PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
3 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

A very useful tool for assessing your team's strengths and weaknesses is this team builder made by @richi3f on GitHub, updated for these new games. This site makes it very easy to set up and assemble a team!

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45 Answers

0 votes

Using this team in Ultra Moon.No version exclusives.Decidueye as starter


Decidueye is my starter.He destroys water types with Leaf Blade and Spirit Shackle just sweeps Psychic and Ghost types.I gave it False Swipe for catching Pokémon and Brave Bird for power.He is holding his signature Z-crystal, Decidium Z


Slowbro is the water type and covers Decidueye.Scald and Psychic are for necessary STAB and Slack Off is for healing purposes.Brick Break is for coverage.He is holding a Quick Claw.Though slow and a pain to train, He has good Sp.Atk, Def and decent HP.


Magnezone is the fairy killer.It has Flash Cannon and Thunderbolt for STAB.Tri Attack is for damage.I just gave it Light Screen to because I had no other moves :p.It holds a Magnet, increasing Thunderbolt’s power.


Noivern is the fastest member in my team and he sweeps enemies with Dragon Pulse and Air Slash is STAB.Boomburst is power and Flamethrower is ice coverage


Mudsdale is the ground type and he destroys electric types with High Horsepower.He has Bide to return the damage and Heavy Slam to do immense Steel-Type damage.Superpower is for Steel type coverage.He holds Soft Sand.


Salazzle covers the team as three members are weak to ice.Salazzle’s Flamethrower thaws Ice-Types.Sludge Bomb is STAB.Toxic widdles down Totem Pokémon.Dragon Pulse is a random move.She holds a Charcoal.

Replacement Pokémon

Decidueye -> N/A ( He is your starter! )
Slowbro -> Starmie.Although you obtain it on Akala Island, Starmie has a diverse movepool and better speed than Slowbro
Magnezone -> Vikavolt.Though Magnezone destroys fairy types, Vikavolt has a god movepool from Thunderbolt to Guillotine
Noivern -> Hawlucha.Hawlucha’s typing makes it unique and combined with good speed and attack, Hawlucha can be a threat to any opponent.
-> Krookodile.The Imtimidation Pokémon attack enemies with powerful STAB and Attack.
Salazzle -> Arcanine.Arcanine is not like Salazzle, an all out attacker, but a steady tank as well as attacker.The ability, intimidate will also help ingame

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0 votes

I have decided to revise the teams I made earlier in my opinion this is the definitive best team for Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Pokemon 1: Incineroar @ Incinum Z (Starter, Litten)
Type: Fire/ Dark

- Fire Punch/ Flare Blitz (Fire STAB)
- Darkest Lariat (Dark STAB)
- Thunder Punch/ Iron Head
- Brick Break/ Cross Chop

Pokemon 2: Magnezone @ Electrium Z (Trainer`s School, Magnemite)
Type: Electric/ Steel

- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Signal Beam/ Thunder Wave
- Discharge/ Tri Attack

Pokemon 3: Hawlucha @ N/A (Route 2 Trade)
Type: Fighting/ Flying

- Flying Press
- Acrobatics
- Brick Break/ High Jump Kick
- X Scissor/ Swords Dance

Pokemon 4: Florges @ Fairium Z (Mele Mele Meadow, Flabebe)
Type: Fairy

- Moonblast
- Psychic
- Calm Mind/ Toxic
- Energy Ball

Pokemon 5: Mudsdale @ Groundium Z (Route 4, Mudbray)
Type: Ground

- Earthquake
- Heavy Slam
- Rock Slide
- Payback/ Superpower

Pokemon 6: Wishiwashi @ Waterium Z (Brooklet Hill)
Type: Water

- Aqua Tail
- Ice Beam
- U-Turn/ Iron Tail
- Double Edge/ Bulldoze

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0 votes

Hi guys! Today I am going to make a Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon team for Primarina. I might make one for Incineroar or Decidueye later on, but I am going to make one for my favorite right now. So let's get started!!

Primarina@Primarium Z Ability:Torrent
-Sparkling Aria
-Ice Beam

Primarina is my favorite Pokemon and it is an amazing Special Attacker with a base 126 Special Attack stat. This will be found on Route 1 as your starter. Sparkling Aria can be learned the moment you evolve your Brionne into a Primarina it is also a STAB Water-type move. Moonblast is a STAB Fairy-type move that can be learned at Level 44. Ice Beam is a TM that can be found in Mount Lanakila for coverage against Grass-types. And lastly, Psychic is a TM that is given to you by Wicke at your first Aether Paradise visit for coverage against Poison-types.

Lopunny@Normalium Z Ability:Limber
-High Jump Kick
-Ice Punch

Lopunny is my second favorite Pokemon because it is sooooo cute. I am surprised that nobody has used Lopunny on their team in this thread because it actually can be really good if you use it the right way. It will be found on Route 1 as a Buneary right after you get Poke Balls. Return is a STAB Normal-type move that can be learned the moment you evolve your Buneary into a Lopunny. High Jump Kick is just a nice move that can be learned at level 66 and straight up K.O. other Normal-types, and if you get a Lopunnite for 64 BP post-game it will be STAB. Bounce is a Flying-type move that can be learned at level 56 for coverage against its Fighting-type weakness it is also a move-tutor move. And Ice Punch is a move-tutor move at Ula' Ula Beach for 8 BP that can destroy Flying-type Pokemon and Dragon-type Pokemon like Ultra Necrozma. BP can be earned from Mantine Surfing.

Alolan Raichu@Aloraichium Z Ability:Surge Surfer
-Nasty Plot
-Focus Blast

Alolan Raichu is a cute Electric type Pokemon in general and has a nice in-game potential too. The reason I chose this over Vikavolt is that Alolan Raichu has a better speed stat than Vikavolt and that the Psychic-type does better than Bug-type throughout the game. It can be found on Route 1 as a Pichu. 3 Pokemon can be found on Route 1. I know. That's how good those Pokemon are. Thunderbolt is a STAB Electric- type move that can be learned on Level 44 as a Pikachu. It is a long wait but it is worth it. Otherwise, if you don't want to wait that long you can evolve Pikachu at Level 34 because at that level Pikachu will learn Discharge, and if you want to do that you can't use Raichu's signature Z move until you go to the Move Reminder and learn Thunderbolt in exchange for a Heart Scale. Psychic is a STAB Psychic-type move that can be learned from the moment your Pikachu evolves into Alolan Raichu. Nasty Plot is a good stat-boosting move because it boosts Alolan Raichu's Special Attack ( its best stat) that can be learned at Level 13 as a Pichu. And Focus Blast is a Fighting-type TM that can be bought at the Seafolk Vilage Pokemon Center for coverage against Ground and Dark-types.

