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I want to use eviolite type: null but I also want to complete my pokedex. legendaries dont have qr codes so that is out of the question and I have no shinies to use as bait on the gts. Any ideas?

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You can offer version exclusives or legendaries for trade.
Dhelmise, starters and Mareanie can fetch a good bargain, due to their rarity.
Thanks for the tip i have extra mareanies with limber ability
well id go for a Salazzle cause there is a low chance of finding a female salandit in the wild. you could also trade a wailord. believe me, i caught a wailord at lv 43 and traded it for a scizor. 2 days later i got one. but with your crisis, you could trade off the legends, or trade an ultra beast like UB Lighting. but here's one thing i don't understand: why dont you want Silvally? it's stats are better than Type: Null. so yeah
He thinks Type: Null would have very high defenses and would be useful as a tank.
not really. Type: Null cannot be a tank because of a number of reasons. 1. if you look at it's stats, they are all the same except for the SPEED stat, which is pathetic compared to Silvally. 2. both TN and Silvally are actually attackers. it has no actual defensive moves in it's move pool. the only defensive move it has would be defense curl. 3. Silvally is AMAZING!!! i use one and it's like a raptor, it gets in then gets out fast. And you have the Memories that Gladion gave you, so you can make Silvally any type to balance out your team.
My advice: evolve TN and if you really want to try out a tank TN, try to find one on the GTS or try to make an egg. As far as i know, Silvally can breed, i think. im trying to do that now actually. im trying to find a Hardy natured Ditto, since Hardy is one of the universal natures of breeding. So evolve TN. It can't be used as a tank, it doen't have the stats for it.
First, you don't know enough Pokemon trivia. Neither Type: Null nor Silvally can breed. If they could, Hatchet wouldn't have asked this question.
Second, a Pokemon doesn't need defensive moves to be a tank. Anything that can take one hit from a lot of sweepers and hit them back for an OHKO can be a tank. Type: Null is strong in all three defensive stats, which is something most walls (like Chansey and Toxapex) can only dream about. I agree that Silvally is better overall, but perhaps his team already has good sweepers and he thinks Type: Null would cover their threats.
Agree. 95/95/95 defenses certainly isn't bad, however it has a poor typing, having no resistances, and although a tank doesn't require defensive moves, they are great on them.
I plan on using a swords dance or two while tanking with eviolite then using return to wreck havok with the stab i by no means plan on making it a tank rather i plan on making it a bulky sweeper
By your definition of "bulky sweeper", that is a tank.
yeah... i found out the non-breeding thing the hard way..... and SORRY sumwun i can't exactly look up every single pokemon fact! I only have internet in a few places for a limited time, so i can't exactly study the stuff. i can look stuff up and get advice from others, but i don't have the time to look up everything!
Don't you battle Gladion's Silvally before going to the Pokemon League?
I'm pretty sure he wants to register it as "obtained".
If you need GTS bait, try eeveelutions. I scored some really good Pokémon with a handful of Umbreon.

2 Answers

1 vote

When on the GTS go to seek Pokemon, then select on Pokemon wanted and scroll down ignoring all the letters you see as you seem to not have seen Silvally. At the bottom there is an option called "What Pokemon?". Select that and type in Silvally's name and select search. This will allow you to search for Pokemon that you have not yet seen in the game. Otherwise you can battle the Pokemon league and gladion shows up as one of the challengers and has a Silvally with him so when you finish battling him you can register it in your Pokemon as "seen".

Source : Personal Experience

0 votes

No. It is not possible to keep your Type:Null but have Silvally in your pokedex, unless you trade that is. You can always trade for Silvally, but, chances are that you won't be able to because a lot of people want legendaries that you don't have. One time, I wanted an Absol because I couldn't catch one and everyone wanted Clesteelia for it. I traded though because I love Absol. :) There might be a chance that someone wants something that you have that you don't want for the Silvally.
