PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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so I'm planning to start using a new challenge mode I came up with called the "ketchum method." it's easier and less brutal then a nuzlock, but also similar, in a way. at the beginning of the game you get your starter (seeing as we're going all out ash, you could even impose an unevolving pikachu on yourself.) you then proceed through the game, and playing like ash ketchum: you can't use legendaries on your team, only level-up based evolutions (or happiness) are allowed, all else must be cancelled, and you must have about two or three NFE Pokemon on your team by the end. it's based on the principal that you should use your favorite Pokemon, and not just what's the strongest option. this is very fun, especially in the newer, easier games. the next twist is, just like ash, you must catch Pokemon only occasionally, and do this in a way that you have only as many Pokemon on your team as the next gym leader. whenever you're in any trainer battle, if you loose as many Pokemon as your opponent has, you have lost, and you can't use more then they do. you can also rotate. this causes you to end up with a vastly different team at the end because your captures are more varried. always look for your favorite when catching something new. you can't mega evolve either, or generally do anything not especially "ash". the problem is that I need to know how many Pokemon each gym leader and elite four member has before I challenge them, without being given spoilers.

there's also a possibility for a rom-hacked version with enforced rules, but I don't know who's ever gonna make it (The idea is every Pokemon is the same level, making battles more like the anime.)

how many Pokemon does each main "boss" have, throughout every game? this only applies to gym leaders, elite four and champions.

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I think all Elite Four members have 5 Pokémon.
I added an answer, but it has all the gym leaders’ names. If that’s a spoiler for you, let me know and I’ll change it to gym 1, 2, 3, etc.
the naming problem is that their names often spoil their types, and when there's a rush to get a new partner right before a gym, it can make you biased. so I'll take your offer.
Alright. Will do.

Edit: Done.
yay. great.

2 Answers

5 votes
Best answer

Red/Blue, Fire Red/Leaf Green

First Gym: 2
Second Gym: 2
Third Gym: 3
Fourth Gym: 3
Fifth Gym: 3
Sixth Gym: 4
Seventh Gym: 4
Eighth Gym: 5

Elite Four: 5

Champion: 6


First Gym: 2
Second Gym: 2
Third Gym: 1
Fourth Gym: 3
Fifth Gym: 4
Sixth Gym: 3
Seventh Gym: 3
Eighth Gym: 5

Elite 4: 5

Champion: 6

Gold/Silver/Crystal, Heart Gold/Soul Silver

First Gym: 2
Second Gym: 3
Second Gym: 2
Fourth Gym: 4
Fifth Gym: 2
Sixth Gym: 3
Seventh Gym: 3
Eighth Gym: 4
Ninth Gym: 5
Tenth Gym: 4
Eleventh Gym: 5
Twelfth Gym: 4
Thirteenth Gym: 5
Fourteenth Gym: 3
Fifteenth Gym: 3
Sixteenth Gym: 6

Elite Four: 5

Champion: 6

Ruby/Sapphire, Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire

First Gym: 2
Second Gym: 2
Third Gym: 3
Fourth Gym: 3
Fifth Gym: 3
Sixth Gym: 4
Seventh Gym: 2
Eighth Gym: 5

Elite four: 5

Champion: 6


First Gym: 3
Second Gym: 3
Third Gym: 4
Fourth Gym: 4
Fifth Gym: 4
Sixth Gym: 5
Seventh Gym: 4
Eighth Gym: 5

Elite four: 5

Champion: 6


First Gym: 3
Second Gym: 3
Third Gym: 3
Fourth Gym: 3
Fifth Gym: 3
Sixth Gym: 3
Seventh Gym: 4
Eighth Gym: 4

Elite four: 5

Champion: 6

Black/White, Black 2/White 2

First Gym: 2
Second Gym: 2
Third Gym: 3
Fourth Gym: 3
Fifth Gym: 3
Sixth Gym: 3
Seventh Gym: 3
Eighth Gym: 3

Elite four: 4

Champion: 6


First Gym: 2
Second Gym: 2
Third Gym: 3
Fourth Gym: 3
Fifth Gym: 3
Sixth Gym: 3
Seventh Gym: 3
Eighth Gym: 3

Elite four: 4

Champion: 6

Sun/Moon, Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon

First Kahuna: 3
Second Kahuna: 3
Third Kahuna: 3
Fourth Kahuna: 4

Elite Four: 5

Champion: 6

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Actually, In ORAS, the Elite 4 have 6 Pokemon(I've battled them multiple times).
The Elite Four in ORAS have five Pokemon until you rematch them.
Yep. I’m only counting the first time through.
any chance you could add the kahunas to this? thanks.
yeah I added them
2 votes

All Elite 4 members have 5.
All champions have 6.
I am not counting Kanto in GSC and HGSS, since that is after game.
Also not Giovanni in Rainbow Rocket and no challenge mode.

Gen 1
Brock: 2
Misty: 2
Lt. Surge: 3 (RBG)/1 (Y)
Erika: 3
Koga (Gym Leader): 4
Sabrina: 4 (RBG)/3 (Y)
Blaine: 4 (RBG)/3 (Y)
Giovanni: 5

Gen 2:
Falkner: 2
Bugsy: 3
Whitney: 3
Morty: 4
Chuck: 2
Jasmine: 3
Pyrce: 3
Clair: 4

Gen 3:
Roxanne: 2 (RS, ORAS)/3 (E)
Brawly: 2 (RS, ORAS)/3 (E)
Wattson: 3 (RS, ORAS)/4 (E)
Flannery: 3 (RS, ORAS)/4 (E)
Norman: 3 (RS, ORAS)/4 (E)
Winona: 4 (RS, ORAS)/5 (E)
Tate & Lisa: 2 (RS, ORAS)/4 (E)
Wallace: 5
Juan: 5

Gen 4:
Roark: 3
Gardenia: 3
Maylene: 3
Crasher Wake: 3
Fantina: 3
Byron: 3
Candice: 4
Valkner: 4

Gen 5:
Cilan: 2
Chili: 2
Cress: 2
Lenora: 2
Burgh: 3
Eliza: 3
Clay: 3
Skyla: 3
Brycen: 3
Drayden (Black): 3
Iris (White): 3
Cheren: 2
Roxie: 2
Marlon: 3

Gen 6:
So close!!!
Viola: 2
Grant: 2
Korrina: 3
Ramos: 3
Clemont: 3
valerie: 3
Olympia: 3
Wulfric: 3

I recommend playing Yellow since you have Pikachu as a starter. You can buy it on eshop for $10

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If I’m not mistaken, Elite Four has only 4 Pokemon in Gen5, Gen6, and Gen7...
oh ya...
oops. whatever