Lurantis@Grassium Z Ability:Leaf Guard
-Leaf Blade
-Leech Life
-Aerial Ace
-Brick Break

Lurantis is by far one of my favorite Grass-type Pokemon in general. I'm just saying that. It can be found on Route 5 as a Fomantis. Leaf Blade is a STAB Grass-type move that can be learned at Level 23 as a Fomantis. Leech Life is a Bug-type TM that can be can be found in the Akala Outskirts and can demolish other Grass-types. Aerial Ace is a Flying-type move for coverage against Bug-types and can be found at the TM shop in Konikoni City. Finally, Brick Break is a Fighting-type move for coverage against Ice-types and can be found inside Verdant Cavern.

Salazzle@Firium Z Ability:Corrosion
-Sludge Bomb
-Nasty Plot
-Dragon Pulse

Salazzle is a very pretty Pokemon and kinda creepy too. It can be found at Wela Volcano Park as a Salandit. IT CAN ONLY EVOLVE IF IT IS FEMALE! Flamethrower is a STAB Fire-type move that can be learned at Level 42 as a Salazzle. Sludge Bomb is a STAB TM that can be found at the Shady House in Po Town. Nasty Plot is again a nice Special Attack-boosting move that can be learned at Level 32 as a Salandit. And Dragon Pulse is a nice filler Dragon-type move that can be learned at Level 56.

Froslass@Ghostium Z
Ability:Snow Cloak
-Ice Beam
-Shadow Ball
-Wake-Up Slap
-Destiny Bond

Froslass is my favorite Ghost-type Pokemon by far and has an interesting backstory. Ice Beam is a STAB Ice-type move that can be found at Mount Lanakila. Shadow Ball is a STAB Ghost-type move that can be learned at Level 42. Wake-Up Slap is a coverage move for Steel and Rock-types that can be learned at level 37. Destiny Bond is a nice move to have because it always goes first and if something knocks you out it will get knocked out too, it is learned at level 61. IT ONLY EVOLVES IF ITS FEMALE VIA DAWN STONE.

Thanks for reading! Bye!

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0 votes

Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon team-
Primarina, Alolan Raichu, Zoroark, Salazzle, Flygon, and Alolan Sandslash


Sparkling Aria
Ice Beam

Sparkling Aria is STAB, as is Moonblast. Ice Beam and Psychic are coverage options.

Alolan Raichu-

Psyshock/Grass Knot/Brick Break
Thunder Wave

Thunderbolt and Psychic are STAB, Thunder Wave is utility, and for the other attack you can go with Psyshock to his special walls, grass knot to hit Ground types or Brick Break to hit Normal and Steel types.


Dark Pulse
Night Slash
Focus Blast
Aerial Ace

Dark Pulse and Night Slash are special and physical STAB attacks. Focus Blast is coverage, and Aerial Ace deals with Double Team spammers.


Sludge Bomb
Dragon Pulse

Flamethrower and Sludge Bomb are STAB, Dragon Pulse is coverage, and Toxic will badly poison any type of Pokemon thanks to Corrosion.


Dragon Claw
Stone Edge
Dragon Dance

Dragon Claw and Earthquake are STAB, Stone Edge is coverage that with Earthquake will form the EdgeQuake combo which has stellar neutral coverage. Dragon Dance is setup and something Flygon finally got so make good use of it.

Alolan Sandslash-

Icicle Spear
Iron Head
Leech Life

Icicle Spear and Iron Head are STAB, Earthquake is for coverage, and the now buffed Leech Life is for recovery.

If you are playing Ultra sun then Alolan Sandslash is unavailable. As an alternative, Lopunny is pretty solid.


Jump Kick/High Jump Kick
Bounce/Brutal Swing
Mirror Coat/Protect

Return is STAB, either Jump Kick or High Jump Kick can be fighting coverage, Bounce or Brutal Swing can deal with either Fighting or Ghost types. Mirror Coat or Protect can be used in the final slot.

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Nice to see somebody use Lopunny for once!
0 votes

Incineroar (Fire/Dark)
@ Incinium Z
Moves: Fire Punch (Early-game move with STAB)
Darkest Lariat, (STAB, ignores stat boosts for opposing Pokemon)
Earthquake, (Coverage against rock types)
Brick Break (Coverage)

Bewear (Fighting/Normal)
@ Fightinium Z
Moves: Hammer Arm, (STAB)
Shadow Claw, (Coverage for psychic types)
Ice Punch, (Coverage for Flying Types)
Rock Slide (Coverage for flying types, can flinch)

Araquanid (Bug/Water)
@ chesto berry
Moves: Liquidation (First Scald, then waterfall),
Leech Life (then lunge),
Crunch (Powerful, utilizes type coverage)
aqua ring/safeguard (Protection)

Crobat (Poison/Flying)
@ Black Sludge
Cross poison (STAB)
Aerial Ace (STAB, good move)
leech life (Coverage against psychic types, heals)
steel wing ( Coverage against ice types)

Flygon (Dragon/Ground)
@ Choice Scarf
Dragon Claw (STAB)
Earthquake (STAB, coverage)
Rock Slide (Covers ice weakness, so beneficial)
Sandstorm (Good setup move)

Tsareena (Grass)
@ Quick Claw
Trop Kick (STAB, signature move)
U-turn (Good move for coverage)
low kick (Coverage for ice types)
acrobatics (Coverage for bug types)

0 votes

This is the team I used to ay through and beat Ultra Sun. There are no version exclusives so hope you enjoy! :)

Inferno (Incineroar) @ Incinium Z
Ability: Blaze
-Darkest Lariat
-Bulk Up
-Flare Blitz
-Leech Life
Incineroar is my physical tank for the team. I have Darkest Lariat for STAB and to use the z power. I have Bulk Up to become an absolute beast after a couple uses. Flare Blitz is extremely powerful and STAB, then I have Leech Life to heal up after Flare Blitz.

V. Rex (Venusaur) @ Big Root
Ability: Overgrow
-Leech Seed
-Sleep Powder
Venusaur is the staller on my team. I use Leech Seed w/ Big Root to gain lots of HP. I use Sleep Powder to put the opponent to sleep and Toxic to take away more HP. Then I use the doubled power of Venoshock to knock them out.

Mr. Sting (Vikavolt) @ Magnet
Ability: Levitate
-Bug Buzz
-Flash Cannon
Vikavolt is the special tank on my team. I have Charge to power up STAB Thunderbolt. I have Bug Buzz for more STAB and Flash Cannon to take out the ever dangerous Fairies.

Webby (Golduck) @ Twisted Spoon
Ability: Cloud Nine
-Ice Beam
Golduck is someone of a staller/special sweeper. Soak is setup for Venusaur. Scald is STAB and inflicts a burn. Ice Beam is to cover grass types. Psychic is STAB and powered up by the item.

Sir Havoc (Tyranitar) @ Hard Stone
Ability: Sand Stream
-Dragon Claw
-Stone Edge
Tyranitar is my other physical tank on the team. I have Dragon Claw for Dragon types. I have Crunch for STAB. I have Stone Edge for more STAB. And I have Earthquake because who wouldn't? Its the best move ever :P

El Chapo (Hawlucha) @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Limber
-Swords Dance
-High Jump Kick
-Flying Press
Hawlucha is my setup sweeper. I use Swords Dance and then sweep. Roost is for a reliable recovery. High Jump Kick is an amazing move with STAB. Flying Press is Hawlucha's signature move and STAB.

