Gen 9 NU Swords Dance

Incineroar @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Fairy / Flying
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Flare Blitz
- Knock Off
- Earthquake / Close Combat / U-turn
None of the Swords Dance sets on here are fast, so here is a Swords Dance set that has Speed EVs. Incinceroar is currently nice in the current NU meta since its typing is useful to check Sun teams. Offensive Swords Dance is the set Incinceroar uses since it takes advantage of Incineroar's power.
Swords Dance lets Incineroar boost its Attack stat to allow it to break through teams easily, making it a potent breaker. Flare Blitz is used for the Fire STAB since it is quite powerful. Knock Off is used over Darkest Lariat for the Dark STAB since it has utility of removing items, which is useful against Pokemon such as Swampert, Diancie, Talonflame, and Slowbro, Pokemon who either check Incineroar or resist Flare Blitz. The last slot depends on what you want Incineroar to deal with. Earthquake is used to hit Diancie super effectively since it resists both of Incineroar's STABs. Close Combat is an option to OHKO Umbreon after a Swords Dance boost and allows Incineroar to still have a move to hit opposing Incineroar with. U-turn allows Incinceroar to switch out against checks while dealing some chip damage to them. There are a couple of other options Incineroar can use in the last slot. Flame Charge can be used to rack up a speed boost(s) if you find the opportunity to do so. Protect is also a neat option so Incineroar can safely scout opposing Pokemon, which is useful against Choice locked Pokemon.
Heavy-Duty Boots is used so Incineroar doesn't take chip from damage from Stealth Rock. Tera Fairy allows Incineroar to resist Fighting moves while still being able to resist Dark moves. Tera Flying is also an option since it allows Incineroar to resist Fighting moves and have an immunity to Ground moves. Intimidate provides useful utility by lowering the attack stat of opposing Pokemon, which can give Incineroar opportunities to get off a Swords Dance.
This set uses Max Speed EVs and a Jolly Nature to allow Incineroar to outspeed slower Pokemon in the tier. The Speed EVs and Jolly Nature is useful against Choice Specs users Sylveon and Magnezone, as it allows Incineroar to outspeed Sylveon and Magnezone (it has to deal with speedties if Magnezone is Timid). Incineroar wants to incinerate Sylveon and Magnezone first, not take a Specs Pixilate Hyper Voice or Specs Thunderbolt first, making the Speed EVs relevant on this set.