PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
0 votes

I've looked around the database and gameFAQ boards, and cant seem to find it. The one thread that did mention a list linked to a guide where I can only find lists for Pokemon in that specific dungeon. The creator mentioned a list in a section of the guide I can't seem to find: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/955859-pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-sky/53649329

What I am looking for is a complete list of recruitment rates. Please dont answer with a guide on how to recruit or anything like that. If a list already exists, please link it or just copy and paste it here.

At the moment, I am also on iOS. Putting it out there in case it changes anything. Any help is appreciated. Thanks :)

edited by
Bulbapedia has a rate in the Pokedex entry for each Pokémon species, but I guess it would be slower to use that.
Thanks. I guess that'll do for now. But I guess I'll leave this up if someone has a full list.

1 Answer

4 votes
Best answer

Bulbasaur: 8.2%
Ivysaur: -10%
Venusaur: -12%
Charmander: 8.2%
Charmeleon: -10%
Charizard: -12%
Squirtle: 8.2%
Wartortle: -10%
Blastoise: -12%
Caterpie: 8.2%
Metapod: -10%
Butterfree: 5.5%
Weedle: 8.2%
Kakuna: 5%
Beedrill: 5%
Pidgey: 8.2%
Pidgeotto: -4.5%
Pidgeot: -10%
Rattata: 8.2%
Raticate: -4.5%
Spearow: 8.2%
Fearow: -4.5%
Ekans: 0.5%
Arbok: -12%
Pikachu: 8.2%
Raichu: -12%
Sandshrew: 8.2%
Sandslash: 0.5%
Nidoran♀: 8.2%
Nidorina: 0.5%
Nidoqueen: -12%
Nidoran♂: 8.2%
Nidorino: 0.5%
Nidoking: -12%
Clefairy: -4.5%
Clefable: -12%
Vulpix: 8.2%
Ninetales: -4.5%
Jigglypuff: -4.5%
Wigglytuff: -12%
Zubat: 5.5%
Golbat: -4.5%
Oddish: 8.2%
Gloom: 0.1%
Vileplume: -12%
Paras: 8.2%
Parasect: -4.5%
Venonat: 8.2%
Venomoth: -4.5%
Diglett: 8.2%
Dugtrio: -4.5%
Meowth: 8.2%
Persian: -12%
Psyduck: 8.2%
Golduck: -12%
Mankey: 8.2%
Primeape: -4.5%
Growlithe: 8.2%
Arcanine: -12%
Poliwag: 6.4%
Poliwhirl: 0.5%
Poliwrath: -4.5%
Abra: 8.2%
Kadabra: -4.5%
Alakazam: -12%
Machop: 8.2%
Machoke: -4.5%
Machamp: -10%
Bellsprout: 8.2%
Weepinbell: -10%
Victreebel: -12%
Tentacool: 8.2%
Tentacruel: -4.5%
Geodude: 8.2%
Graveler: 0.5%
Golem: 0.5%
Ponyta: 8.2%
Rapidash: -4.5%
Slowpoke: 8.2%
Slowbro: -12%
Magnemite: 8.2%
Magneton: -10%
Farfetch'd: 6.4%
Doduo: 6.4%
Dodrio: 0.5%
Seel: 3.9%
Dewgong: -4.5%
Grimer: 6.4%
Muk: -4.5%
Shellder: 6.4%
Cloyster: -4.5%
Gastly: 8.2%
Haunter: 0.5%
Gengar: -10%
Onix: 1%
Drowzee: 6.4%
Hypno: -4.5%
Krabby: 6.4%
Kingler: -4.5%
Voltorb: 6.4%
Electrode: -4.5%
Exeggcute: 6%
Exeggutor: 0.5%
Cubone: 8.2%
Marowak: -4.5%
Hitmonlee: -10%
Hitmonchan: -12%
Lickitung: 8.2%
Koffing: 6.4%
Weezing: -12%
Rhyhorn: 6.4%
Rhydon: -10%
Chansey: 6.9%
Tangela: 6.4%
Kangaskhan: 6.4%
Horsea: 8.2%
Seadra: -10%
Goldeen: 8.2%
Seaking: -4.5%