This was my team and it served me well. As you can see, it covered every type in the game and has lots of variety. Each Pokemon has a unique role that they execute very well. Hope you enjoyed it :P

on hawlucha replace sd for hone claws to never miss on high jump kick
I already beat the game so I don't need to improve my team anymore but thanks anyways :)
ok cool.
0 votes

Team with no exclusives/legendaries.
Primarina(STARTER, Popplio)
-Sparkling Aria(STAB for unique Z-move, otherwise Hydro Pump or Scald)
-Ice Beam(Coverage)
-Sing(Catching the game's numerous legendaries)

Snorlax(specific patches on route 1 as Munchlax, SOS)
-Giga Impact(STAB, Z-move, otherwise Return)
-Wild Charge(coverage)
-Brick Break(coverage)
-Substitute, Toxic, Heavy Slam all, ele punches, etc work here, depending on what you want

Leafeon(Eevee egg at the Pokemon Nursery between Routes 5&6, or Route 6)
-Leaf Blade(STAB)
-Aerial Ace(Coverage)
-Swords Dance(hit harder)

Salazzle(female Salandit on route 8, Lush Jungle, or Wela Volcano Park, SOS as Salazzle in some places)
-Sludge Wave or Venoshock(STAB)
-Toxic(Corrosion ability)
-Nasty Plot(hit harder)

Metagross(Mount Hokulani as Beldum)
-Meteor Mash(STAB)
-Rock Slide(Coverage)
-Shadow Ball(Never-Ending Nightmare on Ultra Necrozma)

Flygon(rustling spots in Haina Desert as Trapinch)
-Draco Meteor(STAB)
-Thunder Punch(Coverage)
-Steel Wing(Coverage)

0 votes

Bwarkson the Primarina
Sparkling Aria
Ice Beam
Baby-Doll Eyes
My favourite starter, and in my opinion, the best starter. He helps out so much in the early game and in the late game, too. Sparkling Aria and Moonblast for stab, Ice Beam for grasses and flying types, and Baby-Doll Eyes for physical attackers.

Cannon the Toucannon
Drill Peck
Brick Break
Beak Blast
Hyper Voice
The best flyer you can get in these games in my opinion. Drill Peck and Beak Blast for stab, Brick Break for fighting coverage and to seriously help with Illmia’s trial, and Hyper Voice for more stab.

Gnarly Girl the Alolan Raichu
Nasty Plot
Can be replaced by Vikavolt if you want, but I wanted to use Alolan Raichu this playthrough. Thunderbolt and Psychic for stab, Nuzzle for paralyzing, and Nasty Plot to boost if you can pull it off.

Wooflord the Lycanroc
Rock Slide
Brick Break
Stealth Rock
I have Midnight Form because I got Ultra Moon, but Dusk Form and Midday Form work just as good. Incredible attack stat and pure rock is such a good type. Rock Slide for stab, Brick Break because I don’t have a fighting type, Crunch to deal with annoying psychics, and Stealth Rock because if you set it up, it’s so useful.

Emo the Umbreon
Feint Attack
Quick Attack/Psychic
If you want a tank, you get Umbreon. One of the best tanks in the game, he singlehandedly took down Ultra Necrozma just by Toxic stalling. Feint Attack for stab, Quick Attack for finishing off Pokemon (Psychic if you picked Vikavolt), Moonlight for recovery, and Toxic to stall.

Thotiana the Salazzle
Sludge Bomb
Dragon Pulse
Couldn’t get off a Toxic with Emo? That’s okay, Thotiana’s got you covered! Fun moveset and incredibly fun Pokemon to use. Glass cannon for sure, but get her for Totem Lurantis and you’ll be set. Flamethrower and Sludge Bomb for stab, Dragon Pulse for coverage, and Toxic to poison and switch out.

0 votes

Two teams. The first is a team that includes a starter, but the second does not. If you don't mind not keeping your starter, I recommend team two.
Team two also has an overlap of dark but ‍♂️.

Team One:

Incineroar: Incinium Z
Darkest Lairat
Flare Blitz
Cross Chop
Leech Life

Ribombee: Expert Belt
Pollen Puff
Dazzling Gleam
Psychic/Energy Ball
Quiver Dance

Mudsdale: Quick Claw
Rock Silde/ Toxic
Heavy Slam
High Horsepower

Raichu: Electrium Z
Volt Switch
Nuzzle/ Nasty Plot

Araquanid: Idk item for this one.
Leech Life
Aqua Ring

Bewear: Black Belt
Swords Dance
Ice punch
Hammer Arm

Team Two:

Magnezone: Focus Sash/ Air Balloon
Magnet Rise
Tri Attack
Flash Cannon

Honchkrow: Darkinium Z
Night Slash/ Dark Pulse
Drill Peck/ Air Cutter
Steel Wing/ Heat Wave
Confuse Ray/ Nasty Plot

Palossand: Quick Claw
Shore Up
Earth Power
Shadow Ball

Muk (Alolan): Air Balloon
Poison Jab
Knock Off
Shadow Sneak/ Fire Blast
Now this one may harbor some complaints but...

Crabominable: Focus Sash
Stone Edge
Ice Hammer
Close Combat

Goodra: Expert Belt
Dragon Pulse
Sludge Bomb
Focus Blast
Thunderbolt/ Flamethrower/ Ice Beam.

I have personally tested these teams and while goomy and fluffy stufful are somewhat difficult to obtain, they are worth it.
Each member can pull their own weight in battles ( With the obvious exception of Goomy) and have movesets to cover most, if not all, types and to make the E4 and Champion battle a breeze.

Please explain your choices if you want to re-post this answer. For example, why do you use Bewear and not Hawlucha?
0 votes

Hah I've always wanted to post an in game team. I also love USUM, so it works (sorry that I have no pictures, I don't know how to do it, if you'd like, please help).

Note: This is for Ultra Sun, unless you plan on trading


Decidueye @ Decidium Z
Spirit Shackle
Leaf Blade
Brave Bird
U-Turn/Sucker Punch

Spirit Shackle is pretty self- explanatory, as it turns into Sinister Arrow Raid and is STAB. Leaf Blade is more STAB. Brave Bird is coverage, and is a great physical move (though the recoil can be tricky, but this is in game, so I'm not worried). The last slot is for if you need to switch out or priority. Personally, I like U-Turn more, but Sucker Punch is good to (but I don't like the chance of it failing). I like Rowlet the best, so this is for my fellow Rowlet fans.


