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It's Uber according to Smogon's tier system. Why is it so much worse in Monotype than in standard battles?

do you mean why is it so much worse in standard battles than monotype? cuz otherwise i'm confused :0
No. It's banned in OU but not in Monotype. That means that it's better in OU than it is in Monotype.

1 Answer

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He's banned in mono as well. All OU restrictions also apply to Mono with the addition of aegislash on Steel teams.

Here ya go, champ. All the info you need.


And just to clarify on that tier clause for OU


Final edit: I was informed that the brick and mortar packet data is incorrect, and that the clause regarding OU clause exclusions only applies to move restrictions and similar. Uber restrictions on OU no longer apply, and the monotype will soon be broken up into tiers of its own.

Final answer: Landorus is not banned in Monotype because the council is relatively new and has had to give priority to too many flying type suspects already. When monotype is broken into tiers (monotype uber, ou, uu, etc...) later this year with LC, the restricted lists will be fleshed out.

Big argument was why Blaziken was banned but Landorus T was not, as they use a three type rule. If a Pokemon can create an 80 percent win rate or higher against 3 or more types on its own, it meets the criteria for ban. Landorus T fits the bill.

Give it time and the format will adapt.

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On my link, it specifies that all OU tier clauses apply. Then it proceeds to expand upon that. Not allowing Uber tier Pokemon in OU is a tier clause. Come on. This is common sense.
Ok. Check the new edit. I can't simplify it any further.
Pokemon bans aren't clauses. These are clauses: http://www.smogon.com/xy/articles/clauses
The ban on Uber Pokemon in OU falls under what Smogon calls "Play Restrictions": http://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/formats/ou/
I wanted to make mention of this terminology, because your answer makes it sound like Monotype's restrictions are the same as OU's, which they are not (restrictions being every rule in play including clauses and Pokemon bans). For example, Monotype doesn't ban all Uber Pokemon like OU does and instead has its own banlist, which includes Pokemon like Talonflame that aren't in Ubers and also excludes Pokemon like Deoxys-D that are in Ubers.
I also want to use this comment to make mention of something I didn't notice earlier, which is that Landorus-I is indeed one of the Uber Pokemon that is not on Monotype's banlist and therefore your answer is wholly incorrect.
Smogon kits provided to participating locals spells it out plainly. Even though I don't host Smogon format, the 2015 edition clearly states in the third article of section 3 of the monotype segment, eligible Pokemon, "... refer to the Uber Tier clause from the Overused format (see pg 07) in addition to format exclusive sanctions regulated by www.smogon.com when checking for a player's team's eligibility in Monotype tournaments." It then goes on with some garbage dictating their ever changing policy. Basically, if the big boss wants to use a broken Pokemon, it's unbanned and its checks rotate out of play. Hence why I dislike Smogon so much.

Regardless, the only banned Pokemon clause in OU is that Uber can't be used in OU. It would be a redundant exclusion if it didn't exclude anything. I can't find anything validating what you said, so. .. as I have been told several times, provide a source to validate your statement.
Smogon kits provided to participating locals spells it out plainly. Even though I don't host Smogon format, the 2015 edition clearly states in the third article of section 3 of the monotype segment, eligible Pokemon, "... refer to the Uber Tier clause from the Overused format (see pg 07) in addition to format exclusive sanctions regulated by www.smogon.com when checking for a player's team's eligibility in Monotype tournaments." It then goes on with some garbage dictating their ever changing policy. Basically, if the big boss wants to use a broken Pokemon, it's unbanned and its checks rotate out of play. Hence why I dislike Smogon so much.

Regardless, the only banned Pokemon clause in OU is that Uber can't be used in OU. It would be a redundant exclusion if it didn't exclude anything. I can't find anything validating what you said, so. .. as I have been told several times, provide a source to validate your statement.

Edit: I received feedback from the mono council. I was informed that the brick and mortar packet data was incorrect and was updated in June. Therefore, I retract my statement.