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Also the other fossil Pokemon I want them all.

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1 Answer

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In XY, you can obtain the Helix Fossil randomly by using Rock Smash in Glittering Cave. However, it is exclusive to Pokémon Y. If you want it in X you will have to trade for it. Furthermore, it can only be obtained after defeating the Elite 4 and Champion.

You can obtain all other fossil Pokémon via this method, with the exception of Tyrunt and Amaura. Only Aerodactyl can be obtained pre-E4. Afterwards you can get them all. Kabuto and Omanyte are exclusive to Y and Anorith and Lileep are exclusive to X.



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Nvm. Beat me to it.
I know this is old but you made an error. You should've put "Kabuto and Omanyte are exclusive to Y and Anorith and Lileep are exclusive to X." Instead of putting, "Kabuto and Omanyte are exclusive to X and Anorith and Lileep are exclusive to X."
I've fixed it because I hate errors that much :P