Alolan Ninetales @ Light Clay
Aurora Veil
Dazzling Gleam

Light Clay is for Aurora Veil, which is Light Screen+ Reflect in 1 turn. But it needs Hail to work. If you can hunt/trade for a HA Alolan Vulpix/Ninetales, that's great, since its ability sets up Hail automatically, use that. If you just can't find a Snow Warning one, put Hail instead of Extrasensory (your poison coverage). Blizzard can't miss in Hail, which is great, and it is STAB. Dazzling Gleam is a strong Fairy STAB learnt upon evolution.


Alolan Raichu @ Aloraichium Z
Grass Knot
Focus Blast

Alolan Raichu is so cute! I love its Alolan form much better than its original. Usually you would use Nasty Plot, but in game there is no time to set up. Psychic is STAB learned upon evolution, while Psyshock is learnt via TM. Thunderbolt is STAB and activates your Z move, Stoked Sparksurfer. Grass Knot is for Ground types, which are usually heavy. Focus Blast is further coverage, though watch out for the accuracy.


Lycanroc (Midday) @ Hard Stone
Stone Edge
Zen Headbutt

I decided to put a Hard Stone on it because I don't want to put another Z crystal. Accelerock is STAB and priority, boosted by the Hard Stone. Stone Edge is more powerful STAB, no priority though, and boosted by the Hard Stone. Crunch and Zen Headbutt are nice physical coverage. Dusk form is really good to, but its hard to obtain.


Krookodile @ Black Glasses
Brick Break

Krookodile is one of my favorite Pokémon ever, and it carried me through my first playthrough. Earthquake is STAB, and extremely powerful with 100 accuracy. Crunch is more STAB, boosted by the Black Glasses. Outrage is coverage and will help you in the Dragon Trial. Brick Break is more coverage and can be taught via TM.

Last but not least is...


Kommo-o @ Dragon Fang
Clanging Scales
Focus Blast
Flash Cannon/Poison Jab
Thunder Punch

Kommo-o. The pseudo legendary on Gen 7. This thing rocks! Clanging Scales is STAB boosted by your Dragon Fang to amazing levels. Focus Blast is STAB, but again, watch out for the accuracy. Flash Cannon and Poison Jab are for pesky Fairies ruining your fun. Thunder Punch takes care of Flying types.

I'm super excited that I did this! I hope you enjoy this team as much as I do!!! :)

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You've included an egg move, potentially two. nobody wants to use egg moves in a playthrough.
I did?

Yup. Moonblast. Dazzling Gleam it is.
Oh and Fire Fang. Oops.
If you want to post pokemon sprites/images then go to this link and copy the "Markdown Code" then paste that code into your answer. I hope i helped!
Link: https://pokemondb.net/sprites
Thank you! The pictures make it look better :P
0 votes

This is the team I've used for Ultra Moon. I'd say it has a good variety and helped me well throughout the game. The team doesn't have any exclusives (I think). Overall, it was quite fun playing with these guys. I plan on making an Alola-only team though (for Ultra Sun I guess), since only 2 of my Pokemon are actually Alola-based. (Well actually only Primarina but Muk is Alolan in this case)

[1]: https://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/primarina.jpg
[2]: https://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/muk-alolan.jpg
[3]: https://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/noivern.jpg
[4]: https://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/metagross.jpg
[5]: https://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/cradily.jpg
[6]: https://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/hariyama.jpg

Primarina (Water/Fairy)

Held Item: Primarium Z
Ability: Torrent

Sparkling Aria (STAB)
Moonblast (STAB)
Ice Beam (Grass types)
Psychic (Poison types)

Primarina is a special attack beast. Sparkling Aria and Moonblast are obvious since they're STAB. Ice Beam and Psychic are for coverage and to counter weaknesses. Hydro Pump and Dazzling Gleam are other options for STAB as well. Primarium Z for Oceanic Operetta.


Alolan Muk (Poison/Dark)

Held Item: Poison Barb
Ability: Poison Touch

Gunk Shot (STAB, might poison)
Crunch (STAB)
Ice Punch (Ground types)
Acid Armor (Def. up by 2 stages)

Alolan Muk is a good attacker, Ground being its only weakness (Ice punch to counter). Gunk Shot is pretty insane. Crunch is STAB. Acid Armor to setup. Poison Jab and Payback (considering its speed) can be alternate options for the STAB moves. Poison Barb for stronger poison moves.


Noivern (Flying/Dragon)

Held Item: Expert Belt
Ability: Frisk

Air Slash
Dragon Pulse

Noivern provides some very good speed to the team and is great to finish opponents swiftly. Air Slash and Dragon Pulse are STAB (Can be replaced by Acrobatics and Draco Meteor for more power). Boomburst is his signature move and is the best normal type move with no side effects. Flamethrower for Ice-types. Expert Belt boosts power of super-effective moves.


Metagross (Steel/Psychic)

Held Item: Muscle Band
Ability: Clear Body

Meteor Mash
Zen Headbutt
Hammer Arm

Metagross is a neat attacker and defender. Moveset is purely physical attack based. Meteor Mash and Zen Headbutt are STAB. Hammer Arm for Dark-types and it won't lower speed thanks to Clear Body. Earthquake for Fire-types and more coverage. Iron Head is a good option if you want more accuracy than Meteor Mash. Muscle band increases power of physical moves.


Cradily (Rock/Grass)

Held Item: Leftovers
Ability: Storm Drain

Giga Drain

Cradily was a weird choice at first but then it ended up being a brilliant decision. Main job is to stall and damage the opponent slowly. Giga Drain to recover HP (STAB). Storm Drain prevents Water-type damage and instead boosts Sp. Atk. by one stage. Toxic and Infestation to wear down the opponent and if HP is down, Recover will get it back on track. It can be made more attacking by giving it Rock-type moves to counter Bug and Ice, but it seems better this way. Since it has good Def. and Sp. Def. and with Leftovers, it works well as a staller.


Hariyama (FIghting)

Held Item: Assault Vest
Ability: Thick Fat

Force Palm
Rock Slide
Heavy Slam

Hariyama has an insane Attack stat. Force Palm is neat as STAB (can be replaced by Close Combat). Payback takes advantage of its slow speed and finishes off Psychic-types with double damage. Rock Slide for Flying-types and Heavy Slam works well due to its weight and covers Fairy-types. Assault Vest provides precious Sp. Def. especially against Psychic-types.

Primarina is fine, replace acid armor on muk, noivern is fine, metagross isn't a very good choice as it's hard to level up, toxic stalling isn't viable in a playthrough and the assault vest is postgame
0 votes

These Pokemon may not be the best in Alola, but together, they have excellent coverage. Aurorus is exclusive to Ultra Moon, but it can be substituted for a different Pokemon if you want to use the team in Ultra Sun.

Decidueye @ Decidium Z
Ability: Overgrow
- Leaf Blade (Level 44)
- Spirit Shackle (Upon evolving)
- Brave Bird (Level 55) / Acrobatics (TM found on Route 15)
- Shadow Sneak (Move Reminder)

Leaf Blade and Spirit Shackle are powerful STAB moves. Brave Bird is nice coverage. If you don’t like the recoil, Acrobatics can also be used, but make sure Decidueye isn’t holding an item. The fourth move I was a bit unsure about, but I feel Shadow Sneak can work nicely, as it’s a priority move.

