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I'm building an X-Y In-Game team and I was looking for Ice Types. One that caught my eye was Glaceon. Then I realised that the Ice Rock is all the way in the Frost Cavern, and that would mean having an unevolved Eevee for 2/3 of the game. Is Glaceon worth it? If not, please suggest a good Ice type in place of it!

My Team
-Wood Hammer
-Spiky Shield
-Hammer Arm
-Bulk Up

-Bug Buzz
-Air Slash

-Water Pulse
-Ice Beam
-Dark Pulse

-High Jump Kick
-Zen Headbutt
-Ice Punch
-Mind Reader

-Cross Poison
-Toxic Spikes
-Hone Claws
[1]: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/ptdechoclan/images/d/d6/Chesnaught.gif/revision/latest?cb=20131211222951
[2]: http://graphics.tppcrpg.net/xy/normal/469F.gif
[3]: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/pokemon/images/0/0a/MegaBlastoise_XY.gif/revision/latest?cb=20131208134921
[4]: http://graphics.tppcrpg.net/xy/normal/308M.gif
[5]: http://graphics.tppcrpg.net/xy/normal/452F.gif

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I thought Yanmega couldn't learn Fly...
Nope, it can't.
strong pokemon team. but, use aura sphere instead of surf on blastoise

1 Answer

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I would say Glaceon isn't worth the wait. Though Glaceon has a high sp. attack stat. It know more physical than special. Unless you transfer your Pokemon to ORAS and find a move tutar that know signal beam or water pulse. Your Glaceon is locked onto really 3 moves,

Ice beam/blizzard
shadow ball

Glaceon will only be a helpful the dragon type elite 4. However, Her drudigon knows revenge and her noivern knows flamethrower.

I would honeslty prefer a mamoswine or a walrein so maybe you should get those. Glaceon is still a choice since it is tanky but its moovpool aint that good.

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