Again, so that you're aware: everybody in competitive has Pokemon with perfect IVs in /every/ stat, not just a select few. As much as Attack and Speed are the stats you would ideally invest in on Pikachu, you are still at an inherent disadvantage for having imperfect HP, Defence and Special Defence. If you want honest feedback, the Pikachu you're hatching aren't actually good at anything, because anyone worth your time fighting already has a perfectly optimised one, with the same or better strengths as yours.
If you want to enter competitive Pokemon seriously, you need a way of getting perfect IVs (stress, perfect) and ideal natures on your Pokemon, which usually means acquiring a 6 IV Ditto (which is easier said than done). Also worth noting is that Pikachu itself is not viable in many game modes, and 2v2 isn't an exception (besides not really being a real format).
Sorry if this was harsh, but you can learn it now or you can learn it the hard way. If it's all too much, there is a much more accessible and quality platform for competitive play called Showdown: