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I know that Charizard and Smeargle did. Is there more?

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So are lighter and darker shades also a difference? I don't think this question is too great, since back then almost every Pokémon changed color a little bit.
I mean changing the shing colour, not the lokemon from normal to shiny.
Ok, i'll post in the end something with that, let's just say it's our test material :P
Doesn't every shiny change color? Or do I not fully understand the question?
Imean, a pokemons shiny changing.
Yeah, that's the same lmao. So I did just something to get points and kill my live with my answer. WHEN IS IT DONE.
Probably in these 3 days

2 Answers

6 votes
Best answer

minor differences (not including gen 6 sprites)

  • -

  • Bulbasaur (bulb on it's back got more dark greenish)
  • Venusaur (the leaves got more dark green and the tree on it's back got slightly more light yellow over the years)
  • Caterpie (horns changed to red)
  • Beedrill (insect paws got black, however it's sprites paws changed too)
  • Pidgey (paws got orange)
  • Pikachu (pink to red cheeks)
  • Nidoran♀ (green dots got dark purple, however, the sprites dots changed too)
  • Nidorina (green dots got dark purple, however, the sprites dots changed too)
  • Nidoqueen (dark green to brown-ish-green pink parts changed to other pink)
  • Nidoran♂ (ears got from purple and black to brown slightly purple-ish-blue to light blue)
  • Nidorino (ears got from black and purple to red-ish-brown purple dots got dark blue)
  • Clefairy (body got from magenta-pinkish to light pink, however, the coloration of Clefairy's sprite changed, but the shiny is a lighter pink)
  • Clefable (mouth got from green to red body got from magenta-pinkish to light pink, however, the coloration of Clefable's sprite changed, but the shiny is a lighter pink)
  • Jigglypuff (mouth got from green to red body got from magenta-pinkish to light pink, however, the coloration of Clefable's sprite changed, but the shiny is a lighter pink)
  • Wiglytuff (from pink to grayish-pink
  • Zubat (inner wings from pink to sandish color dark green to darker green body color)
  • Golbat (inner wings from pink to more of a sandish-pink)
  • Parasect (from greenish-sandy color to darker sandy color)
  • Digglet (it's ground and snout get from purple to sand and blue snout)
  • Dugtrio (it's ground and snouts get from purple to sand and blue snouts)
  • Meowth (sandish body pink inner ears tip of the tail and feet to lighter sandish body lighter pink tip of the tail inner ears and feet)
  • Persian (from a yellow body with magentaish-pink ears to a yellowish-sandy body color with light pink ears)
  • Golduck (from a light blue body with a pink beak with pink details to a slightly darker blue with pinkish-white beak and details)
  • Mankey (from a light khaki green body with khaki-brownish hands paws and tip of the tail to a light green body with brown hands paws and tip of the tail)
  • Primeape (from a brownish face and dark khaki green arms and legs with black bracelets and a khaki-brownish snout to a light brown face and darker khaki green arms and legs with dark gray bracelets and a dark pink snout)
  • Abra (from a dark yellow body with purple shoulders and a part of the belly to a yellow body with brown shoulders and a part of the belly)
  • Kadabra (from a dark yellow body with purple details and with purple shoulders and a part of the belly with a white spoon to a yellow body with purple details and with brown shoulders and a part of the belly with a very light gray)
  • Alakazam (from a khaki green body with magenta details and two white spoons to a yellow (first dark yellow) body with pink (first dark pink) and light gray spoons)
  • Bellsprout (from goldish-green leaves and a head with a black body and pink mouth to yellow leaves and a head with a brown body lighter pink)
  • Weepinbell (from a light green body with light green leaves with pinkish-purple mouth and branch to a-yellow body with light green leaves with light pink mouth and a brown branch)
  • Tentacool (from a light blueish-purple body and legs and green details to a purple body and sandish legs and green details)
  • Tentacruel (from light purpleish-blue body and legs with green details to slightly darker purpleish-blue and sandish legs with dark khaki green details)
  • Dodrio (from a khaki green body black upper talon and light yellow extra's to a green body dark gray upper talon yellow extra's and a pink tail)
  • Shellder (from a brownish-orange body to a orange body)
  • Onix (from a lime green body to a lighter lime green body)
  • Drowzee (from a pink body and a dark purpleish-pink under body to a light pink body and a red under body)
  • Hypno (from a purpleish-pink body with white fur and pendulum to a pink body with white fur and a gray pendulum)
  • Krabby (from a dark yellow body and a white underside to a yellow body and a very very light yellow underside)
  • Kingler (from a dark grayish-green body and a light grayish-green underside to a khaki green body and a very very light green underside)
  • Voltorb (from a purpleish-blue upper side and a white under side to a blue upper side and a white under side)
  • Electrode (from a purpleish-blue upper side and a white under side to a blue upper side and a white under side)
  • Exeggutor (from a greenish-brown body with white heads and brownish-orange leaves to a yellow body with very light heads and orange leaves)
  • Cubone (from a green body with a white belly skull and bone to a slightly darker green a very light yellow belly and a white skull and bone)
  • Hitmonlee (from a lime green body and purple details to a slightly darker lime green body and very light yellow details)
  • Chansey (from a dark sandish body a white egg and green details to a sandish body color a white egg and lime green details)
  • Goldeen (from a white body with orange details and a orange mouth to a white body with slightly darker orange details and a pink mouth)
  • Seaking (from a dark yellow body white belly and horn and whiteish-green fins and white lips and black details to a orange body with a whiteish-green belly and fins a very very light yellow horn and pink lips and black details)
  • Gyarados (from an orange body with khaki green details to a red body with sandish details)
  • Ditto (from a blue body to a light blue body)
  • Snorlax (from a blueish-purple body and sandish details to a blue body with sandish details + brown underside of the feets)
  • Zapdos (from a light orange body, red beak and paws, and black details to a yellow body, orange beak and paws, black details, and brownish-grey details)
  • Dragonite (from a khaki green body white details and dark pink inner wings to a dark green body whit pinkish-sandish details and pink inner wings)

