolve it
I don't think there are any good fighting Pokemon in GSC. Just get a normal type and use it to spam headbutt.

3 Answers

1 vote

All of Heracross's STAB moves are either weak or unreliable, so the best it can do is spamming return. There are a few return users that are much stronger than Heracross, such as Fearow, Ursaring (in Crystal), and Gyarados. Fearow and Ursaring get STAB from return, and Gyarados comes at a much higher level and learns some useful coverage moves.

Machamp is a pretty useful Pokemon, but I don't think any of the other fighting Pokemon are worth using. Machoke has worse physical attack compared to the return users I mentioned earlier. This, combined with cross chop's late arrival and low accuracy, means that Machoke usually does significantly less damage against most opponents and only a little more when the opponent is weak to fighting. Tyrogue comes at a very low level. If you have the patience to level grind it, then you can do the exact same level grind with almost any other Pokemon and get better results.

0 votes

I was playing further in the game in realized you can get a Machop early in Crystal for an Abra in goldenrod Mart
And even if other can't trade machoke is still a good fighting type untill you able to get Hitmonlee or hitmonchan I would prefer Lee but in gen 4 onward I would use chan for elemental punches at least they are physical know

0 votes

Heracross has a monterous attack stat along with some of its other stats however its movepool is so bad I wouldn't consider using it for G/S/C, I recommend the in-game trade machop instead as it has fighting type stab and machoke is still a decent Pokemon even if you can't trade to get machamp with access to cross chop and dynamic punch where as Heracross only has access to Counter and Reversal which isn't obtained until way later in the game. Hopefully, this helps :)
