Scizor is red.
Kethup is also red.
Heinz ketchup.
Heinz has 5 letters.
Claus also has 5 letters.
Claus is a German name.
Germans started both World Wars.
You know what was also in both World Wars?
Sopwith Camels were the dominant Allied planes in WWI.
Spitfires were the dominant Allied planes in WWII.
Fire-breathing camels.
Camerupt is a Pokémon based on a camel that can breath fire.
Camerupt has a Mega Evolution.
Reguler Camerupt has two volcanohumps.
Mega Camerupt has one volcanohump.
2 + 1 = 3 volcanohumps
Volcanoes are commonly found in the Ring of Fire.
Ring of Fire is a song by Johnny Cash.
Johnny Cash was American.
Florida is a state in America.
Florida is part of the bermuda triangle.
Planes go missing in the Bermuda Triangle.
Planes like Sopwith Camels and Spitfires.
Alien involvement is suspected.
Aliens could have volcanohumps.
If Mega Camerupt has a total of 3 volcanohumps, and aliens also have volcanohumps, and aliens are found in the Bermuda Triangle, then there are aliens with 3 volcanohumps inside the Bermuda Triangle.
There are three sides of a triangle.
The aliens have 3 volcanohumps.
Volcanohumps spew lava.
Lava is red.
Scizor is red.
The opposite color of red is green.
American dollar bills are green.
The Illuminati symbol is a green triangle with an eye.
Scizor has an eye.
Scizor is Illuminati confirmed.