PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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In XY.

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Could you clarify?
It's randomized
I'm not understanding your question, but all types can be assigned to a friend safari. By "what type pokemon" do you just mean what pokemon?
sorry. i edited it.

1 Answer

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Normal type Safari:

Slot one:
Teddiursa, Aipom, Dunsparce, or Lillipup

Slot two:
Loudred, Kecleon, Audino, or Minccino

Slot three:
Chansey, Ditto, Eevee, or Smeargle

Fire type Safari:

Slot one:
Growlithe, Ponyta, Magmar, or Pansear

Slot two:
Charmeleon, Slugma, Larvesta, or Pyroar

Slot three:
Ninetales, Braixen, or Fletchinder

Fighting type Safari:

Slot one:
Mankey, Machoke, Meditite, or Mienfoo

Slot two:
Throh, Sawk, or Pancham

Slot three:
Tyrogue, Breloom, Hariyama, or Riolu

Water type Safari:

Slot one:
Krabby, Octillery, Bibarel, or Panpour

Slot two:
Wartortle, Gyarados, Quagsire, or Floatzel

Slot three:
Poliwhirl, Azumarill, or Frogadier

Flying type Safari:

Slot one:
Pidgey, Spearow, Farfetch'd, or Doduo

Slot two:
Hoothoot, Tranquill, Woobat, or Swanna

Slot three:
Tropius, Rufflet, Fletchinder, or Hawlucha

Grass type Safari:

Slot one:
Oddish, Tangela, Sunkern, or Pansage

Slot two:
Ivysaur, Swadloon, Petilil, or Sawsbuck (Spring Form)

Slot three:
Maractus, Quilladin, or Gogoat

Poison type Safari:

Slot one:
Kakuna, Gloom, Cascoon, or Seviper

Slot two:
Venomoth, Ariados, Swalot, or Garbodor

Slot three:
Muk, Drapion, Toxicroak, or Whirlipede

Electric type Safari:

Slot one:
Electrode, Pachirisu, Emolga, or Dedenne

Slot two:
Pikachu, Electabuzz, Stunfisk, or Helioptile

Slot three:
Manectric, Luxio, Zebstrika, or Galvantula

Ground type Safari:

Slot one:
Sandshrew, Wooper, Phanpy, or Trapinch

Slot two:
Dugtrio, Marowak, Nincada, or Camerupt

Slot three:
Gastrodon (West Sea), Palpitoad, or Diggersby

Psychic type Safari:

Slot one:
Abra, Drowzee, Grumpig, or Munna

Slot two:
Wobbuffet, Sigilyph, or Espurr

Slot three:
Xatu, Girafarig, Gothorita, or Duosion

Rock type Safari:

Slot one:
Nosepass, Boldore, or Dwebble

Slot two:
Onix, Magcargo, Corsola, or Pupitar

Slot three:
Rhydon, Shuckle, or Barbaracle

Ice type Safari:

Slot one:
Delibird, Snorunt, Spheal, or Snover

Slot two:
Sneasel, Beartic, or Bergmite

Slot three:
Dewgong, Cloyster, Lapras, or Piloswine

Bug type Safari:

Slot one:
Butterfree, Paras, Ledyba, or Combee

Slot two:
Beautifly, Masquerain, Volbeat, or Illumise

Slot three:
Venomoth, Pinsir, Heracross, or Vivillion

Dragon type Safari:

Slot one:
Gabite or Fraxure

Slot two:
Dragonair, Shelgon, or Noibat

Slot three:
Druddigon or Sliggoo

Ghost type Safari:

Slot one:
Shuppet or Lampent

Slot two:
Phantump or Pumpkaboo (Average Size)

Slot three:
Dusclops, Drifblim, Spiritomb, or Golurk

Dark type Safari:

Slot one:
Mightyena, Nuzleaf, Pawniard, or Vullaby

Slot two:
Sneasel, Cacturne, Crawdaunt, or Sandile

Slot three:
Sableye, Absol, Liepard, or Inkay

Steel type Safari:

Slot one:
Magneton, Mawile, or Ferroseed

Slot two:
Forretress, Skarmory, Metang, or Klang

Slot three:
Bronzong, Excadrill, or Klefki

Fairy type Safari:

Slot one:
Togepi, Snubbull, Kirlia, or Dedenne

Slot two:
Jigglypuff, Mawile, Spritzee, or Swirlix

Slot three:
Clefairy, Floette (Blue Flower), Floette (Red Flower), or Floette (Yellow Flower)


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