Salazzle @ Poisonium Z
Ability: Corrosion
- Flamethrower (Level 44)
- Sludge Bomb (TM in the Shady House)
- Dragon Pulse (Level 56)
- Nasty Plot (Level 32)

Flamethrower and Sludge Bomb are both great STAB moves. Dragon Pulse is a pretty solid move, and it’s a good option against Dragon types. Nasty Plot isn’t the greatest option, as setup usually isn’t needed in-game, but if you want to boost the other three moves, it’s there.

Golisopod @ Waterium Z
Ability: Emergency Exit
- First Impression (Upon evolving)
- Liquidation (Level 48)
- Sucker Punch (Level 31)
- Shadow Claw (TM purchased in Malie City)

First Impression is a superb Bug type move. Do keep in mind that it can only be used on Golisopod’s first turn in battle, however. Liquidation is excellent Water STAB. Sucker Punch is if you need a bit of priority, though it won’t always work. Shadow Claw is coverage.

Aurorus @ Icium Z
Ability: Refrigerate
- Ice Beam (Level 56, or TM on Mount Lanakila)
- Thunderbolt (TM in the Sandy Cave)
- Psychic (TM in the Aether Paradise)
- Ancient Power (Level 26) / Earth Power (Move Tutor)

Ice Beam is nice STAB. Thunderbolt is coverage and a defense against Water types. Psychic deals with Fighting types nicely. Earth Power is the preferred move, as it can counter Steel types, but Ancient Power is decent STAB if you don’t want to go to the Move Tutor.

Krookodile @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
- Earthquake (Level 54, or TM in the Resolution Cave)
- Crunch (Level 28)
- Brick Break (TM in the Verdant Cavern)
- Dragon Claw (TM in the Vast Poni Canyon) / Outrage (Level 60)

Earthquake and Crunch are both excellent STAB moves. Brick Break and Dragon Claw are both coverage. Outrage is an alternative to Dragon Claw if you want more power, but it does hinder Krookodile with confusion.

Mienshao @ No item
Ability: Regenerator
- Fake Out (Move Reminder)
- U-turn (Level 41)
- High Jump Kick (Level 56)
- Acrobatics (TM on Route 15)

Fake Out is a wonderful first turn move, as it flinches and basically just gives you free damage. High Jump Kick can be a bit risky, but the power of it makes it worth the risk. U-turn functions as a nice pivot, plus it can hit Psychic types super effectively. Acrobatics is just a generally powerful coverage move.

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good team! i'd love to see a version altered to primarina though, but otherwise good job
ok.. but i prefer decidium z over grassnium z on decidiueye.
0 votes

This team has excellent coverage, hitting all types super effectively with STAB. The items are just what I used, they may not be the best.

Primarina @ Waterium Z
Ability: Torrent
- Moonblast (Level 44)
- Sparkling Aria (Learned upon evolution)
- Ice Beam (TM at Mount Lanakila)
- Psychic (TM at Aether Paradise)

Primarina is quite good. Moonblast and Sparkling Aria are both strong, reliable STAB. Ice Beam is coverage, and a way to get rid of Grass types. Psychic covers Primarina’s Poison weakness nicely.

Leafeon @ Grassium Z
Ability: Leaf Guard
- Leaf Blade (Level 45)
- X- Scissor (TM on Route 16)
- Quick Attack (Level 13)
- Knock Off (Move Tutor)

The Grass types in Alola aren’t too great, but I opted for Leafeon. Leaf Blade is a great STAB move. X- Scissor is coverage, and so is Knock Off. Quick Attack, while weak, is a nice priority move, should you ever need it.

Arcanine @ Firium Z
Ability: Intimidate
- Flamethrower (TM in Vast Poni Canyon) / Flare Blitz (Level 45 as a Growlithe)
- Extreme Speed (Level 34 as an Arcanine)
- Wild Charge (TM in Vast Poni Canyon)
- Return (TM in Malie City)

Arcanine is impressive in an Alolan playthrough. Flamethrower is reliable STAB. Flare Blitz is more powerful STAB, if you don’t mind recoil and using a Growlithe until Level 45. Extreme Speed is solid priority. Wild Charge is a means to counter Water types, and the recoil isn’t too bad. Return is a wonderful move that should be put on anything with no better alternatives.

Magnezone @ Electrium Z
Ability: Magnet Pull / Sturdy
- Thunderbolt (TM in the Sandy Cave)
- Flash Cannon (Level 33)
- Tri Attack (Learned upon evolution)
- Thunder Wave (Move Reminder)

Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon are strong, reliable STAB. Tri Attack is a general move to be used when Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon are unsatisfactory. Thunder Wave, while not the most reliable of moves, can be a good way to mess with your target. I didn’t use it much, but the option is there.

Hawlucha @ Fightinium Z / no item
Ability: Limber
- Acrobatics (TM on Route 15)
- High Jump Kick (Level 44)
- Poison Jab (TM at Mount Lanakila)
- X-Scissor (TM on Route 16)

Acrobatics is STAB, made better if you choose not to hold an item. High Jump Kick is very powerful STAB, worth the small sacrifice in accuracy. X-Scissor is a way to cover Hawlucha’s Psychic weakness, and Poison Jab covers its Fairy weakness.

Palossand @ Ghostium Z
Ability: Water Compaction
- Earth Power (Level 47)
- Shadow Ball (Level 41)
- Energy Ball (TM on Route 8) / Giga Drain (Level 36)
- Sludge Bomb (TM at the Shady House)

Earth Power and Shadow Ball are reliable STAB moves. Energy Ball deals with Palossand’s Water weakness. Giga Drain can also work, if you want to recover HP, but it’s weaker than Energy Ball. Sludge Bomb takes out Grass types that Palossand is weak to.

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This is quite late but this is my team for ultra moon, but there are no version exclusives. The only problem with this team is the speed but I think the only Pokemon that fainted was my Primarina to a houndoom with sludge bomb so, here goes nothing.

(My Shiny :D) Primarina @primarium z
1) Sparkling Aria
2) Moonblast
3) Ice Beam
4) Psychic

Sparkling Aria and Moonblast are here for STAB, along with Sparkling Aria also being for the Z crystal. Ice Beam is here for the grass type weakness, and Psychic is here for the poison weakness.

Mudsdale @metal coat
1) Earthquake
2) Heavy Slam
3) Low Sweep
4) Rock Tomb

Earthquake is for Stab. Heavy Slam is here for coverage, and the ice weakness, and Mudsdale weighs a ton. Low Sweep is for coverage, and any heavy ice types that would easily tank a heavy slam. Rock Tomb is for flying types, as one of the elite four members is flying type.

