PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
1 vote

For HP, Attack, Defense, Sp. Attack, Sp. Defense, and Speed.

All Eevee evolutions have base stats of 130, 110, 95, 65, 60, and 60, and their only differences are which specific stat corresponds to each of those numbers. Can you give a more specific definition of "best overall stats"?

1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer

Vaporeon has 130 HP, 065 Att., 060 Def., 110 S.A., 095 S.D., and 065 Speed.
Jolteon has 065 HP, 065 Att., 060 Def., 110 S.A., 095 S.D., and 130 Speed.
Flareon has 065 HP, 130 Att., 060 Def., 095 S.A., 110 S.D., and 065 Speed.
Espeon has 065 HP, 065 Att., 060 Def., 130 S.A., 095 S.D., and 110 Speed.
Umbreon has 095 HP, 065 Att., 110 Def., 060 S.A., 130 S.D., and 065 Speed.
Leafeon has 065 HP, 110 Att., 130 Def., 060 S.A., 065 S.D., and 095 Speed.
Glaceon has 065 HP, 060 Att., 110 Def., 130 S.A., 095 S.D., and 065 Speed.
Sylveon has 095 HP, 065 Att., 065 Def., 110 S.A., 130 S.D., and 060 Speed.

Winner = lowest # (1 is best)


So, Jolteon, Espeon, Umbreon, and Sylveon are better than Vaporeon, Flareon, Leafeon, and Glaceon.
Overall (1st on list is highest):

HP: Vaporeon, Umbreon + Sylveon, and the rest.
Att.: Flareon, Leafeon, the rest, and Glaceon.
Def.: Leafeon, Umbreon + Glaceon, Sylveon, and the rest.
S.A.: Espeon + Glaceon, the rest, Flareon, and Umbreon + Leafeon.
S.D.: Umbreon + Sylveon, Flareon, the rest, and Leafeon.
Spd: Jolteon, Espeon, Leafeon, the rest, and Sylveon.

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What do the numbers in the third paragraph (where Vaporeon is "1+3+4+2+3+4") mean?
The stats compared to all Eeveelutions, Vaporeon's (1) comes from its highest stat, HP.