Staryu: 8.2%
Starmie: -4.5%
Mr. Mime: -4.5%
Scyther: 8.2%
Jynx: -4.5%
Electabuzz: 0.5%
Magmar: 0.5%
Pinsir: 8.2%
Tauros: 6.4%
Magikarp: 8.2%
Gyarados: -4.5%
Lapras: 6.7%
Ditto: 8.2%
Eevee: 8.2%
Vaporeon: -12%
Jolteon: -12%
Flareon: -12%
Porygon: 6.4%
Omanyte: 6.4%
Omastar: -4.5%
Kabuto: 6.4%
Kabutops: 0.5%
Aerodactyl: 8.2%
Snorlax: -12%
Articuno: 20%
Zapdos: 10%
Moltres: 30%
Dratini: 8.2%
Dragonair: -4.5%
Dragonite: -10%
Mewtwo: -22%
Mew: 20%
Chikorita: 8.2%
Bayleef: -10%
Meganium: -12%
Cyndaquil: 8.2%
Quilava: -10%
Typhlosion: -12%
Totodile: 8.2%
Croconaw: -10%
Feraligatr: -33.9%
Sentret: 6.4%
Furret: -4.5%
Hoothoot: 6.4%
Noctowl: -10%
Ledyba: 8.2%
Ledian: -4.5%
Spinarak: 6.4%
Ariados: 0.5%
Crobat: -12%
Chinchou: 8.2%
Lanturn: -4.5%
Pichu: 5.1%
Cleffa: 8.2%
Igglybuff: 8.2%
Togepi: 6.4%
Togetic: -12%
Natu: 8.2%
Xatu: -4.5%
Mareep: 8.2%
Flaaffy: 0.5%
Ampharos: -4.5%
Bellossom: -4.5%
Marill: 0.5%
Azumarill: 0.5%
Sudowoodo: 0.5%
Politoed: -12%
Hoppip: 8.2%
Skiploom: 0.5%
Jumpluff: -10%
Aipom: 6.4%
Sunkern: 5.2%
Sunflora: -12%
Yanma: 8.2%
Wooper: 8.2%
Quagsire: 0.5%
Espeon: -12%
Umbreon: -12%
Murkrow: 6.4%
Slowking: 12%
Misdreavus: 8.2%
Unown: 8.2%
Wobbuffet: -12%
Girafarig: 6.4%
Pineco: 8.2%
Forretress: 0.5%
Dunsparce: 6.4%
Gligar: 8.2%
Steelix: -10%
Snubbull: 6.4%
Granbull: 0.5%
Qwilfish: 6.9%
Scizor: -12%
Shuckle: 8.2%
Heracross: 6.4%
Sneasel: 6.4%
Teddiursa: 8.2%
Ursaring: -12%
Slugma: 8.2%
Magcargo: 0.5%
Swinub: 8.2%
Piloswine: -12%
Corsola: 8.2%
Remoraid: 8.2%
Octillery: -12%
Delibird: 8.2%
Mantine: 8.2%
Skarmory: 8.2%
Houndour: 8.2%
Houndoom: -4.5%
Kingdra: -12%
Phanpy: 8.2%
Donphan: 0.5%
Porygon2: 5%
Stantler: 6.4%
Smeargle: 6.8%
Tyrogue: 6.4%
Hitmontop: -12%
Smoochum: 6.4%
Elekid: 8.2%
Magby: 8.2%
Miltank: 8.2%
Blissey: -12%
Raikou: 5%
Entei: 6.4%
Suicune: 6.4%
Larvitar: 8.2%
Pupitar: 0.5%
Tyranitar: -12%
Lugia: 10%
Ho-Oh: 10%
Celebi: 20%
Treecko: 8.2%
Grovyle: -10%
Sceptile: -12%
Torchic: 8.2%
Combusken: -10%
Blaziken: -12%
Mudkip: 8.2%
Marshtomp: -10%
Swampert: -12%
Poochyena: 8.2%
Mightyena: -4.5%
Zigzagoon: 8.2%
Linoone: 0.5%
Wurmple: 6.4%
Silcoon: -10%
Beautifly: 0.5%
Cascoon: -10%
Dustox: 0.5%
Lotad: 6.4%
Lombre: -4.5%
Ludicolo: -12%
Seedot: 8.2%
Nuzleaf: 0.5%
Shiftry: -12%
Taillow: 6.4%
Swellow: 0.5%
Wingull: 6.4%
Pelipper: -12%
Ralts: 5%
Kirlia: 0.5%
Gardevoir: -10%
Surskit: 6.4%
Masquerain: -10%
Shroomish: 6.4%
Breloom: 0.5%
Slakoth: 8.2%
Vigoroth: -10%
Slaking: -12%
Nincada: 6.4%
Ninjask: 0.5%
Shedinja: -12%
Whismur: 8.2%
Loudred: -10%
Exploud: -12%
Makuhita: 4%
Hariyama: -12%
Azurill: 8.2%
Nosepass: 6.4%
Skitty: 6.4%
Delcatty: -12%
Sableye: 8.2%
Mawile: 6.4%
Aron: 6.4%
Lairon: 0.5%
Aggron: -10%
Meditite: 5.5%
Medicham: -12%
Electrike: 6.4%
Manectric: -10%
Plusle: 8.2%
Minun: 8.2%
Volbeat: 8.2%
Illumise: 8.2%