Note: don't like this answer but the one with shiny swaps since I reached the maximum characters and it was too hard to short out.

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Its fine
but I am almost at 151 lol
Well Leafy, it would be a little more clear to me if you get the other answer in green. Since that's the one liked most.
Well I have an idea. I could make a Pastebin about this. But you BA'd this one. And two upvotes there.

Ok you are the people who don't want to listen.
11 votes

shiny swaps (including gen 6 sprites)

  • Paras

major differences (not including gen 6 sprites)

  • Charmeleon (got yellow)
  • Charizard (got black with red inner wings)
  • Squirtle (got really light blue, and changed back to a darker purple-ish blue color + changed to a yellow-ish belly color)
  • Wartlortle (got completely purple, belly got changed to yellow-ish and a white-ish-green color for the ears and tail)
  • Blastoise (got changed to completely purple, yellow-ish belly
  • Metapod (orange body)
  • Butterfree (purple body, however the general sprite changed color too)
  • Weedle (got yellow)
  • Pidgeotto (got to green-ish brown and hairs (?) got yellow)
  • Pidgeot (brown body yellow hairs (?) tallows yellow)
  • Rattata (got sand-ish color blue eyes)
  • Raticate (red-ish brown)
  • Spearow (yellow-green-ish head yellow wings and talons)
  • Fearow (yellow-green-ish body - little dark lime body)
  • Ekans (body got changed to dark lime - lime
  • Arbok (golden body)
  • Raichu (yellow to orange)
  • Sanshrew (gray to light green)
  • Sanslash (lime to sandish body color)
  • Nidoking (from purpleish-blue body and black and purple ears to light blue body and sandy ears)
  • Vulpix (from goldish to light yellowish-lime-green tail and hair got darker)
  • Ninetales (from from purpleish-gray to gray to the same purpleish-gray with blue end on it's tail)
  • Oddish (from black and yellow leaves to green and lime leaves)
  • Gloom (from dark gray body and orange leaves and bulb to a brown-greenish body and brown bulb with brownish-orange leaves)
  • Vileplume (from a black body with orange leaves to a dark green color with orange leaves)
  • Venonat (from a deep blueish-purple body with blue eyes to a purple body with slightly lighter blue eyes)
  • Venomoth (from a blueish-purple body to a light blue body)
  • Psyduck (from a purple body with a white beak to a light blue body with a with a very light blue)
  • Growlithe (from a brown body with black stripes and white fur to a yellow body with very dark gray and yellowish-white fur)
  • Arcanine (from a khaki green body with black stripes and brownish-white fur to a yellow body with black stripes and darker brownish-white fur)
  • Poliwag (from a purpleish-blue body with a pink mouth to a light blue body with slightly lighter pink mouth)
  • Poliwhirl (from a blue body with a white belly and hands to a light blue with a very light gray belly and hands)
  • Poliwrath (from a turqoise body with a white belly and hands to a dark lime green body with a very very light gray belly and hands)
  • Machop (from a brownish-gray body with white hair (?) to a sandish-color with brownish-yellow (first yellow) hair (?))
  • Machoke (from a khaki green body with purpleish-blue details and a black belt with purpleish blue details and white hair (?) to a Green (before dark khaki green) body with blue details and a very very dark green belt with golden details and yellow hair (?))
  • Machamp (from a dark green body with white details and a black belt with dark yellow details to a light green (first dark green) body with yellow details and a black belt with dark yellow details (first without the upper belt))
  • Victreebel (from a white body with a light khaki green tail and tip of the tail and a light khaki green detail and light khaki green leaves with a purpleish-blue mouth to a light lime green body with a brown tail and light lime green tip of the tail and a tail and a dark-brownish tail dark a brownish-yellow detail and dark brownish-yellow leaves with a blue mouth)
