Gen 9 Special Wall
With an awesome type combo of water/fairy and its decent special bulk (taken to the extreme with this EV spread + the Assault Vest), this thing can become a monstrous wall the likes of Toxapex and Cresselia. There's a reason she's gotten a lot of usage in gen 9 singles. Here's a super specially bulky set that I've seen success with:
The Moveset
Primarina @ Assault Vest
Ability: Torrent
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Psychic Noise
- Surf
- Draining Kiss / Moonblast
- Flip Turn
The Breakdown
Psychic Noise: Not only is Psychic Noise nice coverage, but you get to deny your opponent any chance of healing for the next few turns, meaning you get to deal chip damage for free with
Surf: Even without any SpAtk investment, you're hitting your opponent with a stab 95 power 100 accurate water move with a mon that has base 126 SpAtk. This is made even more powerful once you get down to Torrent range. Of course, if you're concerned about recovering HP once you're in that range, you can always hit them with the
Draining Kiss: The only real way for Primarina to heal up while keeping the benefits of the Assault Vest. Draining Kiss allows Primarina to stay on the field for longer and keep doing damage with its other moves. You could also throw Moonblast on here for another powerful STAB option but I personally prefer Draining Kiss.
Flip Turn: Primarina is pretty slow with only 60 base speed. You can use that to your advantage though if you want to get another party member in safely as you'll likely be slower than whatever you're up against.
Other things to note
I think Tera Poison is best for this set because you turn crucial weaknesses to resistances (Poison, Grass), and make yourself immune to Toxic, which can really ruin this set.
If this thing ever gets access to Scald again (or if you're looking to use this set on a National Dex team), it automatically outclasses Surf simply due to how long you'll be able to stay on the field. After hitting several scalds, even if the damage output isn't high, the chance for a burn absolutely is.
Anyways yes happy walling with the best miku coded starter :))