Midnight-Lycanroc @lycanium z
1) Stone Edge
2) Fire Punch
3) Crunch
4) Zen Headbutt

Stone Edge is here for STAB, and one of my favorite Z move animations. Fire punch is here to cover it's grass weakness. Crunch was for coverage, and the ghost elite four member, Acerola. Zen Headbutt is also for coverage.

Crabominable @quick claw
1) Close Combat
2) Ice hammer
3) Thunder Punch
4) Crabhammer

Close Combat and Ice Hammer are here for STAB, and Ice Hammer is also iron fist boosted. Thunder Punch and Crabhammer are both great coverage moves, and thunder punch covers its flying weakness.

Alolan-Muk @black sludge
1) Gunk Shot
2) Crunch
3) Ice Punch
4) Brick break

Gunk Shot and Crunch are both Good STAB moves. Ice Punch covers its only weakness, ground. Brick break Is good coverage, and is super effective on one of the elite four members, Molayne.

Leafeon @buginium z
1) Leaf Blade
2) X-scissor
3) Last Resort
4) Bite

Leaf blade does massive STAB damage, and is increased crit chance. X-scissor is here for coverage against other grass types. Bite is here because Leafeon is the fastest member of the team, and what is a fun playthrough without flinches. Last resort does massive damage, and that's the only reason it's here on this moveset.

Also I didn't know about island scan until after I had finished, but I replaced my crabominable with:
Blaziken @blazikenite
1) Blaze Kick
2) Brick Break
3) Thunder Punch
4) Brave Bird

If you know about island scan use Blaziken.

This was my team but I'm going to restart with decidueye, and maybe I'll be able to get a shiny decidueye on my first try with a decent nature.

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Hi all. This will be a team anybody can use in UM only
If your username is sumwun then you have full permissions from me to comment US alternatives.
Team Preview: Decidueye, Charizard, Bewear, Golisopod, Metagross, Vikavolt

Decidueye @ Decidium Z
Leaf Blade
Spirit Shackle
Brave Bird
Starter Time. I think Decidueye being physical is a good shout. I suggest +spd -spcl att nature

Charizard @Firium Z (Charizardite Y/X post-game)
Fly/Air Slash
Dragon Pulse
Okay. I pick the boy Charizard over hawlucha because Hawlucha would be better if it had an evo. If you want better competitive choose Y mega and learn solar beam over earthquake.

Bewear @ Electrium z
Close Combat
Thunder Punch
Brutal swing
Another reason why I didn't choose hawlucha. Bewear has great speed, learn a 60 base power attack at level 14 that is great. T Punch is on one of the 4 beaches for Mantine surfing.

Golisopod @ Waterium Z
Emergency Exit
First Impression
Razor Shell/Liquidation
Swords dance
Throat Chop
Its ya boi, Guzma on this one. Since the only difference between Razor Shell and Liquidation is one has 75 power the other 85, take a pick.

Metagross @steelium Z (Mega in post game)
Clear body
Meteor Mash
Zen Headbutt
Hammer Arm/Shadow Ball
So, the squad lacks defense yeah. Slap a + defense -speed nature on this guy and your set. I say mega in post game because I always prefer 2 megas over 1. It gives me alternatives and if you go for Charizard X, Mega Metagross can be your competitive mega.

Vikavolt @ Buginium Z
bug buzz
Air Slash
Energy Ball
Final Team member. I picked Vikavolt because he is the best but type ever. He may be slow but OMG he is worth the wait till island three where you can get him in a charjabug SOS call (USUM) or use the totem one (UltraSun ONLY)

so sumwun, thoughts???
I don't know. I don't really play USUM.
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Only just started my new save, but I have a team in mind. There is a big stipulation though, I can only have Pokemon I've never used before. I've played through every generation from 4 to 8 in the last year and a bit, so there are a fair amount of Pokemon I can't choose.

Here's the team, with some potential alternatives listed below...

Decidueye "Damian"

Nature: Serious
Ability: Overgrow
Type: Grass and Ghost

Move 1: Swords Dance/Acrobatics
Move 2: Spirit Shackle
Move 3: Shadow Sneak
Move 4: Leaf Blade

In my two playthroughs of Alola, I used Incineroar for both. While primarina looks okay, I think Decidueye is the better choice. Ghost is one of my favourite types, so that was also a deciding factor.

As for the moveset, it's pretty standard, nothing extremely out of the ordinary. I'll have to progress further in the game to really see if Swords Dance is better suited to Decidueye, or if the extra coverage with Acrobatics is more useful. Seeing as it has a neutral nature I could always go mixed, but physical was my idea from the start.
Shadow Sneak is also great as while Alola is a pretty slow region in terms of stats, there are still things that out-speed Decidueye.

Zoroark "Bray"

Nature: Bold
Ability: Illusion
Type: Dark

Move 1: Protect/Calm Mind/Toxic/U-Turn
Move 2: Night Daze
Move 3: Flamethrower
Move 4: Grass Knot/U-Turn

For Dark types, Scrafty and Krookodile are out of the equation. Zoroark has been one of my favourite Pokemon since Black and White, however I've never used it - mainly because, seeing as I'm usually 5-10 levels under the Elite Four when I face them, I like having Pokemon with over 70 in their Defences. However with said restraints, principles need to be abandoned.

Protect is great for Zoroark, as it gives you a free turn to see if they have anything that is super effective against you. Calm Mind might be an option but the Special Attack is already great. Toxic is fantastic for Totem Pokemon, as you can effectively play a waiting game. U-Turn might be good for Zoroark too, despite the set being Special Attack based.

Night Daze is a given, and Flamethrower is a fantastic coverage option which makes up for an otherwise lacklustre attacking movepool. Grass Knot is good for coverage too, and might be great for doing serious damage on the Elite Four Pokemon, seeing as they'll be fully evolved, and, in theory, heavier.

Eviolite Magneton "NWO"

Nature: Modest
Ability: Magnet Pull
Type: Steel and Electric

Move 1: Light Screen/Charge Beam
Move 2: Reflect/Thunder Wave
Move 3: Thunderbolt
Move 4: Flash Cannon

As of posting this, Magnemite is the last Pokemon I've actually caught. This inclusion, however, is dubious. I've used Magnezone many times, but never had an Eviolite Magneton on my team. I think it counts as one I've never used before. The typing, Defences with Eviolite, and big Special Attack make it an incredibly good Pokemon.

My stupid ass thought for a second I can give Light Clay to Eviolite Magneton to make full use out of the Dual Screens. I still think the standard five turns is good though, give me even further protection for Magneton, or another Pokemon I switch to. Thunderbolt needs no explanation, neither does Flash Cannon, two strong STAB moves to make use of the great Special Attack.

Clawitzer "Mankind"

Nature: Anything that lowers Attack
Ability: Mega Launcher
Type: Water

Move 1: Dark Pulse
Move 2: Dragon Pulse
Move 3: Water Pulse
Move 4: Aura Sphere

Clawitzer is another personal favourite. The design, Special Attack, decent bulk and amazing ability catch my eye. It was either this or Gyarados, but Clawitzer's better power and ability edge it for me. Golduck, Kingdra and Swampert are unavailable.