  • Geodude (from a brown body and arms to a yellowish-orange body and arms)
  • Graveler (from a brown body with arms and legs to a orangeish-brown body with arms and legs
  • Golem (from a redish-brown body with lighter redish-brown legs arm and head to a dark sandish body with sandish legs arm and head)
  • Ponyta (from brown manes and a white body and paws to blue manes and a light yellow body and paws)
  • Rapidash (from purple manes and a white body and paws to gray manes and a light yellow body and paws)
  • Slowpoke (from a purple body and legs with a white beak and tip of the tail to a light pink body and legs with a light yellow beak and a white tip of the tail)
  • Slowbro (from a purple body with a white beak and details with a light khaki green Shellder thinh to a purpleish-blue body with a light yellow beak and details and a brown shelder thing)
  • Magnemite (from a light gray head and black magnets with light gray and and red details and a white screw to a light sandish body and dark gray magnets with very very dark gray details and a light gray screw)
  • Magneton (from 3 light gray heads with light gray screws and black magnets with white and red detail to 3 light sandish head with gray screws and very dark gray magnets with very very dark gray details)
  • Farfetch'd (from a light brown body a white beak and details with a white stick and a green tip of the stick to a pink body with in the inner light yellow and a yellow beak and talons with a white stick and a green tip of the stick)
  • Doduo (from a yellow body with black necks and yellow heads with white beaks and yellow talons to a light green body with light yellow necks and light green heads with light yellow beaks and talons)
  • Seel (from a gray body and white mouth to a white body and light yellow mouth)
  • Dewgong (from a gray body to a white body)
  • Grimer (from a dark lime green body with dark khaki green details to a light green body with green details)
  • Muk (from a khaki green body with green details to a light green body with slightly darker green details)
  • Cloyster (from a purple shell and another darker purple shell and a black head to a light blue shell and a gray shell and a dark purple head)
  • Ghastly (from purpleish-blue gas and a black head to blue gas and purple head)
  • Haunter (from a dark purple body and purpleish blue mouth to a purple body and a light blue mouth)
  • Gengar (from a purple body with pink eyes to a grayish-purple body and red eyes)
  • Exeggcute (from a lime green body to a yellow body)
  • Marowak (from a khaki green body with a white belly, skull, and bone to a light green body with a very light yellow belly and a white skull and bone)
  • Hitmonchan (from a grayish-green body and purpleish-blue details to a lime green body with gray details and blue boxing gloves)
  • Lickitung (from a dark yellow body with white details and a pink tongue to a yellow body with light yellow details and a pink tongue)
  • Koffing (from a blue body with white details and blue gas to a turquoise body with light yellow details and purple gas)
  • Weezing (from a blue body with white details and blue gas to a turquoise body with light yellow details and purple gas)
  • Rhyhorn (from a pinkish-gray body to a brownish-red body)
  • Rhydon (from a gray body and a white belly to a light sandish body color and a very light yellow belly and horn)
  • Tangela (from a light lime green body and dark red shoes to a green body and red shoes)
  • Kangaskhan (from a gray body (and baby's body) dark green upper head(and baby's upper head) a white belly and horns(and white baby horns) to a light grayish-brown body (pink baby body) green upper head (same for baby) a very light yellow belly and horns (very light horns for baby))
