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When I used mega Aerodactyl in the battle tree, The opponent Wailren used frost breath, and the 1st 2 times it did normal damage, the 3rd time it was super effective and he fainted. How is that possible?!

What move did you use the first 2 turns? You probably used roost. It makes you lose your flying type for the remainder of the turn. And rock isn’t weak to ice.
Can you possibly record a battle video of that battle and share the record with us?
@sumwun - You can't record replays of the Battle Tree (only if it's the last battle against Red, or Red and Blue).
You can if you select the "Record" option after beating an opponent; it records the battle you just had into your Battle Videos. You can also save videos if you lose a battle. :P
What move did you use?
@Staka - I'm not sure if I can believe you. :P
The option for recording a battle video in the Tree is called "Save record", not just "Record".
Huh, neat.
The only possible way of this happening was if you used Roost, nothing else
@Meta Ridley - https://pokemondb.net/type/rock  :P

Frost Breath "always results in a critical hit". Maybe you just weren't paying full attention to the battle until the 3rd turn and you may have mistaken, "a critical hit" for, "it's super effective". But, "a critical hit" is written with yellow letters while, "it's super effective" is not. It's either you got confused or your game is just broken.
Or, he used roost.

i remember now i used roost against Wailren when he used frost breath so i just became a simple rock type. Is this correct?
plus i don't save any of my losses unless i find the battle fun, to redo, or to train up
You want to answer your own question now?
@Cobruks - Rock types aren't weak to Ice type moves. Could the fact of Aerodactyl being weak to Ice type moves help?
@Azelfeo - Ok i looked at the type chart: Rock 2x against Ice Flying 2x weak against ice. Ok since Aerodactyl is a rock/flying type, ice should just be 1x effective right?
@Cubruks - It would be 2x effective.
ok then! I think i could write a good anwser for this Question. Thanks for helping me, all of you. Me and Luxray thank you.
But since the Flying type was removed when using Roost, Frost Breath should be 1x effective

1 Answer

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Mega Aerodactyl has a x2 weakness against ice type moves. When the move roost is used, the flying type is taken away for the remainder of the turn, losing the weakness against ice for the remainder of the turn.
