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1 vote

Just got DW Tangela:

Hardy nature (neutral)
Regenerator ability
HP: Dark
IVs: 31/1/25/11/18/8
Sleep Powder
Seeb Bomb - RARE MOVE!!! (PtHGSS only!)

I was thinking about:
Rock Slide
Seed Bomb
Toxic / Stun Spore / Sleep Power

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Wow... I just traded my DW tangrowth away...
But...regenerator + seed bomb... :D

5 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

I think that Tangela would be worth training....once it evolves. Tangela has bad stats, except when it comes to defense. Tangrowth has much better stats all around, except for special defense and speed. With Seed Bomb aand the Regenerator ability that would definitely make it worth training. Here's a moveset I would suggest:

Earthquake (great coverage)
Toxic (I taught mine it; great!!)
Seed Bomb (since it has it; and GREAT STAB)

Good luck and hope this helps =)

Any EVs suggestions?
Sorry, didn't see your comment earlier. I would suggest speed. That way you can use the powerful attacks that Tangrowth can learn fast and effectively.
1 vote

If you want to keep this in Generation 5, then it would not be worth training because a Tangrowth is just a worse Amoongus. Amoongus has only four weaknesses and can learn rage powder.
If you want to transfer this to Generation 7 and use it in doubles, then it's...still outclassed by Amoongus. In Generation 7 BSS, Tangrowth is outclassed by Breloom because Breloom has better physical attack and spore outclasses sleep powder. Tangrowth's advantages over Breloom are its defense stats and regenerator, which are less important in BSS because you're only allowed three Pokemon per battle and it's much harder to switch around with only three Pokemon.

0 votes

Well after watching some Wi-Fi battles using a pesky tangela, I think it's worth training. Using the eviolite and pumping up its HP, Def, and Sp. Def EVs, it can be a great stall Pokemon.

Mine knows

  • Leech Seed
  • Sleep Powder
  • Toxic
  • Protect

Impish Nature

He can't stay in the whole time, though, so make sure you have a good team that could back him up.

Sleep Powder + Toxic?
I have a Tangela with Regeneration and Sleep Powder, but I'm having trouble finding out how to teach it Leech Seed.
Your moveset is the exact one I'm trying to work on.
0 votes


As of Gen VII, Seed Bomb is not rare for Tangela at all. Regenerator is good. I went with a Bold nature, so imho, a Hardy Tangela isn't bad. It isn't the best, but it isn't bad. It's as you said, it's neutral. It is also my understanding that Tangela cannot learn Earthquake.

–2 votes

No, its not. tangela kinda sucks, no offense, but train it if you want, I'd only keep it for trade, though
