I didn't know this Pokemon was such a beast o_o

Pokemon: Ribombee (duh)
Item: @Life orb (you'll see why...)
Nature: Modest (+Sp.Atk & -Atk)
Ability: Shield Dust
Evs: 252 Sp.Atk/252 Speed/ 4 Sp.Def
-Quiver Dance: Quiver Dance raises the user's Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed by one stage each, how can I saw NO to this?!
-Draining Kiss: STAB, This would go great with quiver dance... So much health back! and life orb would go great with this aswell...
-Bug Buzz: STAB, Great power and has a 10% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense by one stage.I didn't go for Pollen Puff because it already has draining kiss and bug buzz has the same power as it so, yeah, and life orb too.
-Moonblast/Aromatherapy: Moonblast has a amazing amount of power, STAB and has a 30% chance of lowering the target's Special Attack by one stage, and plus life orb this would be great, Aromatherapy to get rid of all your status problems in your party.
Yeeeeah....... So thats what I got... I hope this moveset is useful for you.