The moveset is the most obvious one on the team. Every move gets a 50% bonus, making the "weakest" one 120 power, which, coupled with the big Special Attack, is enough to KO opponents, despite likely moving second.

Arcanine "Roman"

Nature: Anything Neutral
Ability: Intimidate preferably
Type: Fire

Move 1: Will-O-Wisp
Move 2: Extremespeed
Move 3: Flamethrower
Move 4: Wild Charge/Iron Head

Alola isn't too blessed in terms of great fire types, even more so seeing as I've used Chandelure, Incineroar, Eviolite Magmar and Delphox before. Arcanine is amazing in terms of stats, but on the underwhelming side when it comes to available moves.

Speaking of movesets, Will-O-Wisp is something I tend to use with Fire types just for the additional Physical bulk. While Arcanine does have a really solid 95 base Speed, Extremespeed is a good option for some quicker opponents out there. Flamethrower is there as I'm not a fan of recoil moves like Flare Blitz, and, additionally, I'd rather not wait until such a high level with Growlithe on my team. The last slot is up for grabs. Wild Charge does have recoil but it's not as much as Flare Blitz, and will do well against Water and Flying types. Iron Head can take care of Fairy and Rock types. All depends on what kind of coverage I want.

Machamp "Brock Lesnar"

Nature: Anything that lowers Special Attack
Ability: Guts
Type: Fighting

Move 1: Brick Break
Move 2: Facade
Move 3: Fire Punch/Thunder Punch/Stomping Tantrum
Move 4: Ice Punch/Poison Jab/Knock Off

Machamp is something I've surprisingly never used. However, it with Guts and Flame Orb is just too good to turn down. Basically a Life Orb but less damage taken each turn. Huge attack, good HP and solid Defences make it a great addition, very similar to Clawitzer in some regards. Unavailable fighting types are Scrafty and Lucario.

Brick Break with Guts boost is better than No Guard Cross Chop, not to mention the extra effect of breaking Screens and extra PP. Facade is ridiculous with Flame Orb and an Attack boost, and serves as a great, mostly neutral option. The third and fourth slots are up for grabs. The elemental punches are always handy to have. However Stomping Tantrum is good for covering Electric types that may prove to be a threat. Poison Jab can take out Grass and Fairy types, and Knock Off is great for the added effects, as well as covering Ghost and Psychic types.

While that is likely my final team, I do have some other Pokemon in mind, that could perhaps come in and replace Arcanine and Machamp. These are the following.

~ Aerodactyl: Fly - Rock Slide - Iron Head - Stealth Rock

~ Mudsdale: Earthquake - Heavy Slam - Rock Slide/Low Kick - Payback/Low Kick

~ Hawlucha: Swords Dance/Hone Claws - High Jump Kick - Ice Punch/Thunder Punch - Iron Head/Poison Jab

~ Gigaligh: Stealth Rock/Protect - Rock Slide - Iron Head - Toxic/Stomping Tantrum

~ Comfey: Toxic - Leech Seed - Giga Drain - Moonblast

If anyone has experience of using the listed Pokemon in game, and is willing to suggest what the best choices are, that would be great! The stipulation of not being able to use Pokemon I've had before makes it a challenge, but a fun one nonetheless!

This team looks pretty good.
I have a problem with it mate, no offence. Most of the team (minus starter) are special attackers. Also, why clawitzer. At least give Mr. Spectral Arrows an Adamant Nature and use this instead of Clawitzer:
Golisopod @Mystic Water
Jolly Nature
EVs: 252 SPD, 252 ATT, 4 DEF
First Impression
Poison Jab
Swords Dance

Your earliest Wimpod can be found on Route 8 right near Lush Jungle but me ready to Tauros Charge it before it can hide. It does reappear if you fail, though.
0 votes

My team for Ultra Sun: (sidenote, I don't have items here simply because I rotated between z crystals, quick claw and other items during battles so there's no set in stone items.)

Ability: Torrent

Sparkling Aria (when it evolves)
Moonblast (lv 44)
Psychic (Aether Paradise)
Shadow Ball (Route 14)

Sparkling Aria is a stab 90 based attack that can knock out almost anything with it's z move, Moonblast is it's best fairy type attack and has a 30% chance to lower the opponents special attack, Psychic is a very strong psychic attack and has a 10% chance of lowering the opponents special defense and shadow ball for coverage and has a 20% chance to lower the opponents special defense.

Ability: Skill Link

Drill Peck (lv 34)
Bullet Seed (lv 40)
Brick Break (Verdant Cavern)
Roost (lv 21)

Drill Peck is a very strong flying type move with no side affects, Bullet Seed will always hit 5 times with it's ability making it a 125 based attack and an easy knockout against water types, Brick Break for coverage and to break through reflects and light screens and Roost to stall and heal itself.

Abiliy: Levitate

Thunderbolt (evolving into Vikavolt)
Bug Buzz (move reminder)
Energy Ball (route 8)
Thunderwave (Maile Garden)

Even though it's speed is bad, Vikavolt can pretty much knock out anything if it survives. Thunderbolt is a fantastic electric type move that can knock out almost anything weak or neutral and has a 10% to paralyze non electric Pokemon, Bug Buzz for a powerful bug type move that has a 10% chance to lower the opponents special defense, Energy Ball for coverage and has a 10% chance to lower the opponents special defense and Thunderwave to paralyze the opponent.

Alolan Muk
Ability: Poison Touch

Poison Jab
Crunch (lv 32)
Rock Slide (route 17)
Poison Gas (on Grimer when you catch it)

Poison Jab for a strong poison type move and has more pp and has a 30% chance to poison the opponent, Crunch for a strong dark type move and has a 20% chance to lower the opponents defense, Rock Slide for diversity and has a 30% chance to flinch the opponent and Poison Gas to poison the opponents and your answer for ultra necrozma.

Alolan Marowak
Ability: Cursed Body

Flare Blitz (lv 53)
Shadow Bone (move reminder)
Brick Break (Verdant Cavern)
Stomping Tantrum (lv 43)

Flare Blitz for a very strong physical attack (though if you don't want to deal with the recoil just use fire punch instead), Shadow Bone for a strong ghost type move in the elite 4 and has a 20% chance to lower the opponents defense, Brick Break for coverage and can break through moves like light screen and reflect and Stomping Tantrum for move diversity and if the move failed before, it doubles in power.

Ability: Stamina

Earthquake (lv 47)
Heavy Slam (lv 34 as a Mudsdale or lv 31 as a Mudbray)
Superpower (lv 60)
Toxic (Aether Paradise)

Mudsdale is arguably the biggest tank on a team full of tanks. It's ability stamina makes it into a perfect staller and a powerful attacker. Earthquake is one of the strongest moves in the game, Heavy Slam is great for fairy types and since Mudsdale weighs so much more than most fairy types, it crushes all of them, Superpower for a powerful fighting type move and Toxic to poison the opponents.

