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I've been trying to beat him with my level 15 Torracat and level 15 Makahuta and level 12 Spearow and still has not worked could someone please help me?

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3 Answers

1 vote

There are 3 types that are super-effective against Fighting: Fairy, Flying, and Psychic. For the Fairy type, get a Cutiefly. You can find them on Route 2, Route 3, and Melemele Meadow. Most of the Cutiefly have Fairy Wind and will outspeed the Kahuna's Pokemon. I beat the Kahuna with a level 15-ish Cutiefly at half health. You can also get a Drifloon at the Hau'oli Cemetery, and they might know gust, which is super-effective against Fighting types.
I hope I helped!

Source: The DB Pokemon entries and experience

I used a Butterfree and Cutiefly to defeat him.
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Flying types are really good against Fighting types. Level up a Pikipek, Spearow, or my favorite Oricorio. If you're lucky you might be able to find a Drifloon in the Hau'oli Cemetery which is a Ghost and Flying type, Ghost types are immune to Fighting type moves so that gives you an extra advantage. Drifloon learns Gust at level 8 so that move will really help out. Oricorio learns Air Cutter at level 13, which will do a pretty good amount of damage. Best of luck!

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A big problem here is that you are aparently only using 3 Pokemon. this doesn't have to be fair, just load up your team with flying types like vullaby/rufflet, drifloon and oricorio. keep in mind that oricorio is rare, and you could easily use pikipek instead
