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I'm thinking along the lines of Whimsicott, Serperior, Jumpluff, Lilligant. Something fast to set up leech seed and substitute quickly. Who out of the above would be best suited to the role?

Whims or Serperior are the best subseeders due to their speed/priority and decent backup offences.

4 Answers

1 vote

How about this:

Gourgeist-Small @ Leftovers
Ability: Insomnia
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Leech Seed
- Substitute
- Confuse Ray
- Seed Bomb

Though it's not as fast as Whimsicott and Jumpluff. (With a base speed of 99)
It can take hits better than those two.

Whimsicott can use Cotton Guard but I couldn't get a good moveset for it that utilizes Cott. Guard, Sub, and Leech Seed.

This moveset also works good IMO:

Gourgeist-Small @ Leftovers
Ability: Insomnia
EVs: 152 HP/104 Def/252 Spe
-Leech Seed
-Rock Slide/Disable

This set can be used to help boost the Speed of Gourgeist at the cost of not boosting its Defense as much.

The only issue with Gourgeist in general is its ability to handle Grass- and Fire-Types which is why this set uses Rock Slide. Disable can be used at the cost of coverage and risk of Taunting.

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1 vote

Whimsicott, in my opinion, is the best Subseeder in the game for one main reason- Prankster. But, it does have some other great qualities.

It can set up Substitute first, Stun Spore/maybe GrassWhistle opponents for instant status, and can heal first with Synthesis or heal while hurting the opponent with Giga Drain. Its typing is also great, being the only Grass/Fairy, and has many other things that can be abused, like Taunt, Tailwind, Encore, and Leech Seed.

252 HP and Defense, Bold Nature
@Leftovers, Prankster
Leech Seed
Giga Drain

Also, if you want a really fun option, you can use a Level One Cottonee.

Cottonee (Lv. 1)
No EVs, Nature doesn't matter
@Focus Sash, Prankster, 0 HP IVs
Leech Seed

This set is hard to pull off, but works when it does. Use Leech Seed first so your opponent gets you down to your Focus Sash and you heal. Then, alternate between Substitute and Protect to slowly wear down your opponent and heal every turn. Taunt when you think your opponent will Taunt you or is a very bulky Pokemon.

0 votes

Not on your list, but Venusaur can make a great Sub Seeder. I've taken to calling it Vampire Venusaur.

-Leech Seed
-Giga Drain (egg move)
-(filler to taste/needs)

Not exactly fast outside of Sun, but is quite chunky allowing it to take a hit if needed while setting up.

0 votes

I've found gogoat an amazing subseeder
My setup:

Gogoat @ Leftovers
Ability: Grass Pelt
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Grassy Terrain
- Substitute
- Leech Seed
- Horn Leech

It's an amazing way to recover a ton of health in your substitute, and damage your target, you can fiddle with it a little by putting a rocky helmet on it for example.
