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18 votes
I think it has been asked but I searched and nothing similar came up

2 Answers

9 votes
Best answer

Yes. Shiny Nincada will cause Shiny Shedinja to appear when it evolves.

edited by
And what he said lol XD
The contreversy here is that Shedinja isn't technically an evolution, Ninjask is.
Shedinja only comes with the evolved Nincada.

But in my opinion, l believe that the Shedinja will be shiny since
it copies the Nincada's stats, information, IVs, EVERYTHING!
(Even the date it was caught) ~
I didn't know it copied the date it was caught
Yes it will be shiny. I have one on Pokemon X.
it copies the same numberrs that ninjask has so it should be shiny
Also if you nickname your Nincada like how i nicknamed mine Hummy, Ninjask would hve the nickname shedinja would not
I edited the answer so it doesn't imply that Shedinja being shiny is contingent upon it evolving from Nincada (which is "technically" not what happens).
4 votes

Well logically,Yes since shedinja is the shedskin of nincada and if nincada has a shiny color yeah I think so.

Logic is good, but this is pokemon. :/
I expect it is a yes, but I'll have to test it when I get some free time.