  • Horsea (from a purpleish-blue body and pink detail to a turquoise body and light pink details)
  • Seadra (from dark purple and pink detail to a purpleish blue body and very light pink details)
  • Staryu (from a white body and white details with a blue crystal to a gray body and yellow details with a light blue crystal)
  • Starmie (from a purpleish-blue body red details with a purpleish blue crystal to a blue body pink details and a dark blue crystal in it)
  • Mr. Mime (from a pink body white "T-shirt" and white gloves khaki green details black shoes and horns to a light pink body white "T-shirt" and white gloves lime green details blue shoes and horns)
  • Electabuzz (from a yellow body and black details to a dark orange body and dark gray details)
  • Magmar (from a pink body and head flames and a very darker pink upper body, arms, and feet and black details to a very light pink body and head flames and a very darker upper body, arms, and feet and black details)
  • Pinsir (from a grayish-blue body with lime yellow horns and white claws to a purple body with yellow thorns and white claws)
  • Tauros (from a light yellow body with dark green manes tails black hooves and white thorns and details to a yellow body with lime green manes light gray tails horns and very dark gray hooves)
  • Scyther (from a lime green body and red details to a green body and red details)
  • Jynx (from a dark purple body a pink dress and details to a purple body and a slightly lighter pink dress and details
  • Magikarp (from a lime green body with white details to a yellow body with yellow hairs and white details)
  • Lapras (from a blueish-purple body with pink details to a dark purple body with sandish details and gray shield)
  • Eevee (from a gray body with white details to a whiteish-sandish body with very light gray details)
  • Vaporeon (from a purple body with white fins to a pink body with some yellow fins and very dark pink details)
  • Jolteon (from a dark yellow body and white details to a lime green body and white details)
  • Flareon (from an orange body and white details to a dark sandish body and light sandish details)
  • Porygon (from a blueish-purple and purple body to a light pink and blue body)
  • Omanyte (from a dark gray body and dark yellow shell to a light purple body and a sandish shell)
  • Omastar (from a dark gray body and a fluorescent yellow body to a light purple body and a yellow shell)
  • Kabuto (from a grayish-green shell and white eyes to a lime green body and red eyes + yellow feet)
  • Kabutops (from a grayish-green body and white details to a lime green body and white details)
  • Aerodactyl (from a purple body and dark gray inner wings to a pink body and blue inner wings)
  • Articuno (from a very light body, blueish-purple paws, and white details to a light blue body, very light blue details, brown paws and beak, and blue tails)
  • Moltres (from a pink body, darker pink flames and paws to a very light pink body, orange beak and paws, and flames in the color of flames :P)
  • Dratini (from a purpleish-blue body and white details to a pink body and white details)
  • Dragonair (from a purpleish-blue body and white details to a pink body and white details + golden balls)
  • Mewtwo (from a white body and khaki green details to a very light gray body and lime green details)
  • Mew (from a very very very very very light blue body to a light blue body)

Full list (including other gens) [STILL BEING WORKED ON]:

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that's a ton of work! woah! :D
But incorrect.
Leafy, I was going to edit this in a bit, tomrow you get your ton of work-answer
ok. sorry for being rude
No problem. I'll try to make it done as fast as I can.
Welp, I am sorry about this, but I ain't done today. Had much things to do. I try to make it in this week! Sorry that this takes so much time!