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I'm having Minccino as my mono-type starter in Ultra Moon...

When I play it, which starter do you think I should pick to beat the champion at the Elite Four in Ultra Moon when I get there :)?

Rowlet, Litten or Popplio?

By the way, my team will be:

Minccino (F):
Attacks: Double Slap, Swift, Echoed Voice, Slam

Rockruff/Midday Lycanroc (F):
Attacks: Tackle, Rock Throw, Fire Fang, Bite

Alolan Sandshrew (F):
Attacks: Scratch, Powder Snow, Swift, Iron Head

Alolan Diglett (F):
Attacks: Mud-Slap, Dig, Attract, Sludge Bomb

Grubbin (F):
Attacks: Vice Grip, Bug Bite, Spark, Dig

Wimpod (F):
Attacks: Struggle Bug, Attract, Metal Claw, Scald

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what i mean is, i'm going to evolve my lv 1 rockruff into midday lycanroc *i already have dusk lycanroc in ultra sun* :)
oh. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

it's fine :)
It's kind of sad to see the weak pre-evolutions being used for the elite four...
@ ~megaltaria~

hey, hey!   never underestimate the power of my ultra moon team ^^

my minchino with: shockwave, swift, echoed voice & tail slap

my sandile with: bite, dig, double-edge & sludge bomb

my alolan ninetales with powder snow, zen headbutt, extrasensory & dazzling gleam

my midday lycanroc with quick attack, rock throw, fire fang & bite

my brione with double slap, water gun, icy wind & moonblast

& my lilligant with sleep powder, giga drain, magical leaf & energy ball

1 Answer

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Litten is the best starter in USM. Its fire attacks are strong against Molayne's entire team and the rival's Crabominable and Decidueye, and its dark attacks are strong against Acerola's entire team and Hau's Raichu and Decidueye. It can learn brick break to improve its matchup against Olivia and Hau's Tauros, and thunder punch to hit Kahlili's team harder.

Don't doubt my little boy Litten.