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Also if you want put moves they should have
Is this for X or Y; Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire; Sun or Moon; Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon; or LGP or LGE?
The best four overall, or best four to work together?
The best four to work together in double battles on sun and moon
Jolteon, Umbreon, Espeon, and Sylveon I believe.

1 Answer

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(Since I don't know which generation this is for, in some cases I'll put more than four moves, so you can choose the replacement)

Role: Tank
IVs focusing in HP, EVs in HP and defense
Ability: Syncronize
Item: Leftlovers
Double Team/Swagger/Confuse Ray/Curse
Payback/Feint Attack

Role: Setup/Support
IVs focusing in HP, EVs in HP and defense
Ability: Cute Charm
Item: Lum Berry/Babiri Berry/Kebia Berry
Light Screen
Helping Hand

Damage set 1:

Flareon standard set
Role: Damage (to defeat one at a time)
IVs focusing in attack, EVs in attack and speed or attack and HP (It can use both HP or speed to take the upper hand, I recomend speed, but the two things will work)
Ability: Guts
Item: Toxic Orb, Focus sash, Life Orb (Life Orb or Focus Sash, only if you can't have the one with that ability)
Flare Blitz
Facade/Last Resort (Facade if its ability is Guts, Last Resort if is Flash Fire.)
Superpower/Iron Tail/Work Up/Quick Attack

Flareon set for ORAS only
Role: Damage (for hit more than one target at the same time)
IVs focusing in special attack, EVa in special attack and speed or special attack and HP
Ability: Flash Fire
Item: Life Orb/Focus Sash
Heat Wave
Shadow Ball
Hyper Beam/Sunny Day (Don't worry about Sunny Day giving trouble to Vaporeon, since Flareon has a fire move, he can cover her weakness of grass)
Double Team

Role: Damage
IVs focusing in HP, EVs in HP and special attack
Ability: Water Absorb
Item: Wide Lens/Waterium Z
Hydro Pump/Scald
Shadow Ball
Hyper Beam


Now, a combination of Vaporeon and Jolteon as an alternative to use with Umbreon and Sylveon, instead of Flareon

Damage Set 2:

Role: Damage
IVs focusing in HP, EVs in HP and special attack
Ability: Hydration
Item: Wide Lens/Waterium Z
Hydro Pump/Scald
Shadow Ball
Hyper Beam

Role: Damage/Damage support
IVs focusing in speed, EVs in speed and special attack
Ability: Volt Absorb or Quick Feet
Item: Focus Sash
Rain Dance
Shadow Ball
Hyper Beam/Signal Beam

Quick notes: I'm using Hyper Beam a lot with this team because, sometimes, you need to defeat your enemy before he defeats you in one hit, and, if he endures your first hit and defeats you with one hit, you'll never have the chance to hit him twice to finish the job. Having Giga Impact or Hyper Beam could give you the support you need when you don't have a wide movepool. I learned that the hard way! And work very well for me

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Thx for help