Roselia: 6.4%
Gulpin: 6.9%
Swalot: -12%
Carvanha: 0.5%
Sharpedo: -12%
Wailmer: 4%
Wailord: -12%
Numel: 6.4%
Camerupt: -12%
Torkoal: 6.4%
Spoink: 6.4%
Grumpig: -10%
Spinda: 6.4%
Trapinch: 8.2%
Vibrava: 0.5%
Flygon: -12%
Cacnea: 6.4%
Cacturne: 0.5%
Swablu: 6.4%
Altaria: -12%
Zangoose: 6.4%
Seviper: 6.4%
Lunatone: 6.4%
Solrock: 6.4%
Barboach: 8.2%
Whiscash: 0.5%
Corphish: 8.2%
Crawdaunt: -12%
Baltoy: 5.6%
Claydol: 0.5%
Lileep: 6.4%
Cradily: -4.5%
Anorith: 8.2%
Armaldo: -4.5%
Feebas: 8.2%
Milotic: -12%
Castform: 6.4%
Kecleon: -49.5%
Shuppet: 6.4%
Banette: -10%
Duskull: 6.4%
Dusclops: -10%
Tropius: 6.4%
Chimecho: 6.9%
Absol: 8.2%
Wynaut: 8.2%
Snorunt: 6.4%
Glalie: 0.5%
Spheal: 8.2%
Sealeo: 0.5%
Walrein: 0.5%
Clamperl: 8.2%
Huntail: -12%
Gorebyss: -12%
Relicanth: 6.4%
Luvdisc: 8.2%
Bagon: 6.4%
Shelgon: 0.5%
Salamence: -10%
Beldum: 6.4%
Metang: 0.5%
Metagross: -10%
Regirock: -12%
Registeel: -12%
Regice: -12%
Latias: 0.1%
Latios: 0.1%
Kyogre: -10%
Groudon: -10%
Rayquaza: -10%
Jirachi: -12%
Deoxys: -10%
Turtwig: 8.2%
Grotle: -10%
Torterra: -12%
Chimchar: 8.2%
Monferno: -10%
Infernape: -12%
Piplup: 8.2%
Prinplup: -10%
Empoleon: -12%
Starly: 8.2%
Staravia: 8.2%
Staraptor: 1.5%
Bidoof: 8.2%
Bibarel: 3.5%
Kricketot: 8.2%
Kricketune: 4.5%
Shinx: 8.2%
Luxio: 0.5%
Luxray: -12%
Budew: 8.2%
Roserade: -12%
Cranidos: 8.2%
Rampardos: 1.5%
Shieldon: 8.2%
Bastiodon: 1.5%
Burmy: 8.2%
Wormadam: 8.2%
Mothim: 8.2%
Combee: 6.4%
Vespiquen: -4.5%
Pachirisu: 8.2%
Buizel: 8.2%
Floatzel: 0.5%
Cherubi: 8.2%
Cherrim: 1.5%
Shellos: 6.4%
Gastrodon: 8.2%
Ambipom: 8.2%
Drifloon: 2.5%
Drifblim: 2.5%
Buneary: 8.2%
Lopunny: -12%
Mismagius: 8.2%
Honchkrow: -12%
Glameow: 8.2%
Purugly: -10%
Chingling: 8.2%
Stunky: 8.2%
Skuntank: 0.5%
Bronzor: 8.2%
Bronzong: 1.5%
Bonsly: 8.2%
Mime Jr.: 8.2%
Happiny: 8.2%
Chatot: -10%
Spiritomb: -10%
Gible: 8.2%
Gabite: 8.2%
Garchomp: 0.5%
Munchlax: 8.2%
Riolu: 8.2%
Lucario: -10%
Hippopotas: 8.2%
Hippowdon: 8.2%
Skorupi: 8.2%
Drapion: -12%
Croagunk: 8.2%
Toxicroak: -12%
Carnivine: 8.2%
Finneon: 8.2%
Lumineon: 8.2%
Mantyke: 8.2%
Snover: 8.2%
Abomasnow: -10%
Weavile: -12%
Magnezone: -12%
Lickilicky: -12%
Rhyperior: -12%
Tangrowth: 8.2%
Electivire: -12%
Magmortar: -10%
Togekiss: -12%
Yanmega: -10%
Leafeon: -10%
Glaceon: -10%
Gliscor: -4.5%
Mamoswine: -12%
Porygon-Z: -4.5%
Gallade: -12%
Probopass: 8.2%
Dusknoir: 8.2%
Froslass: -10%
Rotom: -12%
Uxie: 100%
Mesprit: 10%
Azelf: 100%
Dialga: 100%
Palkia: 100%
Heatran: 8.2%
Regigigas: 100%
Giratina: 8.2%
Cresselia: 100%
Phione: 100%
Manaphy: 100%
Darkrai: -22%
Shaymin: 100%
Arceus: Cannot be recruited

Sources: Every Bulbapedia page for each Pokemon up until Arceus

selected by
Woah dude. Thanks so much. This really helps. Seriously, didn't think someone would type this all out for me. Thanks again!