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2 votes

its preferable to test this out before answering that is of course if you haven't already, sorry & thank you..

retagged by
did all i could for tagging but might need retagging because i don't have enough points to do so.
I'm pretty sure the "sos-battle" tag is available to you.
tried it several different times with "sos" to "battle" but Nothing popped up about it
so i figure it might not exist (yet) besides i'm sure the question needs more than the
"sos-battle" tag
Looks like the tag didn't exist -- no worries though, it's there now and you should be able to use it from now on.
i don't know how many tags should be in 1 question (although i can probably guess)
but do you think the (3ds) tag should be in the question as well since sun and moon
are 3ds games?
I don't think it matters. You can add it if you think it's relevant enough.
I've tried stacking the two in the past, but there was no noticeable difference. I don't have any solid evidence that it doesn't work though.
What do you mean by stack??? And as far as I could find pressure and unnerve have literally nothing to do with the orb.
All of them increase the call rate in SOS battles, so the Munchin person wondered if having two of them increases the call rate more than having one of them.
yes, exactly sumwun..
ohkay sorry there. i think this might help you a little bit:https://bulbahandbook.bulbagarden.net/pokemonsunmoon/guide/sos-battle-chaining
It only says that both work. It doesn't say anything about stacking.

1 Answer

0 votes

sometime after:

It only says that both work. It doesn't say anything about stacking.
commented 1 day ago by sumwun

ohkay sorry there. I think this might help you a little bit:https://bulbahandbook.bulbagarden.net/pokemonsunmoon/guide/sos-battle-chaining
commented 1 day ago by A.G.47

i've did some long looking on serebii, bulbapedia and bulbahandbook (as well as the link A.G.47 gave above) but found nothing about the abilities/adrenaline orb stacking with eachother execpt for them just making wild Pokémon more likely to call allies for help (as sumwun stated)..


An Adrenaline Orb increases the chance of allies being called (From Bulbahandbook's SOS Battle & A.G.47)

Other wild Pokémon (From Bulbapedia's SOS Battle)

Activating S.O.S. Battles (From Serebii's SOS Battle)

Adrenaline Orb (From Bulbahandbook)

Adrenaline Orb (From Bulbapedia)

Adrenaline Orb (From Serebii)

Pressure (From Bulbapedia)

Unnerve (From Bulbapedia)

Intimidate (From Bulbapedia)

Pressure (From Serebii)

Unnerve (From Serebii)

Intimidate (From Serebii)