I know this team is very slow but this team is built on defense. This team made the dreaded ultra Necrozma battle a walk in the park. All you have to do is poison it with Muk, moonblast with Primarina and then it's an easy victory since every Pokemon except Mudsdale and Toucannon can take 2 hits from it.

@Dalton Bartlett, I love it, but please explain why you used Toucannon. It gets outshined late-game, like midway through Ula Ula Island. My alternative is this:
Hawlucha @Sitrus Berry
Ability: Unburden
Nature: Jolly/Adamant (but any -SpAtk is cool 2)
Brick Break
Acrobatics (use after berry is eaten for hella big damage)
Poison Jab
Swords Dance
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Decidueye @Decidium Z
Ability: Overgrow
Spirit Shackle
Leaf Blade
Brave Bird
Sword Dance

Salazzle @ Charcoal
Ability: Corrosion
Sludge Bomb
Dragon Pulse

Starmie @ Choice Specs
Ability: Idk
Ice Beam
Flash Cannon/ Reflect/ Light Screen

Gardevoir @ Expert Belt
Dazzling Gleam
Thunderbolt/ Hyper Voice/ Will O Wisp
Calm Mind

Garchomp @ Soft Sand
Ability: Sand Veil
Dragon Claw
Iron Head/ Aqua Tail/ Rock Slide

Noivern @ Sharp Beak
Dragon Pulse
Air Slash

Also, Gardevoir can be found as a female Ralts in Akala Island via the QR Scanner.

edited by
there's no ability on necrozma and garchomp and necrozma is very late in the game
okee dokee
Gardevoir can't learn Ice Beam, and Sandstorm is useless on Garchomp, even in-game. Why do you have Ice Beam on Starmie twice?
Sorry about the messy moveset, guys.
Yo, @Cybear IV. Where'd you read Necrozma?
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This is the first team that I was able to beat Ultra Sun with. It's not the greatest or most balanced team, heck, I have two Fairy types and half the team is weak to Rock, but it works surprisingly well. Feel free to suggest any alternatives or temporary team members (I had a Haunter as a temp before I got Mimikyu but she was pretty useless so I'm not listing her.) Natures were just what I had, and may not be ideal. I'd encourage you to try finding 'mons with better ones.
Without further ado, let's take a look at the team:

Calcifer the Incineroar
Nature: Lonely
Ability: Blaze
Held Item: Muscle Band
-Darkest Lariat
-Leech Life
-Flare Blitz
-Cross Chop

As I said in an answer on a different question, Primarina is my personal favorite, but Incineroar holds up rather well against the trials and E4. It's an excellent physical attacker and its defenses aren't too shabby either. The only problem is its low speed, but I'm sure you already know about that if you're picking Litten.
Darkest Lariat is Incineroar's signature move, and it has a base power of 85, meaning you're hitting with about 122 power with STAB. Leech Life lets you recover some HP while doing more damage than it has any business doing. Flare Blitz is a very powerful STAB move, though it does do a good deal of recoil damage so keep that in mind. Cross Chop is coverage to help with pesky Rock-types.

Miracles the Magnezone
Ability: Magnet Pull
Nature: Hardy
Held Item: Magnet
-Flash Cannon
-Tri Attack
-Rain Dance

I like the Magnemite line. Their Steel typing means that they resist pretty much everything under the sun, and their defenses are high enough that they can usually tank a super effective hit. This guy is your answer to the Water-type and Fairy-type trial. Flash Cannon and Thunder are STAB. Tri Attack will hit for neutral damage on pretty much everything (and that status effect gimmick can be useful at times.) Rain dance helps out Whiscash and boosts the accuracy of your Thunder.

Fluttershy the Noivern
Nature: Lax
Ability: Infiltrator
Held Item: Scope Lens
-Solar Beam
-Brick Break
-Dragon Claw
-Air Slash

Noibat can be a pain to raise, and might lag behind your other team members for a while, but boy is it worth it in the end. It does quite well during Episode RR. This will end up being your fastest team member, save for Ribombee. Solar Beam is a high-power move that works well in tandem with Ribombee's Sunny Day. Brick Break is coverage for Rock and Ice-types. Dragon Claw and Air Slash are STAB.

Oberon the Ribombee
Nature: Mild
Ability: Shield Dust
Held Item: Silver Powder
-Pollen Puff
-Dazzling Gleam
-Sunny Day

Did you have trouble with Ghetsis in Black and White? Do you hate him and his Hydreigon with every fiber of your being? Do you want the satisfaction of kicking his aft end with a cute little Fairy-type? If you answered yes to any of those questions, Ribombee is the Pokemon for you! This little guy can outspeed nearly everything and has amazing Special Attack for a tiny bug. Pollen Puff is STAB. Dazzling Gleam is STAB and your team's special Fairy move. Sunny Day boosts the power of Incineroar's Flare Blitz and allows Noivern to use Solar Beam without having to charge. Psychic is a high-power move that will deal either neutral or super-effective damage most of the time.

Babo the Whiscash
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Anticipation
Held Item: Amulet Coin OR Shell Bell
-Stone Edge
-Aqua Tail
-Ice Beam

WHISCASH OP PLEASE NERF. I swear, this thing was way overpowered (though to be fair I got it in a trade and I maxed out its affection) and if any of my other team members couldn't handle an opponent, Babo could. I can count on the fingers of one hand how many times she fainted throughout the whole game. Earthquake is STAB and can pretty much demolish almost anything you use it on. Stone Edge is coverage for Flying-types. Aqua Tail is STAB. Ice Beam is a last resort for particularly powerful Dragon-types.

Allister the Mimikyu
Nature: Hardy
Ability: Disguise
Held Item: Fairium Z OR Mimikium Z
-Play Rough
-Shadow Claw

Mimikyu was my replacement for Haunter and my answer to Ultra Necrozma. Its disguise ability lets it get a free hit in, which can be the deciding factor in a battle, and it has all around good stats. Play Rough is STAB that lets it use its Z-Move "Let's Snuggle Forever". Toxic badly poisons the target (and won me a couple of battles coughUltra Necrozmacough). X-Scissor is coverage, though Thunder would work just as well if you run something else on Magnezone. Shadow Claw is STAB.

0 votes

I just beat hau with this team in Ultra Moon:

Alolan Marowak:
Stomping Tantrum
Flare Blitz
Shadow Bone

Leaf Blade
Spirit Shackle
Shadow Sneak

Bone Rush
Dark Pulse
Brave Bird

Alolan Ninetales/Sandslash
Ice Beam
Nasty Plot

Power Gem
Flash Cannon
Earth Power

Zen Headbutt
Aqua Tail

As you can probably tell, I used different exclusives. I was playing Ultra Moon, and I got a wonder traded a Alolan Vulpix with extrasensory as an egg move. If you are playing Ultra Sun, take Braviary and Alolan Ninetales. IF you are playing Ultra Moon, pick Mandibuzz, and Alolan Sandslash.
