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I uploaded a Ditto into the GTS on Pokemon X and asked for a Misdreavus. Logged in a few hours later, checked the GTS and Ditto had been traded. Before the trade completed, my console crashed (gave me a black screen and an error about holding down the power button to turn the system off). When I restarted, Misdreavus was showing in my party and the trade appeared to have completed. Now, however, whenever I access Misdreavus - to move it into the storage system, trade it again, release it, check it's moves, ANYTHING - my console crashes and I get the same black screen/error message.

My guess is that my console/game doesn't understand how I have Misdreavus; that it's actually stuck in transit somewhere, and I have a copy that my game doesn't think should exist so it's crashing.

Just wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this and found a work-around? Everything else seems to function normally, as long as I don't try to do anything with Misdreavus.

I'm using a physical cartridge and I've "repaired" the latest patch, hoping that would do something (it didn't).

This happened to me... Somewhat. I was playing my black when the top screen of my game went black. Not the bottom screen, just the top. Otherwise, working fine. I still managed to find and catch a chinchou despite my lack of a top screen (don't ask me how), and I managed to access the GTS. However, my system crashed midway through the trade. I turned it back on, and I had got the pokemon I wanted (a snivy), but I ALSO had the chinchou. Nothing was ever wrong with it, so I think your hypothesis is probably correct. Have you tried viewing the summary of a Pokemon in the same box as it and then switching to Misdreavus' summary?
As an experiment...  have you tried moving the PC box that the Misdreavus is located in?  While in your PC, hit the button in the bottom left.  Click and drag the PC box and see what happens.
I was thinking that too, but I don't think that it will have any problems moving the box. It's just the Pokemon that's glitchy.
Misdreavus is in my party. I can't move it to my PC without the game crashing.

I just tried flipping through Summaries and while Misdreavus' opened, the game crashed a couple seconds later.
Have you tried using the stylus to drag it over?
I had not. I just tried and got the same error message.
I wonder...  If you go to the PC, can you try to move a different Pokemon into the slot currently occupied by the Misdreavus?  This would cause them to switch spots.  In that manner, at least you could get the bugged Pokemon out of your party.

What happens if the Misdreavus gets sent out in battle?
Omg that worked! I was able to use my stylus to drag another Pokemon from my PC on top of Misdreavus and they switched spots without error.

If Misdreavus is sent out in battle the game crashes. Oddly enough, it can level up through Experience Share while in my party.
At least the misdreavus is out of your party. I recommend moving it to a box you know you won't use and leave it there by itself.
@ Shiny Hunter Luna or you could release it

just a suggestion though
*facepalm* they said they couldn't release it.

1 Answer

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There has been several issues with hackers offloading glitch Pokemon to test the antivirus software built into the Nintendo systems. make sure the 3ds you use is always up to date, if you get a Pokemon with any glitching like that it's best to report it to Nintendo, if they can't help you, Get rid of the misdrevous simply by using poke bank or another game to evacuate any other Pokemon or items and permanently deleting the game save file. You lose the game, but it's better to delete it before it corrupts the card. A shiny Milotic did that to my Diamond Version. I had to buy a secondhand Diamond to replace mine because it began crashing even after I got it into the box. GTS was awesome, why do people have to do that?:(
