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For some reason I associate Yanmega and Gliscor as sort of counterpart Pokémon. Maybe because of the close numbers in the Pokédex and the Physical typing and then the Flying typing (yes, I know that Flying is a physical typing). I just wanted to know.

It depends on the rest of your team and the format.
Well, I don't really have a team! I don't do any competitive. Just overall like move sets, stats, tiers and typings (I know that Gliscor has a better typing).
It really still depends on the format. If you were playing a format where earthquake and poison heal were banned, then obviously Yanmega is better. If you were playing a format where tinted lens was banned, then obviously Gliscor is better.
Then say that Poison Heal, Tinted Lens, and Earthquake were all banned.
Can you just tell me what format you're playing?
I'm not playing any format. I just want to know overall, which is better.
Competitive battling only exists within formats. There's no such thing as "overall".
Yanmega --  an opportunity to make a dragon bug wasted :(
Just tell us the rest of your team an di will make an answer
@Consumption Another way I can try to explain this is that the format makes the rules. You can't play any game without rules.
@Madness I don't think dragonflies look like dragons to Japanese people.
Leaving flags so I'm reminded of this later.
@NotForConsumption As others have mentioned, this would be more answerable if you could establish what a general assessment would entail. For example: are you referring to singles or doubles, Smogon rules or not -- any other parameters? The answer would vary considerably between different formats.
It would be singles. And yes, smogon rules would apply. And I know that in XY Yanmega was one of the Borderline tiers and I'm pretty sure that Gliscor is in RU. So just in a regular singles battle with Smogon rules.
There are lots of different kinds of singles with Smogon rules. Are you asking about OU, UU, RU, Ubers, Monotype, or CAP?
RU Singles.

1 Answer

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Yanmega is better in RU because Gliscor is banned.

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