PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Hi all!

So, I haven't played Pokemon since I left after finishing black and white years ago. For that reason I have a few questions about shiny breeding.

1.) If you have a shiny Pokemon from Gen. 4 and back and bring to Gen.'s 5-7 does it help increase the shiny rate of a Pokemon egg?

2.) How do you use the shiny charm to increase the chance of a Pokemon egg hatch being shiny? (I assume you give it to the party leader in you Pokemon party?)

3.) Are hacked shiny's from Gen. 4 - via a action replay, DSi edition - not eligible for pokebank? (some say yes other say no...can't get a straight answer from a google search).

4.) It is my understanding, that gen. 6 introduced the chances for female traits to be passed on, or was it an earlier generation?

5.) If two Pokemon say a Ditto and a Lucario share the same personality. Does that mean the egg will have a 100% chance of the same personality?

Now here is my ideal scenario I have laid out, yes I have all the games I would need to do this.

If you have an old DSi action replay you can use that with platinum to make shinys and then move them over to X and Y. I haven't found any data saying this is not impossible.

Why is this important? Simple! If you go catch a hacked shiny ditto - like I will be doing, one for each nature - you can then breed that with the medusa method (get the Pokemon of you choice from Japan via the GTS and you have your medusa method in play). Now when your done with you Pokemon game of choice from Gen. 4. Move the ditto's to X/Y, ORAS, or SUN & MOON. Get an egg and with the shiny charm, plus medusa method, you just put your chances from 1 in 8196 to 1 in 455; and that is not including the extra chance with the shiny ditto in play. Happy breeding!

So with that all stated, is this possible? Do keep in mind the ditto's would not go to the Pokebank in the near future. I would use them to help make shiny's and then move those shiny's to the Pokebank and to future Pokemon titles (hence 2019 title).

1 no
2 The shiny charm works whenever it's in the player's bag.
3 I don't know.
4 Does "traits" mean abilities? If yes, then you might want to read the "Abilities and breeding section in this article: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Ability
Thank you, so to clarify it doesn't matter if both parents are shiny it won't increase the rate. Well, makes my life easier then b/c I'll get a bunch of ditto's from japan instead that way I don't have to find/trade for a specific japan region Pokemon.

Also...Hi sumwun.
1 no
2 wut sumwun said
3 no
4 yes

To clarify, number 3 is no it is not eligible? (sorry confused b/c of double negative.)
Number three is ineligible if the pokemon is shiny and isn't possible to get in the game or if the shiny is somehow corrupted/Pokemon Bank finds something "Fishy" (like more than 510 EVs and other weird hacks [not sure about stuff like LV 1 Dragonites]) :P

About number 5, Personality values (I assume that is what you mean) have never been passed down via breeding (or any method, unless you count exploiting cloning glitches), but IV's (3, 5 if a parent is holding a Destiny Knot), Hidden Abilities (If a Female has it/Male has it and is the same species as the female/Male has it and breeds with Ditto), Egg Moves, and Natures (If the parent with the desired Nature holds an Everstone, it has a 100% chance of passing down it's Nature). :P
Well I don't plan on making a 510 EV Garchomp. -_-... that would just be evil.

1 Answer

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1 In Generation 7, the only things that can influence the shiny chance of eggs are the shiny charm and the Masuda method. So no.

2 The shiny charm works whenever it's in the player's bag.


Number three is ineligible if the Pokemon is shiny and isn't possible to get in the game or if the shiny is somehow corrupted/Pokemon Bank finds something "Fishy" (like more than 510 EVs and other weird hacks [not sure about stuff like LV 1 Dragonites]) :P
commented Oct 11 by Stakatacool

4 You never told us what a "trait" is.

5 In Generation 7, personality is not influenced by the parents' personality.

trait means ability. some people call abilities traits IDK why
That was just because of an old Pokemon Online feature. https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/292449/ According to Bulbapedia, traits are an obscure Pokemon Rumble mechanic that has nothing to do with any core series games.